gtkm answers!

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Answers for the get to know me!!

How has life been?
It's been well, not the best at the moment. School's been hectic though. See, I don't know if it's that or if it's cause I'm so lazy lmao

What had been your best inspiration/motivation for writing at the moment?
To be honest, I could get inspiration from practically anything. I was watching fucking barbie and I got inspired for a whole new story. But for motivation is a much different thing. It's hard for me to get motivated and I constantly get writers block. That's why I always take my time with writing so I don't rush making a chapter and risk making it bad. Also kinda the reason why updates happen like once a month. oops. If you need, take a break. It doesn't matter how long you take, you just gotta make sure you're feeling better. And if you're scared of losing readers, don't worry. Real ones will stay and be patient.

How's quarantine affecting you so far?
To be honest, cause we've now been in it for so long, it's not as bad as before. But now, I do really want to go on a staycation because I just wanna get out of my god damn house for a good 2 nights or something.

What are you doing nowadays?
Well, speaking truthfully, not much. Just some school, some writing, and some dancing. My life's not the most entertaining but it sure is busy! Also, I have a dance account lmao! Are you sure you want a spoiler? I could tell you one if you want~

Is Luhan going home alone or accompanied by exo?
I don't really need to answer that one anymore now do I? Of course he's gonna be accompanied! Everyone's gonna be going back to their realms with the other 11 by their sides.

Will they be able to fine the rest of the crystals/emblems?

Well, I guess it's fine to spoil a bit. Do not you worry, they will find all the crystals!! I don't think I'm gonna make them have trouble finding it cause I use so much of my imagination to make shitty fighting things so I won't have enough to think of a new obstacle.

How can you describe yourself?
Let's see, I'm a very caring and responsible person for my age. I get over protective with people I'm close to. You for sure do not want to anger me or else you'd be dead. All the boys in my grade are scared of me. I'm also considered the mom of my whole grade lmao. But, people do annoy me easily so. If physically, I have broad shoulders, I have long black hair, I use glasses, and tbh I'm pretty tall (to me).

How old are you and where are you from?
You know what? I don't even care about hiding my identity anymore. I just turned 13 in August and I'm from Indonesia! Yes, I've been on wattpad since I was 11 lmao. Most of ya'll are probably older than me and I won't be surprised.

What language are you comfortable with?
As you can see from this story, I am very much more comfortable speaking in english! Yes, I can do my mother tongue which is indonesian but I've just spoken english for almost all my life fluently (considering I was born in another country) so it just makes sense.

Thank you guys for putting some questions in the comments!! I'll have a new chapter hopefully by the end of this week. If not, earlier!!

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