Chapter 6: Drills for Days

Start from the beginning

"So let's get started!" Chris says clapping his hands together. "Let's start off with 3 laps around the field." He says starting to run around the perimeter of the empty field. I follow Chris running around the field 4 times instead of 3 because the boys except Chris were being extra slow, or maybe that's how slow they really run.

If it is, then we're in trouble. I jog back over to midfield gulping down some cool refreshing water from my bag.

"Alright. We're going to try some drills coach thought us last season. Remember the box?" Chris asks and they all nod except me.

"Ok, well I want Dylan, Evan, Janetta, Mason and Xavier to heading over to work on accuracy with the 4 cone drill. Mason you lead." Chris commands and the 5 of us walk over to the 30 yard line where Chris has set up 4 orange cones about 8-10 yard apart.

"We'll start with Xavier. When I point the ball to the cone you ether shuffle, lateral, or back petal to get that cone. Remember to fast and efficient on these boys." Mason says picking up the football. After a few reps of Xavier, Dylan and Evan showing me I begin.

"Ready J?" Mason asks

"As I'll ever be." I reply stepping in the middle of the box.

"Lateral.....Shuffle......Now, Back Petal.......Forwards.......Shuffle...Shuffle forwards.....Lateral...Lateral back" Mason says pointing the ball at different cones and me stepping carefully but agile making sure not to trip over myself and touching the top of the cone. Than all of the sudden Mason screams "BALL!!" I rush over to where he has tossed the ball, faking a pic, I rush over covering the ball with my body protecting it.

"That was really good Janetta!" Mason says patting my sweaty back.

"Thanks, but I really messed up on that shuffle forwards." I say honestly quite ashamed at that mistake.

"Are you kidding!?! That was great!" Dylan says slapping my sweaty back and smiling at me.

"Thanks guys." I say and grab some more Gatorade. I sat down on the bench before Dylan jogs over and does another set this time with bands. Bands are literally the worst thing ever in football conditioning. They are made of rubber and strap on just below the knee, they connect your knees together so you move with more resistance. They're terrible and hurt when ya snap 'em but they've made my so agile and strong for cutting corners perfectly without loosing balance on the field. Dylan comes back over and plops down next to a tired Xavier, pulling off the bands.

"Alright whose next?" Mason questions raising the football waist high looking for his next victim.

"How about....You!" I say pointing at Mason, he gives an awkward confused look to me before grinning than shoving me the football.

"It's on, Robinson." He looks to me and sprints over to the cones. I jog and stand in front of him ball in my right hand.


"Ready!" He says and I point the ball to the back right corner. He back petals and reaches the cone I point to the front left cone and he sprints over already looking winded. I point the ball to the left, than the back corner, than the right front corner, back to the left, than back again.

"Ball!" I yell and roll the ball into the center of the cone, but it being a football, it bounced up and squirted to the left. Mason dived for it and stood back up clearly exhausted and sweat gliding his half naked chest and abs.

Yep, these idiots decided to take off their practice jerseys and show off their Abercrombie and Fitch model torsos and abs. I was fine with it then taking off their shirts because it was hot and humid outside plus I've played football with egotistical boys long enough to just not care anymore about what guys look like, so I wasn't bothered by it. Even though I was surprised when they all had model bodies but I'm sure they were trying to show off. After more drills that Chris had set up that we practiced I was bored to death and sweating like crap.

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