Wendy: "Well did he do magic then?"

Nathaniel: "He should've hid it somewhere in his ship. Happy, Carla, Lily I want you guys to go to the ship and found his vessel and take it out of commission"

Carla: "But why us?"

Nathaniel: "Well you three are small so that gives you the advantage to be stealthy and more over with you having a brain, Happy luck in sense of direction and Lily's strength you can destroy that thing while we fight Hades"

Happy: "With that said you all cam bet on is to destroy it"

Freed: "Well we are going on the Defense team"

Bickslow: "Someome has to watch our guild mates when those bastards came back."

Lissana: "Since I'm not that strong enough to beat one of the kin I will stay here"

Levy: "I'll stay here and help Freed with his runes for a barrier"

Wendy: "I'll be coming with big brother they all need the support they can get"

Lucy: "I should also stay put"

Happy: "C'mom Lucy we are on a team"

Natsu: "Yeah Lucy we are not gonna let you stay here, you are coming with us"

Nathaniel: "And also I need another summoner to look out for me okay. We will do a good job together Lucy"

Lucy: "Well I guess I'm in"

The team has been settled Natsu leads the party while Nathaniel was on the back being the rear guard of the team.

Nathaniel: "Shouldn't be that much farther to the coastline now!"

Natsu: "Hey, someone is up ahead!"

They stopped to find Erza and Gray, both with visable injuries.

Lucy: "Hey guys!"

Wendy: "Found you!"

Natsu: "Hey, feel like getting some payback?"

Nathaniel fill them with the plan they had he and Wendy heal them. They continued on their way and finally made it to the coastline where the Grimoire Heart Ship was located.

Natsu: "Hey you old fart give us a way in there!"

Gray: "We owe him one for gramps."

Erza: "He'll get what's coming to him soon enough."

Wendy: "So if we beat him in time, the rest of them will leave and the magic council won't blast us with Etherion."

Nathaniel: "That's the plan. They're gonna have to swim back after we're done with their ship though. Team Exceed are we clear at the plan?"

Happy: "As Crystal"

Gray: "We've kept him waiting long enough. Let's rock!"

Gray created a set of stairs heading straight up to the top of the ship. Happy, Carla, and Pantherlily entered the ship from the bottom while Nathaniel, Natsu, Erza, Wendy, Lucy, and Gray charged up to the top of the ship.

Erza: "Don't forget he has even more power than our master. When we reach the top hit him hard and fast got it?"

Wendy: "Yeah, okay!"

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