- "But..."

Knott had stared at him, then placed a finger on the phone.

- "Arthit, you ... you are not going to tell me that you distrust Kong, right?"

- "OF COURSE NOT!" - He had replied almost getting up from the seat, which made Knott put a hand on his arm causing him to sit back in his chair.

Moments later Arthit had reddened when he noticed the glances of the other customers on them, especially the waitresses. Knott, on the other hand, only sighed and then shook his head at his friend's reaction.

- "I .. I think you should talk to your boyfriend. But first block that number once and for all!"


Arthit sighed.

"Maybe I should have done it... now I wouldn't be like this ...", he told himself when he heard the bell ringing again in the silence of the room.

He had blocked the number. He had even started to delete the messages as soon as he received them but ... he hadn't been able to call Kongpob to tell him what was going on. Not when the young man was on exams.

He had feared his boyfriend's reaction and, above all, that the problem would affect his studies. So in the end he had decided to wait and tell him everything after his return.

"You can do it, Arthit ... you trust Kong, remember?" - he had been telling himself over and over again during those days - "it's only for a couple of weeks ..."

However, now that the time had come, he was starting to be afraid. Not that Mike's accusations were true, he knew that much... but he was worried about Kong getting angry with him.

He didn't want that. In fact, it was the last thing he wanted ... but he couldn't do anything anymore. It was too late and now he had to face it.

"Let's go!", He said to himself as he took the knob and opened the door, letting in a smiling Kongpob who, as soon as he saw him, dropped his suitcases to wrap his arms around his neck and draw him towards his body.

- "My Oon ... I'm finally home!"


Kongpob was walking around the living room under Arthit's watchful eyes. Suddenly a growl came from his lips and, stopping short, he turned towards his boyfriend with an angry expression on his face.

- "I do not care!" - He exclaimed - "you need to understand that if Mike does not stop sending those messages to my fiancé I will report him to the authorities!"

Arthit, hearing his words, opened his mouth. However Kong, noticing his intention to intervene, placed a finger on his lips causing him to stay down.

- "I understand that he is your son and that he is not well ... but I will not allow him to continue doing this!" - He continued saying through his mobile - "very well ... I'll leave it in your hands, but if he doesn't stop ... ok. Goodbye."

Then, turning off his phone, he turned towards Arthit.

- "I can't believe you didn't tell me anything ..." - he said after a few seconds of silence - "those disgusting messages are ... are ..."

- "I know ..." - Arthit rushed to intervene as he got up from the sofa to take one of his hands in his - "I never believed a single one of his words ... I didn't tell you because I knew the problems you were having with his family and friends and also there were your exams. I ... I thought he would stop... "

Kongpob sighed, shaking his head.

- "Mike's father has told me that he has not stop demanding that I go to see him. He even threatens to kill himself if I do not return to him ... in the end they have decided to follow the doctor's advice and take him to a clinic in Europe" - he said with a tired voice - "he told me to apologize to you on his behalf."

Arthit looked at Kong and, without saying anything, hugged him tightly. 

- "I just hope this is the end of everything ..." - he said with a sad little smile - "I ... I had so many plans for this vacation. I had even rented a cabin in the mountains for us ... now I do not know if..."

However, before he could finish speaking, some lips had settled on his.

- "Hmm ... so a cabin ... for the two of us ..." - Kongpob whispered  - "You know, I like the idea ... you and me ... in front of the fireplace ... huddled on the rug completely naked... I can't wait!"

Arthit didn't say anything for a few seconds. Then he turned towards the sofa and, taking one of the cushions in his hands, proceeded to run towards a smiling Kongpob who also started to run around the room.



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