The arrow pierces Jonah's clothes and I feel a scream escape my lips. 

"That's what I thought, you little piece of trash!" William says, smirking down at the limp body of Jonah. "For talking about my wittle baby Chocolate and threatening to kill her, you psychopath!" 


"Ha, karma always bites back," he laughs, voice bouncing down the halls. "Besides, you're a horrible creature for trying to kill my baby." 

No. No. No. 

"Serves you right, you pathetic ham." William kicks at Jonah's body, and my heart seems to crack into a million pieces. 


"Ah well, that was pretty fun, don't you think?" William's brown eyes meet mine, and he smiles. "We both know you could've saved him, coward.

I'm glass. I'm breaking. 

"You can't even save your friends," he scoffs. "Good thing I'm not your friend. Because I'd die if that happened! Haha, get it?" 

I try to battle my tears. "Welp, this was fun, but you gotta go too." William grabs the arrow from Jonah's body, before lunging towards me- 

I start running. Away from this nightmare. Away from this bloody scene. Away away away - far away, where I could just be safe. 

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