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"You'll do every single thing I ask you to," the woman whispers, lips curling up as she points a knife at a little girl. "Or else I'll kill your friend." 

My breath is caught in my throat. I'm scared. I can't let her die. 

"Yes, Mother," I whisper, voice trembling. "I'm sorry." 

The girl stares back, sadness lacing her eyes. I suddenly want to cry and run over and hug her and just pretend that this cruel dark world doesn't exist. 

But I can't. Because if I do, the little girl dies. And I can't let that happen. 

"Boo," someone whispers in my ear, and I let out a scream. 

"Jeez- what the hell is your problem?" I snap, glaring at Jonah, who smirks in return. 

"Sorry, Lena," he says innocently. "You were kinda spacing out there. I almost had to resort to prodding you with the knife." 

"Ugh." I scowl. "Whatever." 

"So what's on your mind? Are you nervous about killing William?" Jonah teases, before his smile drops, noticing my expression. "I'm sorry, that was a bad joke." 

"Yeah, that was," I mutter. "It's just- have you ever had memories that you've never remembered before, until now?" 

Jonah stares thoughtfully into the distance. "Hmm, I guess?" He shrugs. "I remember some stuff about my childhood, but sometimes you forget things, you know? And then they come rushing back again." 

"But have you ever had, like, a memory that's so horrible you can't forget? But then you do?" I shake my head. "I'm not making sense right now. I just saw something that... was horrible." 

"Oh." Jonah grows quiet. "Do you want to talk about it? Or something? You don't have to, but you know, people like sharing things when their walking to their doom." 

I slowly nod. Maybe I do want to share. "When I was unconscious, I had a dream that I was being punished for something," I say. "I never had this memory before, and there was this person that called me... Your Highness." 

His face is unreadable. 

"And just now, someone - I don't know who, but I called the woman 'Mother' - threatened to kill a little girl." My voice drops. "And I didn't... want her to die." 

Jonah stiffens for a second, before patting my back in a reassuring manner. "I'm sure it's just a nightmare," he says. "I mean, that happens. A daymare or whatever, but technically would it be considered a nightmare? Because you weren't asleep when it happened, but it is nighttime." Jonah smiles a little. "Don't worry, Lena. If you're scared, it's okay. I'm scared too." 

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