Chapter 51

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Cal looks between his alpha and his best friend "What do you mean, No?" Liam asks. "Liam, look at her. She's too weak. It will kill her. We don't even know what the mercury's doing to her. We don't even know if it's actually mercury. This can't be the only way to save her." Scott explains. "It saved mine." Liam responds. "You know that was different. You were hanging off a ledge." Scott tells him. "You promised. You said you'd do everything you could." Liam says. "Which is why I'm not going to do something I think is going to kill her. There has to be... There has to..." Scott trails off struggling to breathe. "Scott!" Theo exclaims chucking him his inhaler. "There's another way to save her." Scott says. "Guys, I don't know what the statistics are for surviving a Werewolf bite, but she's definitely not surviving this. We need to do something." Theo says. "Call your mum. She might know something." Cal suggests. Scott nods and walks out to the front to call him mum. Theo walks over to Cal "I told Scott, he doesn't blame you for what happened. I explained about how it happened and how you didn't have another choice." he tells him. Cal nods "Okay." he says.

As morning breaks Melissa arrives with medical equipment "Okay, what's that?" Liam asks as Melissa starts. "It's called chelation therapy. It removes heavy metals from the blood. But, the problem is... is that it can injure the kidneys, and Hayden only has one to begin with, so..." Melissa trails off. Hayden winces as she stabs her with the needle. "Hey, you're hurting her!" Liam exclaims grabbing Melissa's wrist. "And you're hurting me." Melissa says calmly. "Sorry." Liam apologises. "Hey guys? Remember, we're here to save a life, not kill each other." Theo comments. "It's the full moon. We can feel it, even during the day. And, it's a supermoon." Ethan explains. "What, is that supposed to make you guys, like, super strong? Super aggressive?" Melissa asks. "Both." Cal responds.

Cal leans into Ethan's arms as they sit out the front "You know we're going to need help with him." Theo tells Scott. "He'll be all right." Scott brushes off. "He's sixteen and in love. First love. You remember what that's like?" Theo asks. Cal looks at Scott knowing he's thinking of Alison "Yeah... Trust me, I remember." Scott responds. "All those emotions mixed with the supermoon... Tonight isn't going to be good." Theo tells him. "I know." Scott says with a sigh. "We need help and I don't mean restraints or chains. I mean Malia, Stiles, Lydia... You need your pack, Scott." Theo tells him. "I'm not so sure I have one anymore." Scott responds. "Then why are we here?" Jackson points out. "Let me talk to them. Let me see what I can do. Okay?" Theo suggests standing up. "Theo... Thank you." Scott says as Theo goes to leave. Cal sighs and snuggles closer to Ethan, starting to feel the pull of the moon.

The four boys go back to where Liam, Hayden and Melissa are "It's not working, is it?" Liam asks. "She should be showing signs of improvement. Hayden?" Melissa says. "Call Val... My sister... Valerie..." Hayden tells them. "She's a deputy." Liam says. "I think I might know where she is. Theo just texted me about the high school. He said there's cops everywhere. Might be another Chimera." Scott says putting his phone away. "Um, my sister... I don't want to die without my sister..." Hayden tells them. "I'll get her." Scott assures her. "Uh, wait... what are you going to tell her?" Liam asks. "If I have to... I'll tell her everything." Scott responds before leaving.

Melissa looks at Hayden's skin where there are silver splotches "It's on her neck, too. She's getting worse, isn't she?" Liam asks. "Yeah... Which is why we're taking her to the hospital." Melissa says. "How's that going to help?" Liam asks her. "We're in an animal clinic, and I need equipment designed for humans. I said that we're going to take her to the hospital. I didn't say we're going through the front door." Melissa responds. "We'll find Scott and Valerie." Cal says making Melissa and Liam nod in response. Cal walks out the front with his mates "You guys check the station, I'll head to the school." Cal says. "Okay, be careful." Ethan tells him. "Always am." Cal smirks before starting to run.

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