Chapter 45

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Monday night raw
"Dean I will kill you." I laughed, as he held me over his shoulder.
My title was held loosely in my left hand, so I smacked his butt with my right, "Cute butt," I laughed.
"You too." He replied.
"I know. I got some nice buns." I joked.
"As do I," he replied in a similar tone.
"I can't deny it. Have you been doing squats."
"How'd you know?" He gushed, which caused me to laugh.
"Well as much as I'm enjoying the view, I'd appreciate if you would put me down, because all my blood is rushing to my head." I said.
"Of course," he replied as he set me down, "wouldn't want your head to pop."
I sent him a confused look and he shrugged his shoulders.
"Catering?" He asked.
"Of course." I smiled.
We walked there together, hand in hand.
I saw Seth and Roman and lead Dean to the table.
"Hey guys." I smiled.
"Hey El." Roman smiled.
Seth looked up from his plate and waved at us.
Dean pulled out a chair next to Seth for me, and sat on my other side.
"So do y'all have a match tonight?" I asked.
"I don't but he does." Seth said referring to Roman, "and you won't believe who it's against!"
"Randy?" I asked.
"How'd you know?" Seth asked in shock.
"I just figured." I laughed.
"What about you babe?" Dean asked as he took a chip from Seth's plate, causing him to frown.
"I'm going to offer any diva a title match." I said.
"You are?" He asked.
I nodded my head yes.
"But what about your plans for Wrestlemania?" Roman asked.
"Well obviously, I just won't lose this match." I laughed.
"That's my girl." Dean laughed, with a mouth full of more of Seth's chips.
I smiled at him, and he smiled back.
I checked my watch and realized I had to go out now.
"I have to go out now, but I'll see y'all during Roman's match." I smiled.
They all waved and I walked to the gorilla.
I grabbed a microphone and my music blasted through the arena.
"Hello everyone!" I smiled.
The crowed was cheering really loud, which only made my smile bigger.
"I was feeling mighty generous, and rather ballsy, so I decided to have an open challenge for my title!" I exclaimed.
The crowd was cheering extremely loudly and I couldn't stop smiling. It felt so amazing to be out here right now.
I walked up the stairs, then got in the ring.
"So, to all the divas back there, if you want to challenge me for my title," I paused, "Come on out!"
It was silent for a moment, until I heard Summer's music play.
I rolled my eyes and spoke into the microphone, as soon as her music cut off, "I was hoping it would be someone I haven't faced already."
"Hey you said any diva," Summer smirked, "And I meet that qualification."
"True," I sighed, "Let's fight!"
"Too bad, you're not fighting me, though." She smirked.
"Yeah.. Too bad." I said sarcastically.
"You'll be fighting my good friend-" she started, but I cut her off, and said, "You have friends?"
"Shut up Ella!" She whined, "Anyways. You will be fighting the very talented... Aksana!"
Wasn't expecting that. She should put up a good fight.
Aksana's music blasted through the arena and she strut down the ramp.
Summer followed right behind her, but stopped by commentary.
She sat right on the table and waved to the men on commentary. Jerry and Michael looked a little bit annoyed, but JBL looked like he was in heaven. I always seem to forget that Summer is his favorite diva.
I handed the ref my belt, then the bell rang, and Aksana ran right for me.
I dodged her, and hit a drop toe hold causing her to fall down. Then I put her in a headlock, all while staring Summer down.
"You think you're so tough huh?" She yelled at me, as Aksana was getting up and fighting out of my headlock.
But I kneed her in the stomach before she could fully rile.
"Not so fast." I mocked.
Aksana was really strong, so I needed to keep her down.
She elbowed me in the stomach, and I finally let go.
She slid out of the ring to get some separation. Summer stood by her and looked like she was giving her some sort of pep talk.
I went through the ropes and stood on the apron.
I hit my elbow twice, preparing the crowd for what I was about to do, and took them both out with an elbow drop.
"I'm the champ!" I yelled at them both, causing the crowd to cheer.
I got back in the ring and waited for her to get back in.
The ref was counting, and right at eight, she slid back in. We had a bit of a stare down, until she did the belt signal on her waist and said, "It'll be mine soon," with a shitload of confidence.
"Oh yeah?" I asked getting closer to her.
"Yeah." She smirked, taking one step closer to me.
The crowd was cheering at the confrontation, until she pushed me down. I landed on my butt and she drop kicked my chest.
She immediately covered me and I kicked out right before two. She quickly put me in a head lock and I threw my elbows around until she was forced to let go.
"Fuck!" I heard Summer yell.
She was standing right near the ring.
I baseball slid out the ring, and kicked summer right in the chest.
Aksana followed out right behind me, thinking I didn't see her.
When I turned around she went for a clothesline, but I ducked it and super kicked her.
I grabbed her hair and threw her in the ring.
"My ring!" I yelled at her.
I picked her up by her hair, but she slapped me.
I smirked at her and hit her with a bunch of forearms.
"My title!" I yelled with fury.
I could tell they were wearing her down.
I finally hit an uppercut, and then hit my finisher.
"One. Two. Three!" The crowd chanted with the ref. I stood up quickly and the ref held my hand up.
I slid out the ring and snatched my title from one of the guys outside the ring.
I saw Summer laying flat in front of the announcers table.
I squatted down in front of her and said, "Nice try bitch."
She was looking up at me with fear in her eyes. I shoved my title in her face, then threw her the finger, as I backed away from her.
Hopefully the camera wasn't on me.
I backed up the ramp, and the crowd was chanting my name.
It feels good to win!

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