Chapter 52 Promises

Start from the beginning

Futaba: You know...Makoto told us what happened earlier.

Nhazul: I figured.

Futaba: Well, you haven't really been the same after you got back, it's been two whole days and you hadn't made a joke or laughed at all.

Nhazul: No, I guess I hadn't.

Futaba: Well it's all good now! You laughed!

Nhazul just looked at Futaba.

Nhazul: So, the thing you did. It's supposed to take the pain away?

Futaba: Yep!

Nhazul: Alrighty then.

Nhazul then put his hand on Futaba's face and she started blushing. M

Nhazul: Pain, pain. Fly far away...

Futaba: B-But...I'm not hurt anywhere.

Nhazul: Yeah, but I noticed you looked really pale for the past few days. I get the feeling you haven't been sleeping.

Futaba: O-Oh! T-T-That's cuz I've been playing this really cool game...!

Nhazul: And your hands. They were shaking like mine. What's wrong?

Futaba didn't say anything and looked down.

Futaba: I...I've been having nightmares....

Nhazul: Nightmares?

Futaba: I dreamt that you got badly hurt...even worse then how you are now from our plan...And your hands got colder and colder and it wasn't stopping...I did everything I could but nothing was wouldn't open your eyes... I thought I was going to lose you...just like with my mom...

Nhazul: ...

Nhazul then patted Futaba's head and smiled at her.

Nhazul: Don't worry. I'm not going anywhere. And Futaba, thank you for looking after me.

Futaba then looked at Nhazul wide eyed and tears started streaming down her face and she hugged Nhazul tightly crying into his chest and he just patted her head.


It's currently the next day and currently, Nhazul, Morgana and Futaba are downstairs in Leblanc, waiting for the others to get there after school.

Sojiro: Hey, are you sure it's okay for him to be down her right now? I mean, wouldn't it be bad if a Shujin student walked in and saw him?

Futaba: Nah, don't worry about it.

Nhazul: You're gonna jinx it if you keep talking about it.

Suddenly, the door opened and Kasumi walked into Leblanc and she was completely shocked to see Nhazul.

Kasumi: Huh?!

Sojiro: What did I just say...?

Futaba: Nah, still fine.

Kasumi then ran up to Nhazul.

Kasumi: Nhazul Senpai?! You..You're not lik a stunt double or something, right?!

Nhazul: No, I'm Nhazul's twin brother, Minato.

Kasumi just looked at Nhazul pouting and with tears in her eyes

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Kasumi just looked at Nhazul pouting and with tears in her eyes.

Nhazul: Okay, okay. It's really me.

Morgana: Well, are you pleased? I'm the one who set this up a little surprise from me to you. I asked Futaba to do me a favor...

Futaba: And I asked Akira to pass the message along to Kasumi.

Morgana: I knew you'd be wiped out for awhile, so I made sure to give you time to recover first.

Kasumi: Thank goodness! I'm just so happy!

Morgana: No one cares about my scheme?!

Sojiro: Well, it looks like you know what's been going with him. Take a seat, why don't you? No reason to stand around. I'll let you all get caught up.

Sojiro then left and the four of them sat in a booth together.

Futaba: S-So, you're...Kasumi, right? W-Wassup? It's a pleasure meeting you!

Kasumi: Yes, nice to meet you as well, Futaba!

Futaba: Mona tells me that you helped Nhazul out in the Palace a while back. We're awfully grateful for that.

Kasumi: Oh no, it's my pleasure. He's usually the one who helps me out. Not only that, I'd promised to repay his kindness to me, no matter what.

Futaba: What a refined response! Are we really around the same age?

Nhazul: Back to the topic of Palace. Not that I didn't appreciate the help, but...what the hell were you doing there in the first place...?

Morgana: I was thinking the same thing.

Kasumi: That's, ah...

Futaba: I was wondering that too. Of course I'm super grateful that you saved Nhazul...But if our plans had somehow leaked, then we need to change our tactics from here on out.

Kasumi: It started about a week ago, when we had lunch together on the roof of the school...I got the feeling that something big was going to take place that day, so...I'm so sorry! I was actually following you the entire time!

The three of them looked at her completely shocked.

Nhazul: I'm sorry, what...?

Futaba: We were tailed there?!

Morgana: We definitely had no idea about that..

Nhazul: ...-_-...Makoto definitely needs to take notes from you...

Kasumi: I've been considering for awhile now...Perhaps I should be fighting alongside you if I have a special powers like Senpai. I wondered if an outsider like myself should even get involved, but I couldn't just stand back and do nothing...

Nhazul: Well, I still appreciate you saving me.

Kasumi: Oh, it was nothing compared to how much you've done for me in the past. But correct me if I'm wrong, but're not done here yet, are you? Then perhaps I ought to lend you a hand.

Morgana: Well, we could definitely use the additional firepower, but...

Kasumi: Senpai?

Nhazul: I appreciate the offer, but it's too dangerous.

Kasumi: Well, you say that, but...

Morgana: Honestly, we have no idea what risks you would face. Our enemy this time is more dangerous then anyone else so far. Also, we pretty much brought this entire mess down upon ourselves, so this is on us. We're delighted by the offer, but we really can't drag you into this any further. Moreover, you have something to do yourself, right?

Kasumi: ... I believe I'd be acting selfishly if I were to press any further. Very well, I understand your reasoning. If that's the situation, then I'll wait for you to return...But you have to promise me this. You'll come back safe no matter what. I don't ever want to feel as horrible as I did when I thought you...

Nhazul: I promise.

Kasumi: And I really do believe you.

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