Chapter 26

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Dean was currently driving me to the airport to head to Cabo.
We finally arrived there and he insisted on walking me to the girls.
"I'll miss you." He told me.
"I'll miss you too." I told him truthfully.
"Can I get a goodbye kiss?" He asked.
"We're in public." I told him, not that I wanted to hide our "relationship" or anything, but I didn't feel like being publicly affectionate before we were officially together. 
"They'll find out sooner or later. Can I please have a kiss?" He asked.
"Fine." I groaned.
I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him.
I heard a series of 'Aww's from the girls and I blushed.
"Happy?" I asked him.
"Very." He replied.
"Bye Dean," I said.
"Bye Ella." He told me, patting me on the cheek.
He handed me my bags and I walked towards the girls.
"That was the cutest thing!" Nikki exclaimed.
"Are you sure you're not official yet?" Brie asked.
I rolled my eyes at them.
"Cabo here we come!" Naomi exclaimed.
"Brie mode!" Brie yelled.
Maybe this trip won't be so bad after all.
We went through security, got some food and got on the plane.
I'm sitting in between Naomi and Nikki.
After the first fifteen minutes of the flight, Naomi fell asleep.
Nikki and I began to talk about John and Dean and anything we could think of.
After about two hours of gossip, I fell asleep on Nikki's shoulder.
Before I knew Nikki was shaking my shoulders telling me we arrived.
We got our stuff and walked off the plane.
There was a bar as soon as we exited and of course, Nikki loved that.
I texted Dean to let him know we made it to Cabo.
We had a driver pick us up in a van and bring us to the house.
It was insanely beautiful and it was huge.
"Brie this is incredible!" I told her.
"We all get our own rooms!" Eva exclaimed.
"Lauren and Katy are on their way!" Nikki exclaimed.
I was so excited to see them.
"This is going to be so great!" Brie exclaimed. 
We all settled in and were hanging out in the kitchen when the doorbell rang.
I went to open the door and saw Lauren and Katy.
"Ella!' They both said.
"I missed you guys so much!" I exclaimed.
"We missed you more!" Katy said.
"Yeah!" Lauren agreed.
"Well come on in guys!" I told them.
The girls walked in with me and we went to where the rest of the girls were.
They hugged Brie and Nikki and introduced themselves to the rest of the girls.
I began talking to Nattie and Eva.
At first , I wasn't crazy about them, but they're both so sweet. I guess I should've realized, based on how close I am with the Bellas, that I'd probably like their friends too.
"You ready to hit the club?" Nikki asked.
We all responded with a chorus of 'yes's' and 'yeah's.'

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