~ Humans ~

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Author pov

There were currently 10 of them on a walk around the mind realm because well, they're bored. Jongdae wanted to laze around so he stayed back which made Minseok follow along. Luhan has already given the crystal to his parents for both close inspection and safe keeping. But for the location of the crystal they're searching for and the realm its from is still an unknown mystery. There hasn't been any tracks that lead them to it. No one's seen anything.

That's a quick recap of what happened after where we left off.

Now, they're all back but the castle was, awfully, quiet and empty. "Why the hell is it so empty?" Tao asks as he looks around the place. "I'm not sure about that but I do know for sure that I don't like it" Luhan answers softly and clings onto Sehun's arm. "Mom? Dad? Anyone there?" He shouts only to get no response. Suddenly, they heard a loud crash coming from behind them.

'Um guys, what the fuck are you doing down there? We can hear you from our room' They hear Minseok say through mind link. 'Speaking truthfully, that wasn't us at all. We just came back and suddenly this whole place is empty' Yifan replies. 'Now that I think about it, we haven't seen anyone ever since you guys left. You guys go figure out what that sound was while me and Minseok hyung go down' Jongdae says and closes the link.

Being the one at the back, Yifan slowly leaves the group and carefully checks out what the sound was. "It's a vase that fell somehow. How would that have fallen though?" He questions and crouches down to look at the broken pieces of glass. "Careful where you're stepping guys" Chanyeol, who appeared behind Yifan, says. The whole group was now behind the two looking at the same fallen vase.

"Guys, not to scare anyone or anything but um are those two pairs of eyes right there?" Baekhyun asks softly making everyone look to where he was pointing. "So you finally noticed" They heard a voice say. The two pairs of eyes they just saw emerged from the darkness and revealed two humans, one girl and one boy. "We heard you guys were trying to find this" the boy laughed while holding up the crystal. "Wait, that's Chanyeol's one!" Kyungsoo pointed out after focusing on the crystal instead of the two people standing a few feet away from them.

"Why and how do you two even have that?" Minseok asks calmly despite the situation. "Let's see, we might've just found it on our doorstep and said 'why not keep it?'. And now you 12 idiots are here" the girl answered. "Where are my parents?" Luhan demands. "We know the castle dungeons well here. We've been in them multiple times. And just maybe, we put your dear parents in there along with every other person who lives in this castle" the boy chuckles. "And now, we're about to put you 12 in there with them" the girl adds and the two continue to laugh like maniacs.

"How about we just play this nice. You give us the crystal and we'll let you two go free" Yixing says trying very much to negotiate with the two. "Not a chance" They say. The girl then quickly puts her hand up and points it to another vase, picking it up and throwing it at the group of boys. Luckily, Junmyeon was quick enough to shoot it with water making it go flying the other way.

"Oh it is on. Jongdae get on" Yifan says and transforms back to his dragon form (a/n: i still dont know lmao im sorry). Nodding, Jongdae quickly jumps up onto Yifan's back while he starts to lift off the ground. "Wait, so you're telling me, we're fighting humans?!" Jongin asks shocked. "Why yes you are. And for starters, I'm Jaehwa and this is my sister, Haneul. Now, let's get back to where we were shall we?" The boy, now known as Jaehwa, smirks. And all hell broke loose right after.

Flying objects, flashes of light or lightning, water and icicles, teleporting Jongin, flames, fighting, injuries, was what you would see almost everywhere you looked.

(a/n: probs gonna skip most of the fighting cause its gonna end up being shit anyway so im not even gonna try lmao)

Whilst everything was going on around him, Jongin was able to teleport both him and Kyungsoo right behind the two siblings. Jongin then snuck up behind Haneul and surprised her by holding her in chokehold. Noticing this, Jaehwa tried to save his sister only to have a strong gush of wind hit him along with a punch in the gut from Kyungsoo. "Fuck off bitch. Don't even try to think about throwing something to my boyfriend" Kyungsoo spits.

