Chapter 9

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The school bus rumbles into the lot of the Glen Capri, doors swinging open, Coach and the Cross Country team jump off. An exhausted Cal and Ethan step out, Cal moans when he sees the motel. "It could be worse." Ethan tells him. "How could it be worse?" Cal asks looking at him. "We could have to sleep on the bus with the others." Ethan shrugs. Cal laughs and holds Ethan's hand with his right and his other hand holding his bag. "Listen up. The Meet's been pushed to tomorrow morning. This is the closest motel with the most vacancies and least amount of good judgment in accepting a group of degenerates like yourselves. You'll be pairing up. Choose wisely." Coach says as he begins handing the keys. " You and you, fine. Scott, Stiles. Ethan, Cal--behave yourselves. Allison, Lydia... Allison, Lydia?" Coach asks. "Thanks Coach." Allison says grabbing a key as a confused Coach looks after them, but then gets back to addressing his team. "And I'll have no sexual perversions perpetrated by you deviants. Got that? Keep your dirty little hands to your dirty little selves." Ethan and Cal smile as Coach looks at them in particular. As soon as the boys walk into their room Cal falls onto the bed exhausted, Ethan laughs and goes over to him lying down next to him. "Tired?" he asks causing Cal to nod and snuggle into him. "Our bed smells of smoke." Cal moans. "I know yet apparently we're in a non smokers room." Ethan tells him. "I'm going to go ask for new sheets." Cal gets up and heads for the door but gets pulled back by Ethan into a kiss. "Be back soon." Ethan tells Cal as he pulls away. Cal smiles and leaves bumping into Lydia "Hey Lyds." he smiles. "Hey Cal, where you off to?" Lydia asks. "Oh, Reception our room smells of smoke." Cal explains. "I wouldn't of I were you. She's really creepy. The motel has had 198 suicides since opening. They keep score." Lydia explains to the boy. "198?" Cal asks. "Yes I also have a horrible feeling like we were forced to be here and somethings going to happen." Lydia says. Cal looks at Lydia worriedly "Do you think there's danger?" he asks. "Yeah." Lydia nods. "I'll tell Ethan you go tell the others." Cal decides. Lydia nods and Cal heads back to his room.

When Cal gets back in the room Ethan isn't there, he looks on the bathroom but doesn't see him. He runs out onto the hallway "ETHAN?" he calls. Stiles, Alison and Lydia run over to him "What's the matter?" Lydia asks as they reach him. "I can't find Ethan. He isn't in our room, and I've got a bad feeling." Cal explains. "The number in reception has gone up by three aswell." Lydia says making Cal's eyes widen. They suddenly hear a handsaw from a room not to far away, Cal looks at the others before running to the door. When he sees it's locked Stiles moves him out the way before using his shoulder to try and open it. Stiles stumbles back hold his shoulder making Cal roll his eyes, he lifts his leg and kicks the door near the lock making the lock break and the door open. The others stare at him as he runs into the room, he spots Ethan with the handsaw. The others run in and see him as Cal shoves him onto a heater. Ethan yells in pain before looking at everyone "What happened?" he asks. Cal doesn't respond, he just hugs Ethan and kisses him. Once they've explained to Ethan what's going on they walk out the room. "Guys you said it went up by three. What if its sacrifices, this time three werewolves?" Cal suddenly asks. Everyone stops and looks at him "You go find Scott, we'll find Boyd and Isaac." Cal decides looking at Alison. She nods and runs to Scott and Stiles' room while the others head to Isaac's and Boyd's. Lydia notices Stiles' eyes on her. "What? Why are you looking at me like that?" she asks. "I wasn't looking--" Stiles starts. "Stiles." Lydia cuts him off. "Okay, I didn't want to say it. But we've kind of been through something like this before. A lot like this." Stiles says. "What do you mean? When?" Lydia asks. "Your birthday party. The night you poisoned everyone with wolfsbane." Stiles explains , Cal and Ethan look at each other confused about what's going on between the other two. Lydia looks at the boys before walking off. "Lydia, I didn't mean you're trying to kill people. I meant that maybe you're somehow involved in getting people to kill themselves. Which now that I've said it aloud sounds just as bad and yes, I will stop talking now." Stiles rambles. No longer listening to him, Lydia pauses at a sewer grate near her feet. A strange sound emanating from beneath it. "Stiles? Cal? Ethan? Do you hear that?" she asks. Fearful, Stiles, Cal and Ethan shake their heads. They watch as Lydia slowly kneels at the grate, eyes locked on it. "Lydia? What do you hear?" Cal asks her. "A baby crying. Its mother--she can't get it to stop crying. And I hear... I hear water running." Eyes widening as she listens intently, Lydia's breath catches in her throat. "Oh my God, she's drowning it. The baby. She's drowning the baby." Lydia shoots back to her feet, whirling to face the boys. "Someone's drowning." she tells them.

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