Chapter 41 - "What does it say?"

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21st of June, 1996 -  14:00

I was walking down the stairs towards the dark lord's study. He was putting off listening to the stolen prophecy and I will admit it is starting to get annoying. I stopped once I got to the dark wooden door, and took in a breath. To be honest I don't know if I want to listen to it. Something just unnerves me about listening to it. Shaking myself out of thought I knock the door, hearing a muffled enter. I open the door and go into the room, seeing Tom sit there doing his dark-lord-stuff made me smile, he looked up as I went to sit down but before I reached the seat I felt a hand grab my waist and guide me onto Tom's lap.

(I will forever deny it but Tom believes I blushed Weasley red.)

Harry - "Tom, we need to listen to the prophecy."

I watched as Tom looked away after I finished the sentence, I knew it was something to do with the prophecy.

Harry - "Please don't worry, prophecies are made as 'guidelines' of what might happen, you don't actually need to follow them. Most are self for filling."

Tom looked back over at me studying the truthfulness of my words and facial expressions. A couple moments later Tom pulled out a box, and inside was the prophecy which was wrapped in newspaper. I could see that Tom's had was shaking so I took the supposed prophesied end for one of us out of his hand. I looked over at the big-bad-scary-but-this-time-scared dark lord, and smiled. Holding the prophecy up against my ear it started to speak;

"The one with the power to vanquish the dark lord approaches... born to those who have thrice defied him, born as the seventh month dies... and the dark lord will mark him as his equal, but he will have the power the dark lord knows not... and either may die at the hand of the other for they can live and survive... the one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord will be born as the seventh month dies..."

The study was so quite for a moment that you could hear a pin drop. Before I had had enough of the awkward silence.

Harry - "Well that doesn't really matter, then."
Tom - "I guess it doesn't."
Harry - "And what were you scared of?"


Harry - "Tom come back!!"



I want to first of all say that I'm glad to be back writing and that my break was longer that I had hoped it would be.

Also I want to thank you for all your supportive comments in my last authors note. I really appreciate them and I am trying to get by, it really has taken its toll on me. My friends and family have to listen to me complain as I haven't been able to get a good nights sleep and I have been feeling hella sick. I wasn't able to eat without throwing up a couple hours later. But I'm getting better now and I want to keep publishing daily chapters.

Another thing I want to say is that I have to sit one of my GCSEs In just under 3 weeks, so I will be taking a couple days off before that or I will have prepared chapters wrote that I can publish.

Thank you all who got through this incredibly long, hard to read authors note. Until next time...

Have a good day or night.

Shoved in a cell - Tomarryحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن