~ Is he up? ~

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Author pov

Yet another day has come where Jongdae's boyfriend isn't alongside him. The 11 boys are starting to get hope as Jongdae and Minseok's soulmate bond has been getting stronger somehow just, very slowly. "Do you think he'll wake up today?" Jongin asks. "Well I hope so. If it's not today then we still have tomorrow. Their bond is getting stronger very slowly so that has to mean something" Luhan answers.

Both Jongdae and Luhan hoped that the next few hours was the last time they'd be spending without their other half (for Luhan's case, friendship wise).

Minseok pov

Why the fuck is it so dark? God my head hurts.

Right, Jongdae hit me with one of his lightning bolts. That's what happened. Wait- I'm awake but I'm not..? I can't move anything. Shit, how long have I even been out for.

Also, the amount of fear I saw in Jongdae's eyes right as it hit me is definitely something I won't forget easily. I hope he's ok.

I should probably try and wake my god damn body up so I could see for myself. I don't know how exactly but we'll see what happens.

Soon enough, I was able to open my eyes slowly only to squint as the sun peaked through the shades. "Fucking hell" I mumble softly as I sit up slowly, everything in pain. And when I was able to sit up and get into a comfortable position, I straight away mind linked Jongdae.


Jongdae pov

We were all taking a nice stroll in the garden of the castle and I was at the very back of the group as I was still feeling worn out. "You doing ok back there, Dae?" I look up to the voice to see Yifan hyung looking back at me with a concerned look. "You're like really zoning out" he continues.

"Huh? Oh yeah, I'm just fine. Don't worry about me" I say and give them a small smile. I say that although I know they can't help but worry for my health when I look like I haven't slept for a week.

Right as I finished that sentence, a sudden surge of energy came out of nowhere and I felt completely fine right after. It was as if I wasn't tired and basically dragging my feet everywhere lazily seconds ago. "What in the motherfucking world just happened to you?" Kyungsoo asked as everybody stopped. "I-I have absolutely no i-" I cut myself off when suddenly


And thats when everything seemed to stop. 'I'm hallucinating' I say back. 'M-minseok?' I continue.

"Dude, are you okay?" Someone says but I ignored them. 'You're not hallucinating, honey. It's me. Now where are you? I want hugs' I hear and I could pretty much see the small pout he has on his face. Without wasting any more time, I rush back into the castle leaving everyone confused and straight into our room. Surely enough, I saw Minseok sitting up right and awake on the bed.

I stood there for awhile in shock until he called my name. I instantly rushed to him and hugged him. "God, I missed you so fucking much. I'm so sorry" I whispered and pulled away slightly to give him a soft peck on his lips.

"It wasn't you're fault, don't worry. Also, how long have I been out for?" Minseok asks. "About two days. The boys have been telling me the exact same thing but I can't help but blame myself cause this was the cause of my bolts. Also, I should probably tell the others about this. Luhan hyung's gonna be ecstatic" Minseok's eyes seemed to brighten when I mentioned Luhan hyung.

"I heard my name! *gasp* Is he up?!" I hear Luhan hyung shout. Well then never mind on telling them, they're already here. "Come look yourself!" I shout back and hear rushed footsteps not long after.

"Oh my god, Minseok!! You're awake!" Luhan hyung screamed as he stopped at the door. He was literally tearing up at the sight of his best friend now awake. I mean, I can't blame him. I almost broke down too.

"We'll leave you two" I smile softly and left the room with the others so those two could have some privacy.

Author pov

As soon as the door closed, Luhan basically crashed into Minseok giving him a massive hug making the two fall on the bed. "I'm so glad you're awake. I missed you so fucking much, I thought you weren't gonna wake up" Luhan says as he pulls away only to pull Minseok in another embrace right as he saw his face.

"I was only out for two days, Lu. And look, I'm awake and completely alive" Minseok chuckled softly, Luhan joining in. "It felt like forever okay! Jongdae can agree with me on that one" Luhan whines making the two laugh again.

"So tell me, how did Jongdae cope?" Minseok asks as the two boys separate from each other and sit down on the bed properly. "He really didn't do anything. He just kept blaming himself for all this and was really restless and just overall tired. I'm pretty sure most of the blaming himself part came from me though.." Luhan says and looks down to his lap.

"Luhan.." Minseok started. "I know, I know. I blamed him for this that same day cause I saw it happen with my own eyes. I just shouted at him without thinking. I guess you being my best friend and all just made me mad at him. I really don't know what came over me. I'm sorry. I apologized though, so we're all good" Luhan sighs softly.

"Look, it's fine. I know where you're coming from and speaking truthfully? I probably would've done the same thing to Sehun if you were in the same situation as me" Minseok says smiling. "I'm just glad you're awake" Luhan sighs happily and yet again hugs Minseok.

Everyone was glad he was awake. Some more than others but still :)

Why hello there everybody. Happy late new years btw!! Sorry for not updating lmao. Minseok's back from the military and yes, your bitch cried 😤

Enjoy the long chapter i made you guys cause i felt bad :)

The 12 Realms {EXO BoyxBoy}Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora