Chapter 55

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Hall of Fame
I was getting ready in my room, when my phone began to ring.
I picked it up with my left hand, as I was curling my hair with my right, "Hello."
"Hey El, I'm walking to your room right now."
"Okay bye! You have a key right?"
I put my phone down and finished a couple pieces of hair that I had hanging in the front.
I straightened out my tight dark red sleeveless dress and looked in the mirror, satisfied with my appearance.
Just as I finished putting on my heels, I heard the sound of my door open.
I looked up and saw Dean looking handsome as ever in his suit.
"Look at you doll," he said, while chewing on some gum, "you look stunning."
I felt my cheeks heat up as I responded, "And you look so handsome."
"No. You definitely have me beat in the looks department. But I do know I am the luckiest person on earth right now," he said, as he pulled me in for a hug.
"You have such a way with words," I said smiling up at him.
"You're the first person to think that," he said, laughing and wrapping his arms around me even tighter.
"I'm sure that's not true."
"No. I'm seriously not the best at expressing myself," he said, "but it's different with you."
I put my hand on his cheek while he shrugged his shoulders.
"Anyways let's get going. The boys are probably waiting. He grabbed my hand and practically dragged me out the door.
We made it to the lobby and Seth was waiting for us there.
"Would you look at the happy couple," Seth said.
I pinched Dean's cheek when he said that, causing him to roll his eyes then laugh.
The three of us exited the lobby and walked to the car that Roman just pulled up in. Seth got in the front seat and I sat in the back with Dean.
Dean wrapped his arm around my waist and I leaned my head on his shoulder.
"I can't wait for your match tomorrow," he said.
"You're so sweet," I told him honestly, with a big smile on my face, "but I'm so nervous."
"You're gonna do great Ella. Your plan is ridiculously smart and you're an incredible wrestler."
I could feel my heart racing. I loved being so close to Dean, and hearing those things from him served as serious validation for me. Dean is a very frank guy. He's really honest. If he thought it was a bad plan, he would say so.
"Thanks Dean," I said, "Are you excited for your match?"
"I can't wait to see you fight on the big stage."
"Yeah Wrestlemania is different. There's really nothing like it," he responded.
"Mhm," I responded getting nervous again.
"Chill out," he said kissing my forehead, "let's just focus on tonight."
And as if on cue, Roman interrupted my thoughts by saying, "We're here!"
Dean raised his eyebrows as he opened the car door, then he held it open for me.
"Chivalry ain't dead," Roman said with a smirk on his face, causing me to hit him on the shoulder.
The four of us entered the building together.
It was so cool being here as a wrestler. Obviously, I've been to the Hall of Fame before with my parents, but never on my own accord.
Dean grabbed my hand with his much bigger hand as we walked down the hall toward the tables.
The four of us were greeted with smiles and waves from our colleagues as we approached our table.
"I'm going to go talk to my parents. I'll be right back," I said, giving Dean a quick kiss.
I walked over to my family's table, giving hugs to everyone.
My mom and dad were sitting next to each other. They looked a little uncomfortable but at the same time kind of happy to be in each others' presence. They hadn't followed through with the divorce, though they were currently separated. I went and squatted in between them pulling them both in for a hug.
"Hi mom. Hi dad," I smiled, causing them to mirror my expression.
"I've really missed you guys."
"I spoke to you this morning," my dad said.
"Same here," my mom said.
"Whatever," I laughed, "So how are things?"
"Good! I was just telling your mother about your little plan," my dad began- "And it was really great honey," my mom interrupted, nudging my dad playfully.
Good to know they're kind of talking again I guess.
"Guys this is the biggest match of my life."
"I know honey," my mom said fixing one of the curls in my hair.
"We Levesques always perform best under pressure. I know you're going to be amazing," my dad said with a proud look on his face.
"I love you dad."
"I love you too honey."
And with that and a hug from my mom, I walked back to my table feeling quite satisfied and much less nervous about tomorrow.
I brought this upon myself because I knew I was the best, and tomorrow was my chance to prove it.

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