Chapter 64

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Raw April 21st

"Hey, I hate to break it to you guys, but last week wasn't the first time we've gotten beaten up and it probably won't be the last," Dean spoke into the microphone from the ring,  as Seth stood to his left and Roman on Seth's left.

"Yeah... You guys did a real number on us. Well done. Well done. But hey I got a question for you," he pointed at my dad, "Mr. Cerebral assassin. Do we look humbled to you?"

My dad stood tall with a smug look on his face.

"Do we look humbled to you Triple H?" Dean yelled, before saying, "There's a reason you hired us to protect you and that little cream puff to your left Randy Orton. You know, like everybody here knows, the shield- we are the meanest nastiest dirtiest most ruthless animals in this industry! These dogs are hungry and now these dogs are angry!"

"Yeah. Take it easy," Seth said trying to pat Dean on the chest as he paced around the ring, "Yeah you're angry. You're angry. You have every right to be. We have every right to be angry, after what you did to us last week. You and what- 12 other guys of course."

He continued, approaching the ropes, "But Batista for you to say that we have no idea what we've gotten ourselves into is ridiculous. We have every idea! We started this! So let me give you a little dose of reality. You stand up there in your little suits. You don't want to fight. You talk about how destructive you are. You talk about how powerful you are. You talk about how you were built for dominance... Well, you're not. In two weeks at extreme rules, you're gonna come face to face with the hounds of justice, and it's gonna be all-out war! And when push comes to shove and you've got nowhere to run to, you're gonna be looking out for Evolution? I don't think so. Randy Orton, the viper, is gonna be looking out for Randy Orton. I know Batista, you've got a lot of Hollywood obligations, you're gonna be looking out for Batista. And the Game, you're gonna do what you always do. You're gonna do what's best for the boss-what you're looking at is the most dominant force in the history of the company. And in two weeks, at Extreme Rules, we are going to rip you to pieces. And this little reunion, that you're so proud of," he laughed, "it's gonna come to an abrupt holt. And you've got no one to blame but yourself because when you made the match evolution vs the shield, you put a nail in your own coffin. And at Extreme Rules, we're gonna be the hammer that drives it home!"

"Last week," Roman began, "you gave us an ultimatum. This week we give you one. Here in a few seconds, I'm gonna drop this mic and we're coming up that ramp and we're gonna beat your asses."

The crowd began to cheer.

"You got two options," Roman held up two fingers, "You can be men and you can try-try to fight or you can be cream puffs and you can cower away and you can hide. Watch," Roman said before he dropped the mic and the boys slid out the ring. They walked up the ramp, where Evolution stood at the top, but when the boys were about halfway up the ramp, a big group of superstars came out and stood behind my dad, Batista, and Randy. 

"Option three," my dad growled, "there's always an option three. Listen up boys, I said it once, I'll say it again. In life, you either adapt, or you perish. That- is evolution." 

He threw the mic down the ramp before Evolutions music began to play. 

-----1 hour later-----

Dean met me in the canteen before my match. We watched the show for a little bit before I had to walk to the guerrilla.

The match before me had just ended so I said, "I should probably head to the guerrilla."

"I'll walk you there," he told me.

I got up first and he followed, snaking his arm around my waist which caused me to blush. My championship belt was perched on my shoulder. I was ready to defend it once again. 

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