Chapter 52 - "So what do we do now?"

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4th of February, 1997 - 08:00

When I woke up that morning to Tom surprisingly still asleep. He has never been one for lie-ins but it was something that I knew I could grow accustomed to. Taking in a sigh of tiredness I shifted around until I found a new comfortable position. My head lying in Tom's chest and my leg over his. As I was going to go back to sleep I felt two arms rap around me, pulling me closer to the man that I had married no less that two days ago. Smiling to myself; now content I drifted off into the land of the dreams once again.

- -

Again, I shifted around trying to make myself comfortable. I felt a hand tug it's way through my hair. I had chosen to grow it out longer, so it now reached my shoulders.

I shifted again as the hands tugged their way through a knot in my tangled hair. I groaned and opened my eyes a crack looking up at Tom, who was trailing his hands through my hair.

Harry - "Tommmmmm."
Tom - "Good morning, Love."
Harry - "Let me sleeeep."
Tom - "How about... no?"
Harry - "pleaseee?"
Tom -"Dark lord. We get up now."
Harry - "No fair."
Tom - "Life isn't fair, sweetheart."
Harry - "hmf."

We ended up getting out of bed and getting dressed. Then heading into the dining room for breakfast.

Harry - "So what do we do now?"


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