Chapter 45

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Stiles screams out in pain as Cal rips his arm out the hand that's grabbed him, turning his sees that it's Donovan. Cal punches him in the face and grabs Stiles' arm before leading him back to the school "Stiles, library!" Cal tells him. Stiles nods and uses his card to open the library. Running in they hide behind some bookshelves when they hear Donovan walk in as a phone vibrates "You dropped your phone. It's Cora. Should I text her back?" Donovan asks. Cal looks at Stiles with wide eyes "You don't really know who I am, do you? Maybe you heard about my father. Did your dad tell you about him? Did Sheriff Stilinski ever tell you about the time he was still deputy and how his partner got caught in a shoot-out? Did he tell you a bullet shattered my dad's T-9 vertebra? Went right through his spinal cord? Know what that means? It means everything below his waist is useless. And not just his legs. I bet he told you some of it. But I bet he probably left out the part where he was sitting in a car calling for backup while my dad was going in alone. Did he tell you that he was too scared, too much of a frightened little bitch to go in after him? Or do scared little bitches not tell their little bitch son's about their failures? About how they put their partner in a wheelchair for the rest of his life?" Donovan asks. Cal lowly growls before pushing the bookshelf over, causing a distraction for them "Go." he tells Stiles. They run only to be grabbed by Donovan, Cal turns and hits him in the face.

"Up!" Cal tells Stiles as they start climbing up the scaffolding. Donovan climbs after them and grabs Stiles' ankle. "Don't worry. I'm not gonna kill you... I'm just gonna eat your legs." he tells them. Cal grabs hold of a pin holding the scaffolding up and pulls it making the scaffolding fall and hit Donovan. Looking down the brothers see that one of the scaffolding poles has impaled Donovan "Oh My God! What've I done?" Cal whispers tears gathering in his eyes as they climb down. Stiles puts a hand on Cal's shoulder turning him to look at him "Cal, it was self defence. It's not your fault, okay? We'll use the school phone to call the police, then they will come and see what's happened." he tells his brother. Cal nods and closes his eyes, turning away from Donovan's body. A minute later Stiles walks over to Cal "Come on they're sending someone out to check out the school." he tells the younger Stilinski. Nodding Cal lets him be led out to the Jeep. Stiles turns on the police radio so they can hear what's happening "10-97 and there's no one here. It's a 653." the officer outside states. "Roger that. It's a prank call. Return to your patrol." Dispatch responds. Stiles looks at Cal "Stay her I'm going to check to see why they didn't stay." he tells him. Cal nods watching as his brother walks towards the school and to the library.

His phone suddenly starts ringing making his jump and pull it out "H-hello?" he asks. "Babe, it's me. Where are you? Cora said she left you and Stiles at the school." Ethan asks. "Uh yeah. I'll be back soon... I'll tell you then." Cal responds tearing up again. "Are you okay baby?" Jackson asks from the end of the phone. "I'll talk when I get back." Cal replies hanging up as Stiles rushes back over and jumping in the front seat. "The body's gone, the blood, everything." he tells Cal starting the engine. "W-what? Oh God. Take me home please. I need..." Cal cuts off crying. "Hey, it's alright. Listen tell Jackson and Ethan if you have to but no one else til I tell you to. We need to think about this." Stiles tells him. Cal nods and looks at his hands the whole way to the house. Stiles pulls up in front of the house and turns to Cal "I'll talk to you tomorrow, okay?" he asks. Cal nods and jumps out the car, crossing over to his house opposite.

Opening the door he's immediately welcomed by both Jackson and Ethan "Where've you been?" Ethan asks. "A-at the school." Cal says looking at his feet. "What were you doing there so late?" Jackson adds. "Researching." Cal responds with no emotion. Ethan realises that he's shaking and nudges Jackson to point it out "Baby, what's happened?" Jackson asks gently. That's all it takes for Cal to drop to the floor crying, his mates rush forward and engulf him in a hug "Babe, I can smell blood." Ethan tells the young teen. Cal doesn't respond and just holds onto Jackson's shirt. "Let's get you upstairs." Jackson says, gently picking him up and and carrying him to their bedroom. Once inside their room Jackson places him on the bed "Baby, you need to tell us what happened," he tells him. "D-Donovan..." Cal trails off crying. "The one who threatened your dad?" Ethan asks gently making Cal nod. "Okay, what happened with him?" Ethan questions. "H-he came a-after me and S-Stiles at th-the school." Cal responds. "What happened then?" Jackson asks. "W-we went in the l-library. But h-he followed. I-I pushed the sh-shelves over to distract h-him. S-Stiles and I c-climbed the sc-scaffolding to get a-away but D-Donovan climbed a-after us. I-I pulled a p-pin out to make the scaffolding f-fall, w-which it did. B-but D-Donovan g-got I'm-impaled. I k-killed him." Cal shakes and starts sobbing into his hands. Ethan and Jackson look at each other "It's okay baby, shhh, it's going to be okay." Jackson tells him pulling Cal into a hug. "Cal, where's the body?" Ethan asks crouching down. "G-gone. S-Stiles called the p-police, th-they thought i-it was a prank. When Stiles ch-checked, h-he was gone." Cal sniffles, tears still streaming down his face. Ethan takes his hand and makes him look "Babe, it wasn't your fault. It was self defence, okay? We'll sort this all out. Now let's get you cleaned up and to bed." he tells Cal. Nodding Cal lets his mates clean him up before he falls asleep wrapped in their arms.

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