Chapter 48

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That Saturday, Cal lies on his bed playing with Sky when Stiles walks in "Come on, you're coming with me to keep an eye on Theo and Josh's body

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That Saturday, Cal lies on his bed playing with Sky when Stiles walks in "Come on, you're coming with me to keep an eye on Theo and Josh's body." he tells him. "Why do I have to come?" Cal asks sitting up. "Because I don't trust him. Now come on." Stiles says exiting his brother's room. Rolling his eyes, Cal jumps up and pats Sky on her head "I'll be back later girl." he tells her before following his brother out to the jeep. "Okay, so what's the plan?" he asks climbing in the passenger side of the jeep. "We set up a webcam feed so we can watch and see who takes the body." Stiles explains as he drives. "Okay... what actually happened? With Josh I mean." Cal questions. "Josh was on the hospital roof, he started to attack me. Theo started fighting him and ended up killing him." Stiles says. "So Theo killed him to protect you?" Cal asks. "Not a word." Stiles playfully glares as they pull up to the back of clinic. They jump out and walk into the the clinic "What's going on?" Theo asks as they walk in. "Whoever's stealing the bodies probably isn't going to do it while we're standing guard over one of them." Stiles explains. "So you've got a better idea?" Theo asks. Cal shrugs as Stiles pulls out the webcam and starts setting it up, pointing it towards Josh's body. Theo looks at Cal who has started playing with his bracelet out of boredom "You seem excited to be here." he jokes. "Of course. Who wouldn't want to spend their Saturday stuck watching a dead body, when they could be spending time with their mates?" Cal asks sarcastically, throwing Stiles a small glare. Theo chuckles "Fair point." he responds as they head back out to the jeep.

Cal climbs into the back of the jeep, letting Theo sit shotgun next to Stiles "What happens now?" Theo asks. "We wait." Stiles responds. "You want to take shifts watching?" Theo questions. "No... No, I want to spend some quality time with you." Stiles tells him sarcastically. "Sounds good to me." Theo says with a small smirk. Cal rolls his eyes and pulls out his phone to message Jackson and Ethan who are at the school helping Scott with Hayden. "You still wondering why I haven't said anything to Scott?" Theo asks gaining Cal's attention. "Maybe." Stiles responds. "You think I have some kind of ulterior motive?" the former asks. "More than likely." Stiles tells him. "Would you believe me if I said all I want, all I've ever wanted, is for you guys to trust me?" Theo tells him. "Nope." Stiles says with a shake of his head. "So, you're here because you're never going to trust me." Theo says. "Yep. Glad we had this talk." Stiles sarcastically tells him. Cal rolls his eyes at them as he waits for Ethan or Jackson to message back. "You know who you remind me of?" Theo asks. "Theo, I don't care." Stiles expounds. "My sister. She was smarter than everyone, too. And a pain in the ass like you. But she always looked out for me, the same way you look out for Scott." Theo continues, ignoring Stiles' comment as Cal leans forward slightly to listen. "You know, I was the one that found her body. She'd fallen into a creek, broken her leg... They told us she would've been okay if it wasn't one of the coldest nights of the year... If it wasn't for the hypothermia. And when I found her, all I could think was that I should've known. That I should've been looking out for her." Theo explains. "Why are you telling me this?" Stiles asks. "I'm telling you because even if you don't trust me, and even if you don't like me, I'm still going to be looking out for you... The way I should have been looking out for her." Theo responds making Cal smile sadly, thinking about Zac.

A little while later Cal leans in the back seat, trying to spread his legs across the back "You know, I saw his teeth. Donovan. He was a, uh, Wendigo, wasn't he?" Theo asks randomly. Cal freezes at the mention of the dead Chimera. "Yeah." Stiles responds. "The cannibal one?" Theo questions. "Native American. The myth says that if you ate human flesh, your punishment was to turn into a creature that constantly craved it." Cal explains from the back. "That's a pretty judgmental myth." Theo comments. "Well, we didn't make it up." Stiles says. "What if it was the only way to survive? I mean, you ever hear of the Donner Party? I'm pretty sure they didn't turn into Wendigos..." Theo says. "Well, they didn't live in Beacon Hills." Cal responds, cutting him off. "Good point. So, what's the punishment for killing a Chimera and covering up said killing?" Theo asks. "You spend five hours in the car with Theo Raeken." Stiles says. "And your annoying older brother who dragged you along." Cal mutters, adding to Stiles. "Like... I know what our punishment is. I'm gonna lose my best friend. We're gonna lose Scott." Stiles tells Theo as Cal starts fiddling with his hands. "If Scott really gave up on you for some piece of crap like Donovan, then he wouldn't be a True Alpha, would he??" Theo says. "Or maybe that's the definition of one, someone who doesn't put up with murder." Cal tells him. "It sounds like you guys need to look up justifiable homicide." Theo responds. "Did you seriously just say that to the son's of a cop?" Stiles asks. "A Werewolf's eyes are supposed to change color when you take an innocent life. Do these look blue to you?" Theo asks glowing his eyes. "It was self-defence, for me and for you." he continues. "Or maybe you just don't feel all that bad about it. You can't say one life is objectively less innocent than another one. What if they turn blue 'cause you feel guilty?" Cal asks shining his now blue eyes. "So it's up to interpretation?" Theo asks. "Yeah, maybe..." Stiles says. "Okay. Then here's my interpretation of what happened with you and Donovan, not guilty. Did you feel bad about it? Not now, I mean right then. Right when it happened. What were you thinking the moment you knew he was dead and there was no saving him?" Theo asks. "One word... Good." Stiles responds making Cal freeze slightly. "Cal?" Theo asks. The younger teen shrugs "I've kinda blocked it out from my mind." he lies, keeping his heartbeat steady and calm.

Once night has fallen properly Cal leans against the side of the seat, trying to get more comfortable. He stops when he smells something that is new "What?" Stiles asks when he sees both Theo and Cal perk up. "A scent... Like smoke." Cal explains. "Like something burning." Theo agrees. Just then a burning fist comes through the jeep window, punching Theo in the face before tipping the jeep onto it's roof. Cal cries out before everything goes black. "Cal?" Theo asks making the young teen come to. "Ahhh, yeah?" Cal responds. "You good, I need to check the body." Theo tells hi,. "Yeah, go." Cal tells him, shifting slightly. After a minute Theo comes running out and helps Stiles out the jeep as he wakes up "The body... The body's gone." Theo tells them, going back to try and help Cal. As he climbs back in the jeep to help Jackson and Ethan arrive in Jackson's Porsche "What happened?" Ethan asks, running over. "The person who has been stealing the bodies flipped my jeep with the three of us in it." Stiles explains. Cal climbs out with Theo helping him stand "You can't stay out of trouble, can you?" Jackson asks, going to his other side. "Trouble, me?" Cal asks as he leans against the Porsche.

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