Chapter 5 - day 6

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Well I had the basics of the first Wizarding War summed up for me. I will admit the Lestrange's are good company even if they do follow Voldemort. I'll give it another week before I loose hope in Dumbledore and the order of the Kentucky Fried Chicken.... wait I mean the order of the Phoenix. Merlin, they are rubbing of on me.

It's been as far as I can tell six days since I was tossed into this dump. The gruel served twice a day is thin, watery and bland. We get two glasses of salty water which has been drawn from the sea that surrounds the prison. It really isn't nice here but I'll deal with it. Suddenly a voice brings me out of me thoughts.

Rodolphus - "Harry?"
Harry - "Yes, Rodolphus?"
Rodolphus - "Well we where thinking... most wizards and witches weather they are pureblood or half blood have more regal names. So we were wondering how you ended up as 'Harry'?"
Harry - "I actually don't know what was even put on my birth certificate, I've always just been called Harry."
Rabastian - "Well your name could be 'Harrison' after most of your descendants."
Harry - "I don't know my family tree so it's just your opinion."
Bellatrix - "We can check it out when our lord breaks us out of Azkaban."

Here we go again!

Harry - "Your lord."
Bellatrix - "Whatever you say, Potter."

With that the conversation abruptly ended Bella and Rodolphus going back to whatever they were doing before and Rabastian who had already given up had went back to sleep. I went to the other side of the cell and sat down deciding to go to sleep for a bit.

The next time I woke up it was 'dinner time' the gruel was gruesome as always and the water salty as always. I best get used to this it will be my 'home' for the rest of eternity anyways. My hope is quickly dying now.


Shoved in a cell - TomarryWhere stories live. Discover now