Chapter 36

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Monday night raw
Tonight, I don't actually have a match, but I will be accompanying Randy to his.
It would be him and Kane against Seth and Roman.
And of course Dean would be accompanying them to ringside.
I was really looking forward to tonight. I'd definitely have some fun messing with the boys. The only downside is I'd have to be in Randy's corner and I wasn't his biggest fan at the moment.
"You ready Ella?" I heard a deep raspy voice ask. Speaking of the devil.
"Of course," I flashed him the most realistic looking fake smile I could muster up.
"Alright, because we're needed at the gorilla now." He chuckled.
I nodded my head and we walked there.
His music played and we both walked out. The crowd cheered at the sight of us together and we walked down the ramp. Randy's usual cocky smirk was present and I was waving to and high fiving fans.
When we arrived at the ring, Randy did his taunt and I mocked him earning a boom from the crowd.
Randy laughed at me and shook his head. Next Kane's music played and he walked down the ramp.
He got in the ring and stood next to Randy.
As the shield walked down the ramp I was giving Randy a pep talk.
His back was to the center of the ring and I stood on the first rope so I could rest my hands on his shoulders and say, "I want you to catch them off guard. Roman thinks you want after him, and he's obviously going to start, so let Kane start."
"You sure?" He asked giving me a confused and unsure look.
"Positive," I told him, "do you trust me?"
"Yes." He replied.
"Good." I smiled and pat his cheek. He laughed at me and I jumped out of the ring.
Truthfully I just didn't want him to fight Roman and let his emotions get the best of him, because of their little feud going on. Partly so they could have a better shot at winning, but mostly just for Roman's sake.
I slid out the ring and walked to commentary.
A certain scruffy haired lunatic was sitting on the other side of the table. Correction. My scruffy haired lunatic.
He mockingly waved at me and I stuck my tongue out at him.
"So Ella. Dean. Pleasure to have you guys here." Michael Cole said.
"The pleasure is all yours." Dean smirked.
I rolled my eyes and said, "Thank you Michael. And after the match I'm going to teach this one how to take a compliment."
"I don't think you can teach me anything," He laughed.
"Well, I could teach you how to wrestle." I said, making Jerry and John laugh.
"Hey no fighting over here. This is a peaceful area!" Michael said.
"Yeah not like it's a wrestling show or anything." Dean said sarcastically.
It was hard not to laugh at what Dean said. I mean, I was so used to laughing at his jokes, it was hard to pretend to dislike him.
The bell rang and JBL said, "And this match is underway."
Randy took my advice and Kane started against Roman.
Roman managed to overpower Kane and shove him backwards a few steps. Kane ran forward to clothesline Roman but he ducked and drop kicked Kane.
He covered him and Kane kicked out at two.
Randy gave me a look and I shrugged my shoulders and stood up.
I set down my headset and walked towards the ring. Jumping up and standing on the ring, I called out his name, "Roman!"He turned towards me and I waved at him.
When he turned back around, he was hit with a big boot by Kane. Kane tagged in Randy and I was cheering them on.
"Go Randy!" I cheered.
"Go Randy!" I heard Dean yell from behind, mocking me.
"Fuck you." I mouthed jokingly. Hopefully, the camera didn't catch that.
Randy now had full control of Roman. And he backed up preparing for the RKO.
He hit it and covered Roman. Seth broke the count and Kane clotheslined Seth out of the ring.
He landed right by me.
I glanced down to see if he was okay and his eyes were open and he was breathing. Both good signs.
I smiled down and him and he returned it.
Aw Seth. He's so cute.
Soon enough Kane was tagged in and in full control of Roman. Seth hadn't even gotten in the match yet.
"Ella!" Randy called. He slyly handed me a chair which caused me to give him a weird look.
I shook my head no.
"Trust me." He said.
"Fine," I said as I rolled my eyes.
Randy hopped back on ringside and distracted the referee as Kane pushed Roman in front of me.
"Hit him!" He yelled.
"No." I yelled back in shock.
"Fucking hit him before the ref sees!" He screamed.
"No! Just beat him fair and square!" I said.
The ref finally turned around and eyed Kane suspiciously.
He shrugged his shoulders and got back to kicking Roman, glaring at me the whole time.
Randy hopped off the apron yelling at me, "What the hell? Why didn't you do it!"
"The real fucking question is why isn't your cocky ass confident enough to think you can win a match on your own!" I replied.
"I can win a match on my own!" He yelled stepping closer to me.
"Then prove it Randy! You've yet to prove to me that you can do things on your own! Prove me wrong!" I exclaimed trying to hype him up, while also taking his attention off of his anger towards me.
But he still looked just as mad.
I saw him swing his fist and it all looked like it was going in slow motion. I was too shocked to even react.
But it never connected.
I blinked my eyes a couple times and saw Dean on top of Randy pounding his face in.
The bell was rung and Kane and Randy won via disqualification because Dean put his hands on Randy even though he wasn't in the match.
He was still pounding at Randy looking mad as ever. I could barely comprehend what was going on because I was so shocked.
"Dean get off!" I yelled a couple of times.
I grabbed at his elbow and tried pulling on him but he wouldn't budge.
"Dean!" I yelled at the top of my lungs.
He turned around and we locked eyes, but he shook his head and kept beating up Randy.
I don't why, but I just took off and ran backstage.
"Breathe Ella. Breathe." I said to myself.
You would think that as a wrestler I'd be used to seeing fights, and believe me I am. But I have never. And I mean never ever seen seen anyone fight with that much anger.
I ran my hands through my hair and walked to the shield's locker room.
I'll wait for them all in there.
I walked in and sat on the couch.
The boys entered a couple minutes later, each with different but unreadable expressions on their faces.
"I'm sorry." I said breaking the silence.
No response.
I walked straight towards Dean and got caught off guard when I saw his face.
I examined it closely and he let me. He had a cut lip and a cut, along with a bruise on the bridge of his nose.
"I'm so sorry." I whispered.
"He almost put his hands on you Ella." He barely whispered through his cut lip.
I shook my head and said, "Dean. I'm okay. I can handle Randy."
He was silent for a moment, so I took the opportunity to grab the first aid kit from the wall.
I grabbed Dean's hand a led him to a table in their locker room. He sat on the table and I stood in between his legs, trying to fix him up as best as I could.
I got a cotton swab and dabbed at his lip as I said, "Dean. You sir need to be careful with elimination chamber coming up."
Hopefully the mention of the payperview coming up would lighten the mood, but no.
"Ella. I would risk my life for you."
"Oh Dean, what am I going to do with you?" I sighed.
"I just couldn't control myself. The thought of another man's hands on you drove me crazy." He said softly.
"Hey I'm a wrestler too," I said with my hands on his knees, "I can handle a couple of bumps and bruises."
He sighed and said, "I know."
"Well good. So you can stop worrying."
"I'll never stop worrying." He replied.
I smiled up at him, "I'm glad you care."
He laughed at me and kissed my forehead.
Dean Ambrose. What in the hell are you doing to me?

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