Chapter 90 - Unnecessary Trial

Start from the beginning

Ahsoka finished getting dressed before me and once I was finished, she wrapped her arms around my waist and buried her head into my chest.

"I'm going to miss you." She said.

"I'll only be gone a day or so." I said.

"But, you, you might not be." She whispered. "You, you could never, never come back."

I lifted Ahsoka's chin up to face me. She looked into my eyes with her own baby blues, tears beginning to well in them slightly.

"Ahsoka, I will come back, for you. I promised I will, and no matter what happens, I will find a way back to you. I promise."

Ahsoka smiled at me before pressing her lips against mine. I held the back of her head up against my lips and held her waist with my other arm to keep her up. She sighed as I did so and held on even tighter.

Soon though, she backed away from me and looked into my eyes.

"Should you get going now?" She whispered.

"To get my suit, yes." I said.

Ahsoka nodded as she got out of my arms and back onto the floor.

"Let's get going then." She said.

I smiled at her before telling Vega to open a portal to the Grand Army of the Republic headquarters for us.

Me and Ahsoka stepped through the portal and back into the GAR headquarters. There were still a lot of people running around busily.

"Why's everyone panicking?" Ahsoka asked.

"With what happened to Hayden and the situation, elsewhere, everyone has a hell of a lot of stuff to do." I said.

Ahsoka nodded at me before we began to make our way over to the Seraphim's office.

As we got to the corridor down to his office, we noticed that it was cornered off by clones and that they weren't letting anybody in.

"Uh, we aren't allowed in there." Ahsoka said.

"Yes we are." I replied as I walked up to the guards.

"Sir, nobody is allowed past this point." One of the clones said.

"And why not?" I asked.

"Because of, Dr Hayden has had something, happen to him and he's, not the same."

I smiled at the clone.

"I know what's happened to him, now let me through."

I stared into the clones visor to try and intimidate him.

"Sir, I'm not going to be allowed to do that. The Senate called a meeting and voted on no-one being allowed near to him until he has identified himself."

I went to snap back but Ahsoka stepped Infront of me.

"Boys, you don't know what you're dealing with." She said. "(Y/n) needs to go see Hayden, or, should I say, the Seraphim. He is the one who made (y/n) as powerful as he is, and he is more powerful than all of us combined. He created us, and when (y/n) says he needs to see him, he means it."

The clones looked at one another for what to say.

"I'm afraid that I'm not going to be allowed to let you through."

I growled as I pulled Ahsoka back.

"Ahsoka, go." I said.


"Just, go." I said.

She started to back away as I looked back at the clones. I pushed them aside and just walked right past them into the quarantined zone.

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