Chapter 65

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Smackdown April 25th 

The Shield were told they had another handicap match, so they began taking out every superstar they could find. Whether it was 3mb backstage or Fandango right before his match or even Brad Maddox in an office. Nobody was off limits.

So when it was time to fight, they only had to go up against Alberto Del Rio, Wade Barrett, Damien Sandow, Ryback, and Titus O'Neil. While they were still at a disadvantage, 3 on 5 was much more manageable than 3 on 11. 

I was watching them by the guerrilla on the tv because I had to go on next anyways. 

At this point in the match, they had cleared the ring. Seth flipped over the top rope and landed on an unlucky Ryback. Then he got back in the ring and he and Dean hit a pair of suicide dives on  Damien Sandow and Titus O'Neil as Alberto Del Rio and Wade Barrett retreated.

But Alberto ran right into a superman punch from Roman at the top of the ramp. The boys embraced before surrounding Damien Sandow in the ring.

"Where you going Sandow? Where you going Sandow? Ohhhhh" Seth mocked from outside the ring. 

Damien then turned around into a drop-kick from Dean and then got hit with a spear.

Roman pinned him for the win, and their music began to play. 

Then Seth and Dean rolled Titus back into the ring where he got hit with a spear.

"I think the shield's done, when the shield says they're done!" JBL remarked, as Roman howled from inside the ring.

Ryback was next in their line of destruction.

"Uh oh! The big guy!" Lawler exclaimed as Ryback was rolled back into the ring before being hit with a spear.

They picked him up and hit their signature triple power bomb.

Their music began to play again as they stood tall over Ryback's limp body.

"Let's go!" I said to myself as they began walking victoriously up the ramp. 

Dean came backstage first and pulled me into a big hug. 

"I'm so proud of you," I said giving him a kiss on the cheek.

He held me in his arms as I told the other guys how awesome they did too.

"Like seriously. It was like:  Suicide dive! Suicide dive! Spear! Spear! Spear! Triple Power Bomb! I mean you guys actually looked unstoppable."

"Thanks El. I can't lie. That felt incredible," Seth said with a big smile on his face.

"Seth is right. That win couldn't have come at a better time," Roman said.

"Very true," I said.

"But Dean," I said turning to my boyfriend, "You need a shower."

"I do not," he responded, "I smell fine."

"I beg to differ."

"Besides, I was gonna watch your match first," he said pinching my hip.

"Well in that case," I trailed off, before he laughed, then planted a kiss on my forehead. 

I had a tag match with Nattie against Tamina and AJ. 

As Nattie approached us, Dean gave me another quick hug and the boys gave me fist bumps, before walking away to their locker room.

"Hey girl," Nattie smiled.

"Hi Nattie," I said pulling her in for a hug. 

We each got announced and made it into the ring and then Tamina and AJ got announced. 

Once again, Evolution's music began to play. 

"Are you serious?" I yelled. 

This time, it was only Randy. 

"What are you doing here?" I asked him before he went to commentary.

"Your dad told me to come," he said.

"That doesn't make sense. I don't need any of you here!"

He shrugged his shoulders and made his way to the open seat at the announcers' table. Having them accompany me makes me look weak. I don't need any help or distractions. 

We agreed that Nattie would start the match, as I handed the ref my title. 

The bell rang, and she started against AJ. It was pretty back and forth until Aj hit a few neck breakers before tagging in Tamina.

Tamina controlled Natalya and targeted her back. She hit Nattie with a mean Samoan drop and covered her for a two count. 

"Come on Nattie!" I yelled.

She just needed to get some separation. She got up and Tamina went for a super kick which Nattie dodged before hitting her spinning clothesline. Instead of pinning Tamina, she made the tag to me. 

I immediately put Tamina in a chokehold, intending to slow her down. Eventually she fought out of it, so I kicked her in the back of the head before dropkicking her in the back. I pinned her for the two count. I wrapped my arms around her neck, flipped her over, then locked in the Rings of Saturn submission, making eye contact with Randy the whole time.

"Rings of Saturn!" I heard Jerry yell.

"What a maneuver!" Michael Cole exclaimed. 

This was easily one of the most painful submissions there is, and I had it locked in perfectly before AJ dropkicked me in the face causing me to let go. I rolled out of the ring to catch my breath, before rolling back into the ring. I quickly tagged Nattie in before running right into a super kick from Tamina.

She didn't realize Nattie was legal in the match, so she covered me.

But Randy pulled the ref out of the ring, thinking he was doing me some sort of solid. 

When Tamina eventually got up after realizing what had happened, Nattie clotheslined her, then locked in the sharpshooter. I rolled out of the ring, holding onto my jaw, and yelled at Randy, "What is wrong with you?"

The ref was still outside of the ring trying to get back up. I guess Randy pulled him out pretty hard because he was holding his head.

"I was helping you!"

"I wasn't even legal!" I yelled at him, motioning to Nattie who had the sharpshooter locked in. Tamina was tapping but the ref didn't see. 

I threw the ref back in the ring so he could signal the end of the match and the bell was finally rung. 

I gave Nattie a hug before the ref raised out hands and handed me my title.

I rolled out the ring and got right in Randy's face. The crowd erupted at the sight of this heated interaction. 

"You, my dad, and Batista need to leave me the hell alone. I don't want your help," I growled, standing on my tippy toes so I could be right in his face.

"I mean it," I said through gritted teeth, holding my title up one more time before walking backstage. 

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