Chapter 61

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I was awoken from my nap by the sound of my door opening.
Without opening my eyes, I knew exactly who it was for two reasons: one being, nobody else has a key to my room and the second one being, I know that scent.
"Dean," I mumbled, opening my eyes and sitting up.
"Ella," he responded, taking a seat on my bed.
"I'm so sorry," he said before I could respond.
"It's fine Dean."
"No it's not," he said, "I shouldn't have meddled in your career. It was never my business in the first place."
"Yeah you're right. I just- that night I couldn't really articulate why I felt so hurt by you going behind my back like this. But then I realized, this has been the craziest year ever for me. I've never felt less in control of my life before. But these past few months, you have been the only consistent thing in my life. What we have hasn't ever faltered. I couldn't control the fact that my family will always try to micromanage everything I do. I can't control who my biological father is. I can't control who lies to me. I also can't control you. I just thought you'd know me well enough to be a little smarter. You know I'm sensitive to lies and betrayal."
"I know Ella. I wish I could go back in time and keep my mouth shut. I trust you. I should've trusted you before. I knew you wouldn't cheat on me or anything like that, but I should've trusted that you could take care of yourself. I-I've never really had to look out for someone before. So I- I'm just sorry for overstepping," he said while looking down.
I pulled him in for a hug, "Look at me Dean. It's okay. After having a couple days to think about it, I know you truly thought you were doing what was best for me."
"No Ella. You don't have to act like it's okay because it's not. I've had time to think too. I was selfish. That's your career that I messed with. I was so stupid."
"Dean stop," I said, "I talked to my mom. All you did was express concern for me and my well being. Although you should've never gone to her in the first place, she made the final decision to cancel that storyline."
"Yeah but. I don't know. I just really regret it," he said.
"I know you do."
He looked right into my eyes and said, "Things were going so great. I always mess up the good things in my life."
"I love you Dean. I don't want you to think that one little fight could change anything between us. You didn't mess anything up," I told him.
"Are you sure?" He asked.
"Positive," I said.
"I'm just really sorry. And I love you too. I was gonna go talk to your mom and tell her she should call the storyline back on, but I checked myself. I said, if Ella wants to do the storyline, she'll find a way to do it," he said which caused me to laugh.
"Good Dean. You're learning," I laughed, "and I'm glad that we can communicate like this now. But I have a better idea in regards to a storyline, one that's a little closer to real life."
"And what might that be?" He asked, visibly getting more comfortable on my bed, which made me happy to see.
"I don't want to align myself with the authority anymore. I don't like the direction they're heading in and I don't want to be a part of it. I want to make some sort of announcement siding with Daniel and Brie."
"That's awesome El. I'm proud of you," Dean said pulling me in for another hug.
I can't believe I went three days without being hugged by him. I went from seeing him everyday for like four, five months, to not speaking to or touching him for three days.
"I hated being away from you," I said.
"Me too El, me too."
And he planted a kiss on my cheek and pulled me in even closer. This was right where I needed to be.

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