Chapter 52

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Ethan and Jackson stand with Isaac and Louise as Cal is out on a bed and rolled away from them "I'll come and get you when he's out of surgery." Melissa tells them. Ethan and Jackson hug each other as Isaac holds Louise to his chest "What are you four doing here?" Stiles asks walking over. "Stiles it's Cal. He got in a fight with Liam." Isaac starts to explain. "Where is he? Why's he here? Shouldn't he have healed?" Stiles asks. "He isn't letting himself heal, he was dead for 20 minutes. He's blaming himself for what happened to Donovan." Jackson explains. Stiles lets a couple of tears fall as they all sit down "First dad now Cal." he says. Louise wraps her arms round her friend in comfort for the both of them "He'll heal, he has to." she tells him. After an hour Cora runs into the room, her shirt covered in blood "Cora! What happened?" Stiles asks jumping up. "I'm alright, I've already healed." Core tells him. Stiles nods and sits down with her "How are they?" she asks. "Nothing yet." Isaac responds while running his hands through his hair. "No news is good news, right?" Cora asks. "Yeah, let's hope so." Stiles responds.

The next evening Jackson and Ethan sit beside Cal's bed waiting for him to wake up when Stiles wheels Noah into the room in a wheelchair "Sheriff!" the two of them say standing up. "Hey boys, how is he doing?" he asks them. "He's nearly healed, just waiting for him to wake up." Jackson explains. As he says that Cal groans slightly "Cal?" Stiles asks moving so he's next to his brother. "Mhm" Cal responds. "Oh thank god." Stiles sighs as Cal opens his eyes. "What's Chuck got to do with this?" Cal asks. Ethan, Jackson and Stiles chuckle "You and your Supernatural references." Jackson smiles. Cal chuckles and groans as he sits up "Easy baby, you haven't fully healed yet." Ethan says helping up sit up. "When can I get out of here?" Cal asks. "Melissa said tomorrow if you're healed." Noah responds. "Okay." Cal sighs leaning his head back. "You do as they say, you died okay? You were dead for twenty minutes, you don't get a say." Stiles tells his brother pointing at him. "Stiles, I'm alright. I promise." Cal responds. Stiles nods and hugs his brother close to him "You better be." he tells him.

A couple days later Cal sits at home playing with Sky while Ethan and Jackson watch tv, Stiles walks in and walks over "Cal, I need you to come see Scott with me

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A couple days later Cal sits at home playing with Sky while Ethan and Jackson watch tv, Stiles walks in and walks over "Cal, I need you to come see Scott with me." he tells his brother. "Why do you need me to come?" Cal asks. "So it's less... awkward." Stiles responds. "Okay fine, but you owe me ice cream and cake." Cal sighs getting up from the floor. "Deal." Stiles nods. Cal rolls his eyes and kisses both Ethan and Jackson "I'll be back later." he tells them. "Be safe." they tell him. Nodding Cal follows Stiles out to the jeep and climbs in the front passenger seat "What we going to Scott for?" Cal asks. "Check the footage on my phone. See if you see the same as me." Stiles tells him. Cal takes his phone and starts watching the footage "Wait, two go in... but three come out. There's another way into the communication towers." Cal realises. "Exactly let's get Scott and go find out where it is." Stiles tells him.

Cal and Stiles stand in the doorway of Scott's bathroom before Scott is able to put the new gauze bandage over his chest. All three of them look at each other in shock and concern, Scott covers his wound before either of the brothers can take a better look "Hey." Stiles says nervously before pausing for a brief moment "Still not healing?" he asks. Scott shrugs it off "Sometimes it just takes longer." he says before pulling on a shirt. Cal rolls his eyes slightly and leans against the door frame as Scott walks over "What are you doing here?" Scott asks. "Uh... you heard about the guy who got killed out at the communication towers, right? I think I may have figured something out..." Stiles explains. Scott frowns in confusion "What, you want my help?" he asks. "Yeah, well... You said you can find the clues that I can't. Here, take a look." Stiles says before pulling out his phone and showing Scott the video. "This is when the technician first arrived. You see him going in? Then, Deputy Clark goes in. Then, something really big and really fast comes charging out, and now comes Clark. Eventually, the technician's body is carried out by paramedics." Cal says along with the video. "Okay... What am I missing?" Scott asks with a small smile. "Two people go in. Three people come out." Cal tells him. "I checked all the footage, not a single person enters that building before the technician the entire day. So, where does that something really big and really fast come from?" Stiles asks. Scott's eyes widen in shock "There's another way in." he realises.