Spotting the perfect chance to do so, Jongdae gets ready to throw a bolt directly at the girl's hand so she could let go of the crystal. Just as he was about to throw it, something flew towards them and hit Yifan making him swerve the other way right as Jongdae threw the bolt. Unfortunately for them, that said bolt flew straight towards Minseok who was busy making the floor in front of Jaehwa ice so he would slip.

"Shit! Minseok, babe! Look out!" Jongdae shouts being the only thing he can do considering he is flying in the air. Minseok whips around at the voice but sadly, he was too late to notice the flying bolt headed right towards him. "MINSEOK!" Jongdae screams as he sees his lover collapse to the ground. "Hyung, get me the fuck down" he mind links Yifan. "Will do" Yifan replied and slowly descended to the ground.

Once they were close enough to land, Jongdae jumps off of Yifan's back and lands somehow without breaking his legs. He rushes toward his now unconscious lover and carries him bridal style away from the chaos. Putting him down softly, Jongdae calls Yixing over and covers them three with a small dome of well, lightning (its a sheild).

"He'll be fine. He just needs some rest when he wakes up. This isn't your fault Jongdae, please know that" Yixing reassures and puts a hand on Jongdae's shoulder. "Thanks hyung" he says and smiles softly while looking at Minseok who was on his lap.

-on the other side-

Since Jongdae wasn't able to get the hit, Chanyeol took the chance and shot some fire straight towards Haneul's arm causing her to scream in pain and drop the crystal. Jaehwa witnessed this happen and was ready to obtain the crystal again with his powers but Tao beats him to it.

Running towards Chanyeol, he grabs his hand and stops the time just before Jaehwa could grab it. "Now grab the crystal! And hurry! I can't hold this for too long" Tao shouts making Chanyeol nod and run towards the crystal. He quickly grabs it (lowkey almost dropping it) and stuffs it in his pocket. "Okay! You can let it start again!" Chanyeol says.

As the time started to run again, the boy was shocked to say the least as the crystal was now out of sight and just gone. And while he was still in his shocked state, Baekhyun creates yet another rope to cuff Jaehwa with. As for his sister, Jongin had let go of her a while back cause she can't really do much with a third degree burn on her arm.

And just like that, the boys have obtained their next crystal, Fire Realm's.

"How did they hold the crystal though?" Baekhyun wondered. "I'm not sure. I've been thinking about that ever since they showed us the crystal" Chanyeol answers. "They might've used some old spell they found. Also, where did Luhan hyung go?" Sehun asked making everyone else look around.

"I saw him run off towards where Jongdae hyung is" Jongin said as he remembered what he saw right after they finished dealing with the two. "Fuck. This isn't gonna go well" Yixing mumbles and rushes towards where the two were.

If you thought Luhan didn't witness what happened to his best friend that was caused by his fucking boyfriend, oh you are so wrong. He saw the whole thing happen and although he knew it wasn't technically Jongdae's fault, he was still angry as shit.

"Jongdae, you need to fucking watch where you throw your god damn lightning shit next time! Look what the fuck you did! My best friend and your god damn fucking boyfriend is now laying there unconscious you stupid shit!" Luhan screams. "Look hyung, I fucking know what I did. I watched that whole shit show happen with my two own eyes. He's my boyfriend, why would I throw a fucking bolt at him on purpose?!" Jongdae shouts back.

"Luhan, you need to calm your ass down. Now" Sehun demands as he steps in between the two. And Luhan knows he can't back out of this one cause Sehun was absolutely dead serious. Whenever he uses Luhan's name and without the 'hyung' at the end, you know he wants his shit to be taken seriously.

Without saying anything, he lets out a deep sigh and turns around, walking towards his room to relax. Sehun soon following after, leaving the other boys to take care of Jongdae and Minseok.

This took awhile to write lmao...

edit: also hi again, i um completely forgot i havent made up names so um yeah :)

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