Chapter 15

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Nikki knocked on my door and I immediately let her in. She looked worried for me and quickly pulled me in for a hug, "Are you okay?" she asked me.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I breathed out.
"What's wrong?" She asked.
"I like Dean." I blurted out.
"Ambrose?" She asked surprised.
"Yes." I told her frantically.
"I thought you hated him," she said slowly, "What changed?" 
"I don't know. We went on a date tonight and I saw a different side of him. He was so sweet and he has a sense of humor. I don't know what to do Nikki!" I told her.
"You're rambling." She told me, "Let me text Brie."
Nikki texted Brie and Brie replied saying she'd be here in five.
"I can't like Dean Ambrose!" I exclaimed.
"Why not?" She asked.
"Because," I started, "you know the reputation he has."

"Reputations can be deceiving, and the way you just described him proves that."

"You're right Koko-" I said before getting cut off by knocks at the door.
Nikki went to open the door and I put my head in my hands.
"Hey El. What's wrong?" Brie asked as she sat next to me.
"I like Dean Ambrose. Like, I like like him." I told her quickly.
"The Dean Ambrose who goes around and attacks people? The Dean Ambrose that is known for being a manwhore? That crazy guy?" Brie asked even more shocked than Nikki.
"Hey you can't help who you love." Nikki said.
"Woah woah woah. Who said anything about love?" I said quickly.
"Ella, stay away from him. He's dangerous." Brie warned me.
"Brie I'm not even sure about my feelings yet," I told her.
"Ella. This is probably just a little crush that you'll get over in a few days," Brie assured me, "besides, when did you start feeling this way?"
"Tonight." I told her.
"We went on a date tonight. At first, it was just a joke, but I realized how much fun I was having with him. He was just so easy to talk to and he could keep up with me. But that's the problem. I don't want to like him. At least I think so. I honestly have no idea what's going on up here." I said as I pointed to my head.
Nikki chuckled and Brie had the same puzzled look on her face.
"I think that's adorable." Nikki said.
"I'm not going to stop you if you decide that you have feelings for him. But just think about it. I'm sorry if I sound like a bitch, but I don't want you getting hurt." Brie said.
"Thank you Nikki, and I understand what you're saying Brie. I don't want to catch feelings for him if all he wants from me is sex." I told them, "What would you do if you were me?"
"I think you should go for it. When you're sure about your feelings, tell him. I'm pro AmbrElla!" Nikki exclaimed.
"Ah classic Nicole." I laughed.
"Just wait it out. If you end up liking him, you should give it some thought and then talk to Dean about it. Don't rush into things. And Nikki I don't really like AmbrElla. It sounds too much like Umbrella. I think Della or Elbrose sounds better. What do you think El?" Brie asked.
"Um, I'm not quite sure. I'll leave all that stuff to you guys," I said.
"Good idea," Nikki laughed. Brie shook her head in agreement.
"So are you guys staying the night?" I asked them.
"I think John and I need some time to ourselves." Nikki said as she wiggled her eyebrows.
"Gross Nikki!" I said with disgust.
She just laughed and we hugged goodbye.
"I can't either. I have to go to sleep early because I'm going dress shopping tomorrow. And you are coming with me." Brie said excitedly.
It's shopping for her wedding.
"I am?" I asked.
She shook her head yes.
"Oh. What time?"
"That's so early." I groaned and she laughed at me.
"It's really not El. But goodnight." She told me.
"Goodnight Breezy." I replied.
We hugged and she left the room.
Well now I have to get up early. Great.
I might as well go to sleep now.

