09⏐jade green

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I had a normal childhood, except for the fact that my father went missing when I turned six. 

But it was okay. From what I could tell, my father was dismissive and didn't really like children. It was fine, because I didn't like him anyways. 

Besides, I had my mother and Jay-Jay. They helped support and provide the most normal childhood I could ever had. 

We played chess, etiquette classes that involved knives, and practiced thieving from thieves - my mother trained Jay-Jay and I for the worst. 

But when the time came, we were weak and we failed. 

It was still okay. Because even though we were separate - Jay-Jay in a castle, me back in my village - it didn't matter. We were still best friends forever. 

At least, that's what I thought. 

Six years ago: 

"Lena, darling," my mother sighs, giving me a disproving look. "What did I tell you? Keep that scarf on your head at all time, or I'll feed the cat you." 

I pout, adjusting the stupid scarf. "Why do I have to look weird when I meet Jay-Jay again?" I grumble. "I look ugly." 

"Because he's royalty," she replies. "Now stop slouching, dear. We don't want your spine to get crooked and snap in half, do we?" 

I wrinkle my nose in disgust, before scoffing. "You can go in," the man says, nodding towards the door. 

Two years of not seeing Jay-Jay, I think nervously, as I step into the dark room. Will he be the same? He'll definitely be the same, I mean, you can't really change after two years- 

I pause, staring into familiar chocolate brown eyes. A laugh escapes me. "Jay-Jay?" I breathe. "Is that you?" 

I don't wait for him to answer. Instead, I tackle my best friend into a hug... to which, he sidesteps. 

I stumble, raising my head up. Jay-Jay stares back. 

He looks the same, with the same brown eyes and same dark hair - but he's wearing fancier clothes. 

"Lena?" Jay-Jay says this in a slow voice, like he's saying an unfamiliar word. 

I wait for him to smile. To do the same friendship handclap we've had for the past years. To give me a signal - anything - that my best friend is still here. 

But instead, he looks indifferent, almost like he doesn't know me. "Um, do you need anything?" Jay-Jay asks. "Food? Clothes? Shelter?" 

"I want my friend back," I say, holding out my hand. "Remember the handshake?" 

He looks at my hand, like it contains a disease. "Pardon?" 

"Handshake, Jay-Jay," I repeat. "Come on, you stupid idiot, just do it!" 

The man towards the door makes a menacing move in my direction. "We don't tolerate insulting the prince kindly," he snarls. "Either you want something, or you leave." 

My lips purse, before I turn towards Jay-Jay again. "Jay-Jay," I say, tone pleading. "Please." 

"Why do you keep referring the prince as that infuriating nickname?" The man scowls, crossing his arm. 

"He's right," Jay-Jay says. "There is no Jay-Jay. I think you must be confused. I'm Prince Jayden." 

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