Chapter 30

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Cal, Jackson and Ethan walk onto the Lacrosse pitch and put their bags by the stands

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Cal, Jackson and Ethan walk onto the Lacrosse pitch and put their bags by the stands. "So what's happening about Team Captain?" Cal asks Jackson. "Not sure. It's up to Coach he just told Scott and I to show up at tryouts today." Jackson explains. Cal nods and spots someone he recognises. "Liam? Liam Dunbar?" he asks making the other boy turn round. "Cal? I haven't seen you since you moved." Liam smiles. Cal hugs him before they pull away "God it feels like longer." he chuckles.

"These two are Ethan and Jackson. They're my boyfriends. Jacks, Eth, this is my friend Liam." Cal introduces. "Nice to meet you both." Liam smiles. Ethan and Jackson both nod making Cal roll his eyes. "Ignore them they can be a bit protective. What are you doing here?" he asks. "Transferred. This is the only other high school in the area that has Lacrosse." Liam explains. Cal hears his heart beat pick up but leaves it be knowing that it probably has something to do with his I.E.D. "Well we need some good players. We've got me, Jackson, Scott, Isaac, hopefully Ethan and his brother, Stiles but we don't really count him and Danny left last year." Cal explains. Jackson chuckles "Stiles can be..." he trails off. "Come on let's show Jackson what you've got. We need to warm up anyway." Cal smiles.

Liam catches every single shot that Cal sends his way making Jackson look impressed. "Nice Liam. You should definitely get on the team with that skill." he tells him. "Thanks." Liam smiles as the four of them walk into the locker room.

" Liam smiles as the four of them walk into the locker room

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Stiles walks over to them with Scott "Hey, Liam. You want to explain what that was out there?" Stiles asks. "What do you mean?" Liam asks. "That little display. Your little circus act." Stiles tells him. "What circus act?" Liam asks confused. "You caught every shot." Stiles responds. "I was in goal." Liam replies as Cal looks att his brother confused. "Yeah, but nothing, not a single shot got past you." Stiles says. "Yeah, I was the goalie. You guys played this game before?" Liam asks making Cal laugh, trying to cover it up with a cough.

"You're a freshman, right?" Scott asks. "Yeah." Liam nods. "But you weren't here last semester." Stiles points out. "I transferred from Devenford Prep." Liam explains. "You transferred?" Scott asks. "Yeah." Liam tells him. Scott picks up on his elevated heart beat. "No, you got kicked out, didn't you?" Scott asks making Liam slightly annoyed. "All right. Look! Kicked out or transferred, what do you guys care? I came here to play lacrosse. The team could use a few good players, right?" Liam tells them making Cal and Jackson nod. "No. No, we don't need any more good players." Stiles disagrees. "Actually, we could sort of use a couple." Scott agrees.

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