The next morning

For the first time in what seems like forever, I woke up on my own. Being the 21st-century adult that I am, I immediately checked my phone and it was surprisingly only nine O'clock.
Good I have some time to kill. Maybe I'll order room service. 
*Knock knock
I got up and walked to the door, not really caring how crazy I looked, considering the fact that I am an incredibly messy sleeper.
But to my "surprise" it was Dean.
"Morning." I told him. I yawned right after that.
"Morning." He responded with a smile on his face.
"How could you be so happy in the morning?" I asked him.
"Well I had a great night yesterday." He replied. I couldn't help but smile at him.
"I'm flattered Dean. Really. But why are you here so early?" I asked him.
"I was thinking a lot yesterday. And I really want to go on a second date with you." He said.
"I'd like that," I told him.
"What?" He asked with a shocked look on his face.
"Surprisingly, I had a lot of fun yesterday. I would love to go on another date with you." I said.
"You sure?" He asked.
"Don't make me change my mind." I joked.
"Do you want to go now?" He asked.
"Sure. But it has to be quick. I have to go dress shopping with Brie." I told him.
"Ok. So you get ready and meet me in my room whenever you're ready. It's room 348." He said.
I nodded my head and he left.
I put on some dark blue jeans, a white v-neck, and a baggy grey sweater on top, paired with some dark brown wedges. Then I brushed my teeth, washed my face, and threw my hair up into a bun.
I grabbed my phone and keys, and I left the room, arriving at Dean's room fairly quickly.
I knocked twice before he opened it up and greeted me with a hug.
"You ready?" He asked.
I shook my head yes.
We walked down the hall to the elevator and walked to Starbucks.
Dean ordered a coffee and I ordered a chai tea latte. We sat down at the nearest table.
I took a sip of my latte.
"So Ella. Tell me are you excited for Wrestlemania?" Dean asked.
"Yeah, even though it's not for another three months." I laughed.
"I am very excited. The Shield is going to take over the WWE. " Dean said confidently.
"As will I." I told him mimicking his tone.
He laughed at me.
"Just imagine me as the face of the WWE. The savior of the divas' division." I joked.
"Totally." Dean said sarcastically.
"Hey don't doubt me." I said in a fake angry tone.
"How could I doubt you? You could probably beat up Seth and Roman," he said, causing me to laugh and say, "I can't disagree with you on that."
He smirked at my confident response, and we continued joking around for the rest of our little breakfast.
"Thanks for taking me out, Dean." I said as we left the table.
"And thank you for saying yes." He responded.
"I'm glad I did," I told him.
"So am I." He said.
We walked back to the hotel and up to my room.
"I hope we can do this again." I told him when we got to the door.
"We most definitely will be doing this again." He told me.
I smiled at him.
"Remember yesterday when you said I could get a kiss on our second date? It's our second date." He said.
I blushed at his comment.

"Thank god you reminded me. I would've forgotten," I answered him with a goofy smile on my face. 
"Ouch," he said, as I leaned in and gave him an innocent kiss. It was similar to our first one, except this time, he placed one of his hands on my waist, gently stroking the somewhat sensitive area, giving it a good squeeze when we pulled apart, making my cheeks red.
"Bye Dean." I said.
"Bye Ella. See you later." He told me.
We hugged and he walked back to his room.
I checked the time and it was 10:38, so I texted Brie and asked her where and what time we're meeting up, to which she replied We'll come to you.
I was already dressed so I sat down on my bed and scrolled through my Instagram. I rarely posted on it and didn't really have that big of a social media presence in general, but I did enjoy stalking my friends using the various social media platforms available to the public these days. Brie and Nikki have tried to get me to post more. There was even a whole Total Divas' episode where they attempted to make my Instagram "socially acceptable." It was definitely a funny episode if you weren't me, being embarassed by the Bellas for the whole world to see.
About nine minutes later I heard knocks on my door, and it was none other than my two best girlfriends Brie and Nikki.
It was us three and their mom who had planned to go to the dress shop. But she was meeting us there. 
The drive took about twenty minutes, but whenever the three of us got together, time flew by so quickly.
As soon as we walked into the shop, Brie immediately found a dress that she wanted to try on. She didn't end up liking it, so she tried on a few more.
We ended up choosing the Bridesmaid dresses, but not Brie's wedding dress.
Nikki and I are two of the five bridesmaids. And Nikki's the maid of honor.
They were light blue dresses because it was a simple spring wedding. Brie and Bryan wanted everyone to wear light colors. Hence why the bridesmaid dresses are light blue.
Brie was pretty happy with all that we accomplished. And by 3 O'clock, we were finished. And we went out for a late lunch.
At about five O'clock we parted ways and I took a nap as soon as I got to my room.

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