Chapter 3

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I'm here to show the world. I'm here to show the world. Come on! Bring it on

Dolph entered the arena and I followed right behind him. The crowd was going insane.

"Is that the princess of WWE and the new number one contender for the divas championship?"

"It is!"

He stuck his hand out for me to hold and we walked down the ramp together. The look on Dean's face was priceless.
Seth and Roman were at the announcers' table, and they looked like they were trying not to laugh.
Dean just looked pissed? Or maybe he just looks annoyed to see me. Either one works for me. I just came for a reaction.
I decided to join them on commentary, as the match began.
"Hello Ella." JBL said.
"Hello John! Michael. Jerry." I greeted them.
"Do I get a Hello?" Seth asked. I rolled my eyes and looked on at the match. 

"Aw Seth. We didn't get a greeting from the princess," Roman joked. 

"You know, I'd rather not entertain my parents' wannabe police dogs,"

"Ouch," Seth retorted.

"Let's go Dolph!" I yelled. I got the crowd to chant along with me.
I smirked at Seth and Roman as Dolph started gaining the upper hand.
"Oh Dean," I shouted as I got up from my seat and thrust his United States championship into the air which caused him to turn around.

Taking advantage of my distraction, Dolph hit the zigzag!
Seth stood up to run towards the ring, to stop the count, and Roman pulled me back on his lap, before I could stop Seth. But I smacked him and stood up, just in time to witness Dolph get the pin, as Seth attempted to stop him.
I smiled to myself as The ref raised Dolph's hand in victory. I got in the ring and stepped over Dean, making sure to bend down and whisper, "I always win." The camera caught the onesided interaction before I stood up and raised Dolph's other hand. 

"Great job!" I whispered in his ear.
"Thanks El!" He replied.
His music once again blasted through the arena.
Dean sat up and yelled, "What the hell?"
"What?" I asked playing dumb. I couldn't fight the smirk that began to form on my face.
"You think you're so smart Ella?" He replied angrily.
"I do actually. Is there a problem?" I asked him with a chuckle at the end.
"No." He said as his normally smug expression returned.
"Good! I'll see you soon then." I said, licking my lips before my smirk returned.
Dolph and I walked up the ramp and I gave him a hug when we got backstage.
"You did so well!" I exclaimed.
"Thanks. Maybe you should accompany me to the ring more often. You're like a good luck charm." He said with an adorable smile on his face.
"Maybe I will." I said to him.
"That'd be great." He replied, as his lips curled into a lopsided grin.
"Well I gotta go blondie, I'll see you later." I told him as we embraced once again.
I walked away and ran straight into a furious looking Dean Ambrose. I noticed the camera was on us. 
"You're lucky. You're very lucky that I'm not crazy enough to lay a finger on the boss's daughter." He said angrily.
I rolled my eyes at his statement.
"Bye Dean." I said trying to walk away, but he moved in front of me.
"Oh I was just getting started." He said as a smirk began to form on his face.
"I thought you were mad." I asked.
"I am mad," he said, rubbing his chin, "But I'm attracted to you. And every response or remark you make drives me even closer to you." He growled.
"What?" I asked.
"Oh please. Ella even you can't be dumb enough to realize I'm intrigued by you." He stated.

"Intrigued by me?" I laughed, "You couldn't handle me Ambrose."

"And Ziggler could?"

"Ziggler is a friend," I said, poking him in the chest.

"Well whatever he is," Dean said, taking one more step closer to me, "Doesn't matter to me. Because I think I've finally met my match."
"I am not your match Dean Ambrose. I don't take orders from anyone, like you do." I told him as my smirk returned.

"I don't take orders from anyone," he growled.

"You don't?" I asked, "Because the way you stand in front of the ring while my mom and dad talk for hours kinda seems like you and your buddies are taking orders."

The scowl on his face turned into a grin, but before he could speak, I said, "Now if you'll excuse me, I'd rather not waste my time on this childish back and forth you insist on playing with me. I'll gladly spare you, because you don't want to get on my bad side."

I turned around and walked away from him, as he stood in the same spot where we had our conversation.

Though I definitely feel like I won that battle, I have a feeling our little war of words is just beginning.
I walked into the locker room and ran straight into AJ.
"Hi." I said.
"Uh hey." She said awkwardly.
"I guess I'll be facing you at the Royal Rumble." I told her with a laugh in the end.
"Yeah. I'm glad you won. I don't think any of the other divas deserve to face me." AJ said.
"Wow. Thanks so much Aj. I'm happy we'll get to go head to head!" I exclaimed.
"Thanks!" She responded with a small smile on her face.
"So, some of the divas, superstars, and I are going out to a club. Do you want to come?" I asked her.
"I don't know. If you haven't noticed, I don't really get along with the other divas." She said.
"It's ok. You can just stick with me." I told her.
She smiled, "Thank you."
"It's no problem. Meet me in the lobby of the hotel at 11 on the dot." I told her. She nodded her head and I gave her one more smile before leaving the locker room.

 I met Dolph in the parking lot, and he drove us back to the hotel. He tossed the keys to the valet and we part ways.

When I got to my hotel room, I immediately put on a form fitting simple black dress and some nude pumps. I put my hair in a side part and curled it. Considering the fact that it was already 10:55, I decided against a whole lot of makeup. 
I met Dolph and AJ in the lobby. They seemed to be getting along. I know they used to date, so I'm glad it wasn't awkward. 
"You guys ready?" I asked them. They both nodded their heads.
During the car ride, AJ, Dolph, and I talked about the most random things, and not surprisingly that conversation was mostly led by Dolph.
"That was quick!" I told them, when we arrived.
We all got out of the car and walked through the doors.
Dolph went off to get a drink and AJ and I walked towards the girls. Everyone seemed to be getting along.
I'm really glad I talked to AJ. She's so sweet.
"I'll be back guys. I need some water." I walked to the bar.
"Look what we have here! The princess of WWE came to a club." Dean pretended to be shocked.

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