Chapter 46

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Randy vs Roman was set to happen right now. He and I already walked down the ramp together and the shields music blasted through the arena.
Roman entered out first, then Dean, then Seth.
They all hopped over the barricade with the same serious expressions on their faces.
I couldn't help but smile when Dean sent a wink my way. Roman got in the ring, and I stood opposite the boys.
The bell rang and they immediately locked up.
Roman got the upper hand after clotheslining Randy a few times. 
I backed up to the barricade and turned around, and decided to converse with a little girl.
"Hi!" I smiled.
"Oh my god." The little girl whispered, causing me to smile, "You-you're Ella and you're talking to me!"
"I love you so much!" She exclaimed.
"Aw I love you too." I smiled.
She was so cute.
"Can I have a hug?" She asked.
"Of course." I smiled.
I gave her a hug and as soon as we broke apart, I saw a look of horror on her face.
"Ella look out!" She yelled. But as soon as I turned around, I saw blonde locks and a chair being smashed on my head.
It knocked me down against the barricade.
I couldn't really concentrate, but it looked like Dean was yelling at-Summer. And Seth was near, but I don't know what he was doing. Summer looked scared, dropped the chair, and ran back stage.
As soon as I looked back in the ring, I saw Randy RKO Roman as soon as he turned around.
He got the three count and the ref held up his hand.
Dean and Seth got in the ring and were attacking Randy.
I tried to get to my feet, but had a little trouble.
But once I was up, I slid in the ring and told the boys to back up. I looked out the ring and saw my little friend's mother (presumably) drying her tears.
I stood in front of Randy and had an angry look on my face.
I helped him up and held up his hand.
I slid out the ring. And grabbed my title that was on the floor, right where I got smacked with the chair.
I saw the little girl and gave her one more hug.
Randy got out the ring and I helped him up the ramp.
"Go to the trainers room." I told him.
He had a bit of a limp and some trouble walking.
"Okay. Bye Ella." He chuckled.
We parted ways, and I heard my name being called.
Obviously when I recognized the voice of my boyfriend, a smile immediately grew on my face.
"Hey." I smiled.
"Hey babe. Are you okay?" He asked, as we embraced.
"Yeah. Why wouldn't I be?"
"Uh. Summer. The chair." He suggested, "Do you have any recollection of that?"
"Oh yes, almost forgot about that." I laughed, "And I already know what you're going to say, but I don't need to visit the trainer."
He chuckled and said, "You know me well princess."
"Oh and what did you end up saying to her?" I asked.
"I said, 'I've never hit a girl before, but I have no problem laying a hand on you if you touch my girlfriend one more time' and it scared her away." He said.
"How romantic." I joked.
"Mhm." He mumbled, as he pulled me in for a hug.

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