Chapter 13 - day 734 (part 1)

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I have gotten over my shock from almost a week ago, it took a couple of hours to get over it. Right now I'm being dragged by my hair down to one of the visiting rooms, it has been at least two years since I have had these shackles on my person. I'll admit I'm glad that the 'aurors' don't come up to the top tower often or I would have cuts littering my face. From my right eyebrow down to the middle of my cheekbone the blood was flowing my right eye was blinded with the flow of the blood entering my eye. As the auror, I think his name was Higgins burst into a room that seemed weirdly... warm? Yanking me into a chair. I look in front of the table I'm sitting at only to be faced with the familiar face of his potions Professor and another not so familiar face of Lord Lucius Malfoy. They were both looking nauseated by the way I had been brought into the room. Higgins who had finished securing me to the reenforced metal chair looked at the two on the other side of the table before saying that we had thirty minutes. He looked down at me, so I took the opportunity and spat out the blood that had dripped into my mouth on his shoe. I knew he was angry and he slapped me over the face to which I just laughed a quiet chuckle at. He quickly left the room to me and the other two sitting across the table from me...
While Lord malfoy sat their seemingly appalled by what he had just seen Snape started into the conversation.

"What happened to you Potter?"


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