Cal climbs out the back of the jeep and spots Ethan's bike parked to the side, smiling he spots Ethan and Jackson waiting by the entrance "What are you to doing here?" Scott asks. "You may have royally screwed up but you're still our Alpha and our friend." Jackson tells him. "Wait, say that again." Stiles smirks. "You heard, I'm not saying it again." Jackson retorts. Cal chuckles and leads the four older teens inside to the telecommunications basement "Okay... You see that?" Stiles asks. "I see blood..." Scott trails off.  "Look where it leads to." Cal tells him motioning to the large metal cabinet. Scott walks over and tries to lift it up but struggles, the other four boys look at each other before Ethan steps forward and helps him move it out the way. Underneath the cabinet is a metal grate which has been forcefully ripped open, revealing a ladder down below the basement "If this turns out to be a portal to Hell, I'm blaming you." Cal says looking at Stiles. "Yeah, yeah." Stiles mutters before following Scott down the ladder. "Cal, maybe you should-" Ethan starts. "I'm not staying here." Cal interrupts before following his brother down the ladder.

At the bottom of the ladder Cal realises that they are in the same tunnels that lead to the water treatment plant. Stiles moves his flash light to see a message written in Mercury on the floor "Damnatio Memoriae." Cal reads. "What is that?" Scott asks. "It looks like Latin..." Jackson comments.  Scott pulls out his phone and holds it up "Hold up that light, I'm gonna get a picture of it." he tells Stiles. Scott frowns when the flashlight dips and he can't see the message anymore "Stiles, hold the light still." he says. Stiles groans and falls onto the floor, Cal turns and sees Tracy partially transformed "You're not the only one who can do that." Jackson smirks before letting his Kanima features show. Cal smirks as he watches Jackson start fighting Tracy, he turns and sees Josh with purple sparks emitting from his hands  "Scott, behind you!" he warns. Scott turns and grabs Josh spinning him to face Jackson who pins Tracy's claws in his chest, Josh falls to the floor paralysed as Tracy falls incapacitated by Josh's electricity. Stiles smirks at Josh slightly "Sucks, doesn't it?" he comments. Cal growls as he feels a presence beside him, Corey appears out of nowhere and moves away as Theo walks over "Okay! Maybe they're not ready to take on an Alpha..." he says before looking at Corey unimpressed "Especially one that can smell fear." he adds. Corey scoffs "They've got fangs!" he exclaims. Cal growls making Ethan touch his arm to calm him and stop him from doing anything.

Scott looks at Theo "What did you do?" he asks, talking about the three chimeras he thought were dead. "I found some new friends. I don't take rejection well." Theo shrugs. "Hey, Theo!" Stiles greets sarcastically from the floor. "Stiles." Theo responds before turning back to Scott "You're going to leave here thinking that you need to worry about me... But you're wrong. Because that thing? That's what we need to worry about. Your pack, and mine. We're gonna go back to school and pretend like we're normal teenagers, but at night, we're going to be fighting for our lives." Theo explains talking about the creature who killed the technician. "What is it?" Ethan asks. "It's not a Chimera." Theo responds. "But it's just a kid underneath, someone like us." Scott says. "Not anymore." Theo tells him, shaking his head. Scott looks back at the message written on the floor, Theo realizes what he's doing and stomps on it so it cracks and destroys the writing so it can no longer be read. Tracy stands and drags Josh behind her as she and Corey follow Theo away from Scott and his pack.

Cal goes over to Stiles and helps him so he is sat against the wall, Scott joins them with Ethan and Jackson following suit "He knew what it meant, and I can't remember the words..." Scott trails off as he looks at where the writing was. "Damnatio memoriae. It means condemnation of memory." Cal pipes up making Stiles nod and sigh. "I think it also means that whatever the Dread Doctors created, whatever this last Chimera really is? It's not something new. It's something old, really old." he adds. Scott looks at them horrified "So, they didn't create a new creature..." he realises. "They resurrected one." Ethan finishes. "We need help. If Theo's got his own pack now, then we need ours. We have to get the others back." Scott tells them. "The others? You mean Kira, who's currently battling a homicidal Fox spirit inside of her? Malia, who isn't even speaking to either of us? Lydia, who's stuck in Eichen House? And Liam, who almost killed you and technically killed my baby brother?" Stiles asks. Scott smiles weakly and shrugs "Also known as our best friends." he tells him. "Okay. How?" Stiles asks with a sigh. "One by one." Scott smiles before using his index and middle fingers to draw a small circle in the dust on the floor of the tunnel. He looks at Stiles with an expectant expression "You're not seriously going to make me do it...?" Stiles asks. "You're part of the pack, right?" Scott asks. Stiles sighs and puts a larger circle round Scott's circle, creating the pack symbol "Okay. We need to find Kira." Scott says before helping Stiles up. "I still hate that tattoo." Stiles groans as Scott helps him walk. Scott laughs "I know." he responds.

Cal, Ethan and Jackson get home and walk into the living room where Aiden, Louise and Isaac are sat "Where've you three been?" Louise asks. "With Scott and Stiles. We've come up with a plan, we're getting everyone back into the pack. Theo has his pack so we need ours." Cal explains. "Where do we start?" Aiden smiles. "We're getting Kira first, then we're going to work out how to get Malia and Lydia back." Jackson tells them.

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