03⏐emerald tiaras

37 10 22

I immediately duck down for somewhere low, teeth grinding together when I realize that all the competition's rooms are next door, side-by-side. 

I need to get somewhere people can't see me. 

My feet moves accordingly, towards the West Hall. We aren't allowed to surrender without being in true danger, so I needed to lure the weakest one. 

Snatching out the butter knife I saw earlier, I throw it as Jonah, who's amber eyes immediately dart towards me. 

I start moving, tossing a glance over my shoulder. Good, he's following me. The boy's footsteps come a shadow after mine, though he's doing a good job of keeping up. 

I skid around the corner, taking out the diversion dust from the bag. Then I stop, lips curved into a hungry smirk. 

Jonah folds his arms, looking bored as he saunters in my direction. "I found out from the other's that you just had an attitude problem," he finally says, shrugging. "So your earlier statements are forgiven." 

Come on, I urge him. Attack me. I made you angry. Throw a knife at me or something, and I'll dodge. 

"So you don't mind if I still call you Ham?" I mock, arching an eyebrow. 

"I would still prefer you not," he replies, stopping in front of me. "You're quite pretty, Lena. Has anyone told you that before?" 

My eyes narrow. What is he planning? To flirt with his prey, before stabbing me in the back? "Yes, actually," I say airily. "My boyfriend says that all the time." 

Jonah gives me an appraising look, before tucking a lock of my hair behind my ear. "You are such a liar," he whispers in my ear. "You know, I think I have you figured out." 

I back away, heart fluttering. "Yeah?" I mimic him stance, arms crossed. "And what would that be, Ham?" 

"You're trying to surrender early, aren't you? You don't want to play the game." His amber eyes searches mine. "You want me to attack you, before you surrender. That's what you want, right?" 

My lips purse. Calm down, Lena, you don't even have to panic. Remember, Jonah doesn't have any special abilities, so he can't do anything about it. "If that is, what are you going to do about it?" I tilt my chin up. 

Jonah shakes his head, chuckling softly. "You don't know, do you?" he asks. "If I kill you, Magdalena, you'll die. They took out the surrender this year." 

My heart stops. "What?" I sputter. "No, I checked the rules a billion times! They said that if you need to surrender, you tap your watch twice!" 

"Shouldn't have run out of the room. Prince Jayden announced it that morning. They wanted to spice things up a bit." 

Panic, mixed with a bit of fury, comes in shades of vivid blood-red. Surrendering was my only option and the only plan I'd thought of. I hadn't thought that I would have to actually play. 

"Still want me to attack you?" Jonah asks. 

Words fail me. How was I supposed to come out alive now? I wasn't strong enough or fast enough or skilled with weapons at all! I didn't have anything special that could divide me from everyone else. 

"Stay away from me," I warn, shuffling through the bag, before pulling out a knife. "If you move an inch, I'll throw it, I swear." 

He raises his hands in the air. "I followed you because I had a proposal for you," Jonah says. "What if we team up? We have a bigger chance of surviving together, you know." 

"Against power-wielding people?" I laugh, before the smile drops. "Yeah, right. You bull-crapping me right now." 

"Your choice." Jonah turns, before walking out of the hall. "Let me know if you change your mind, yeah?" 

I lean against the wall for support. I had to play? Disbelief courses through me. No, no, no - I couldn't. I didn't even have a plan. 

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