Chapter 70

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The boys were about to begin their match against Evolution. I was considering going out with them but decided against it. They said I should only make an appearance if I felt it was absolutely necessary. The boys still didn't really want me to get involved because it could make things weird between my family and me, which I understood but didn't agree with. I'm a Mcmahon. My family has had so much drama that has been televised and capped off with fights. There really wasn't anything I could do that would be unsalvageable. But I wanted to respect my friends' wishes, so I sat in the Shield's locker room and waited.

Evolution came out and got in the ring, gloating a bit while their music still played. After it cut off, there was an awkward silence in the arena. The Shield wasn't coming out yet. Their music hadn't began. The boys made them wait. 

Finally, the familiar:








rang through the arena, and the crowd erupted in cheers.

They finally made their way down the stairs to the ring with determined looks on their faces. Both groups stood on opposite sides of the ring before they faced off in the center of the ring. 

Roman and Randy, Dean and Batista, and Seth and my dad went after each other. 

The boys cleared the ring, tossing all three Evolution members out of it one by one. Soon enough, Evolution got back in the ring. Seth and my dad started the match, while the other four men stood on the apron. 

The bell rang and they went at it for a while, exchanging punches, forearms, and kicks.

Seth clotheslined him out of the ring before hitting him with a suicide dive, before throwing my dad back in the ring. Randy stalked Seth, hoping to get to him while the ref attended to my dad in the ring, but Seth hit him with a right hand, throwing Randy off guard. 

Seth got back into the ring only to be clotheslined by my dad, who then rolled over and tagged Batista in. As usual, he was met with boos from the impassioned crowd. He dominated Seth for a bit before tagging in my ex-onscreen flame, Randall Keith Orton. He decided to taunt the boys as he controlled Seth, then he tagged my dad back in, who continued what he started, going after Seth and keeping him in their corner, tagging Batista back in after what seemed like a few seconds. I hated to admit it, but their plan was smart. So far every member of Evolution had been in the match at least once, and Seth hadn't even made a tag yet. 

Batista had Seth's head dangling out the ring as he attacked him with vicious elbows and then a kick to the side of the head that made me cringe.

The Shield's momentum had clearly dwindled at this point in the match.

Batista tagged Randy, and Randy began to target Seth's ankle before picking him up with minimal effort and dropping him on the ropes.

I bit my lip nervously as Randy pinned Seth, but Seth kicked out at two. I so badly wanted to go out there, but I had to let Seth make a tag first. I didn't want them to think I didn't believe in them. And truthfully, this feud was more personal between the two factions. I didn't want to make it about myself, but I knew I would do anything I could to help them win.

Randy did what Randy does best which was playing mind games with the boys. He had locked Seth in a headlock but mocked him by making sure he had to look at his teammates who he couldn't quite reach to tag in.

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