Chapter 58

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Raw After Wrestlemania

I watched from the canteen as Daniel Bryan stood in the ring, as Batista and Randy began ambushing him. This was supposed to be a title match between Daniel and Triple H.

I sat next to Brie and held her hand as she grimaced. 

Randy RKO'ed Daniel, then Batista power bombed him.

Then Corporate Kane entered the ring and choke slammed Daniel.

"It's just so unfair," Brie whispered with tears in her eyes.

"I know Brie, but he'll be okay."

My dad and mom made their way down to the ring, with a referee, insisting that he rang the bell to begin the match, even though Daniel was knocked out in the center of the ring and unable to fight.

My dad mocked Daniel to the crowd, by doing the yes chant, and my mom followed suit as the crowd chanted, "No!" over and over.

I was so disgusted.

But finally, 








And the boys made their way down the stairs with masks on. They all looked so good, especially Dean. 

I raised my eyebrows at Brie, as they stood across from Kane, Randy, and Batista, right outside the ring, with my dad still in the middle of the ring.

"No!" My dad said, "This is not gonna happen. This is not gonna happen."

But Seth, Dean, and Roman had other plans, getting into the ring, looking ready for a fight.

"Stand down. Stand down." he pointed at them.

But then Kane, Randy, and Batista also got in the ring. Kane stepped forward looking pissed, but my dad pushed him back.

My dad backed up each member of the authority.

"This is not happening. We are not breaking this down into a war. Okay? This is not happening!"

He turned back around and got hit with a huge spear from Roman out of nowhere. 

My mouth dropped, as did Brie's. I knew they were gonna come to Daniel's aid in some way, but I was not expecting this at all. The Shield then began attacking them. Soon enough Randy and Batista were out of the ring, and Dean and Seth hit them both with suicide dives at the same time, while Roman and Kane battled it out inside the ring.

The crowd began chanting, "Yes!" over and over again, while my dad pleaded with the members of the shield, who had him surrounded.

Totally forgetting he was in a match, he turned around right into a running knee from Daniel.

Kane and Randy pulled him out of the ring, as Daniel's music played.

My dad and his crew looked at the men in the ring in shock.

"See, I told you everything would be okay," I told Brie, pulling her in for a hug. 

She sighed before saying, "Yeah, but I just know the authority has more tricks up their sleeve," she responded.

"You're probably right," I said, "so we just have to be one step ahead of them at all times." 

"Yeah," she smiled, "okay I have a question for you."

"Lay it on me."

"Is it weird for you- you know, watching your boyfriend and his best friends work so closely and now feud with your parents?" she asked. 

"I suppose it would be weird for anyone else, but I grew up a part of the WWE. This is my life. I guess I'm just used to it by now."

"And you're not gonna side with them are you?" she asked, her face actually showing a bit of worry.

"Oh please. That's the last thing on my mind," I told her honestly, "I don't agree with how they run the business for one. And also, this feud has nothing to do with me, so I'm going to stay out of it for as long as I can."

She smiled at me and said, "Yeah, that makes sense."

"Ew!" I exclaimed, as I felt a sweaty arm wrap around me.

"Hi Dean," I smiled at him.

He planted a sloppy kiss on the side of my head before taking a seat next to me. 

Seth and Roman followed close behind and sat down at the table, on chairs across from me. 

"Hey guys. Thank you so much for what you did," Brie told them with a relieved smile on her face. 

Dean spoke up first saying, "No problem. We didn't like how things were being run."

Seth nodded his head in agreement, "We couldn't just sit back and watch the injustice that was occurring."

What Seth said really opened my eyes and made me think.

Dean wrapped his arm around my waist, pulling me and my chair closer to him. 

"Well whatever the reason, thank you," Brie said, "I'm gonna go find him."

"Bye Breezy. See you later," I said before she gave me a quick hug and walked away.

"You guys wanna head to the locker room?" Roman asked.

I nodded my head in approval as we all got up and left the table. 

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