Chapter 34 - (Crashing) The Yule Ball: Part 1

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25th of December, 1995 - 18:00
(Tom's minions have already been told about them)

I was standing in front of a mirror in Tom's... our bathroom, Lucius had invited us as his guess to attend the Yule Ball at Hogwarts. Tom face was filled with glee when he was told that he could infiltrated Hogwarts right under Dumbledore's nose, Dumb-as-a-door recognising him and still get away scott free. I would be attending along with Tom as his spouse but had to glamour my eyes; they were now a dark hazel, the same as my fathers. I had kept my hair grown out the way it had been from Azkaban as it was neater and easier to work with. Tom also glamoured his eyes to the frosty blue they used to be but that made it all the more hilarious. I took a breath before stepping out on the on suite bathroom and making my way down to the entrance hall where I was to meet Tom and Lucius and Narcissa. I walked into the hall and Narcissa walked up to me and greeted me with a warm hug before Tom cleared his throat and suggested that we should go.

We apparated to the edge of Hogwarts' grounds were we met Cornelius Fudge who greeted us warmly along with another toad-like woman who looked towards Tom and me with disgust in her eyes. I ignored the look she gave me and let Lucius introduce us.

Lucius - "Minister, these are my extended invitation guests; Mr Thomas Riddle and his husband Mr Hadrian Riddle."

Tom looked like he wanted to murder Lucius for using his given name.

Fudge - "Pleasure to meet both of you. If you don't mind me asking what are your occupations?"
Tom - "I am a private tutor while my husband teaches in an No-Maj elementary school."

Fudge looked confused until Lucius explained that we were from America and that's what American wizards and witches called muggles and that an elementary school.. Fudge, Lucius and Tom kept talking while Narcissa and I started a conversation that Umbridge was rudely listening into. We approached the carriages that were waiting. Seeing the thestrals I walked over and started running my hand along its back.

Umbridge - "Oh. You can see the thestrals, Mr Riddle?"

I turn round and see Umbridge looking at me suspiciously, Narcissa gave me a sad look, Tom looked ashamed while Lucius and Fudge looked neutral. I smiled a sad smile and replied;

Harry - "Yes, my parents were torched in front of me by the No-Maj when I was seven years old in the last witch hunt."
Umbridge - "Then why teach them surely you would have a strong resentment towards then?"
Harry - "Even when I was left orphaned and lived on the streets for two years a nice no-Maj couple took me in, knowing that I am a wizard."

Umbridge shut up after that and we boarded one of the carriages and travelled up to the school. Tom, ready to give Dumbledore the shock of his life.


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