Chapter 47

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The last few Raws and Smackdowns went by quickly, because I only had one (tag) match, and Randy was minorly injured. However, he should be back soon. Dean and the boys also didn't have too many matches, so I got to skip one or two Raws and do a lot of training.
Tonight was the first match in my tournament.
It would be Nattie against Layla.
And after Raw Dean and I are having dinner. He said he's taking me to a fancy restaurant, so I'm very excited for that.
Speaking of the devil, he just called my phone.
"Hello Dean." I spoke into the phone, with my very pretty morning voice.
"Morning my dear." He chuckled.
"What time is it?" I asked, too lazy to check my phone.
"Ah," I said, "Want to take me to lunch?"
"I was just about to ask you that." He laughed.
"Okay. Come to my room, and I may or may not be ready." I said.
Before he could respond I hung up the phone and turned it off.
Maybe five more minutes of sleep would do me good.
*knock knock knock
"God damn it." I groaned.
I got up and walked to the door.
"Morning princess." He smiled.
"Morning baby." I smiled back.
He leaned in for the kiss and politely declined, "I have morning breath sorry."
He laughed and said, "I don't care. Just give me a kiss."
I pecked his lips and said, "I should give you a key, so you can just walk in and not annoy me."
"Thats a good idea." He laughed, as he pulled me into a hug.
"Yes, then you don't have to wake me up by pounding on my door every morning." I spoke into his chest, "You smell really good."
"Thank you." He laughed.
"Can we cuddle for a few minutes?" I mumbled.
"Of course princess."
He walked to my bed and laid on his back and I just plopped down right on top of him.
I snuggled up really close to him, and soon enough we both fell asleep.
After some time, I woke up and checked my phone.
"Dean." I said softly.
"Hey Dean." I said, this time a little bit louder.
He didn't answer, so I smacked his face.
"What was that for?" He grumbled.
"It's four O' clock." I laughed.
"Oh shit." He replied, "we have to go get food and then go to the arena."
"Alright, well, get dressed, I'll get the car, and you meet me in the lobby." He said.
"Sure thing." I smiled.
He kissed my forehead and left the room.
I brushed my teeth,  washed my face, then pulled my hair back into a ponytail. Then I changed into some leggings and a tee-shirt. Finally, I walked downstairs and met Dean.
We rode to Just Salad, then to the arena and hung out in catering with some of our friends for a bit.
Soon enough, it was time for Nattie versus Layla.
I gave Dean a kiss, then walked to the gorilla.
Nattie and Layla had walked out already, and I walked out to my music.
I had a big smile on my face, and my title was perched on my shoulder.
I waved to the fans and walked to commentary.
"Hello Ella!" Jerry exclaimed.
"Hey Jerry. Hey John. Hey Michael." I smiled, "I'm super excited to be here!"
"And we're super excited to have you." Michael said.
"Speaking of excitement, you must be extremely excited to be watching match one of your tournament." JBL said.
"I'n extremely pumped to see all these divas battle it out for a chance at my title." I smiled.
"So what are you doing to prepare?" Michael asked.
"A champion never reveals their secrets," I laughed, "however, I can tell you all how prepared I am for my match. I've been training harder than ever, and I've done plenty of studying!"
The bell rang, and they immediately locked up.
"So who is you pick to win this matchup?" Jerry asked.
"Whoever wants it more." I told him truthfully.
Nattie now had Layla in a headlock. She was trying to rile, and had the crowd on her side.
She finally got of the head lock. And kicked Nattie in the stomach.
She then hit a sick neck breaker and covered Nattie for the two count.
Nattie slowly got up and her and Layla were delivering blow after blow to each other, until Nattie, finally pushed Layla down.
She landed in a seated position in the middle of the ring. Nattie did her combination move and covered her.
Layla kicked out right before three.
Nattie ran her hands through her hair and waited for Layla to get up. I assumed she was going for her signature clothesline. She connected when Layla stood up, before locking in the sharpshooter and causing her to tap.

*Ding ding ding
"And Natalya has won the match, so she will advance to the second round." Michael said.
"Yes she will!" I smiled, "Thank you gentlemen."
I walked up the ramp, and thrusted my championship up at the top.
"And that's what this is all for ladies and gentlemen." I could hear Jerry faintly say.

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