Chapter 46

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Jackson sits in the back of the car keeping pressure on Cal's chest as Ethan drives with Stiles in the front passenger. Why isn't he healing?" Jackson asks. "I don't know." Ethan responds. "Could it be like what happened with Scott when we thought Derek was dead?" Stiles suddenly asks. "What, he's not healing because he feels guilty?" Ethan asks realising what Stiles is saying. "Yeah, we all know he feels guilty about Donovan. Maybe he's punishing himself." the older Stilinski brother says. "Cal, stay awake for us!" he tells the young teen as he sees Cal's eyes start closing. "How far away are we?" he adds looking up at the others. "About ten minutes, I'm going as fast as I can." Ethan responds stressed. Stiles turns in his seat to see Cal growing paler by the second, undoing his seatbelt he climbs through the middle of the front seats to the back. "Don't tell my dad I did that." he says before brushing Cal's hair back. "Hey Cal, stay awake. You hear me? Just stay with us." he tells his brother. Cal cries out and groans as the car moves. "Shh, it's okay baby. You're going to be okay, you just need to hold on for us." Jackson begs. " St-stiles?" Cal asks. "I'm here, I'm here. Don't try to talk." Stiles says as strips his flannel and presses it to his brother's chest. "T-tell dad... tell h-him..." Cal tries before his eyes close. Jackson grabs Cal's face in his hand's "Cal, Baby? Wake up. Come baby, please!" he tells him. "Ethan, how much longer?" Stiles asks, tears in his eyes. "We're two minutes away." Ethan responds, just as panicked as the others. "Dammit! Cal stay with us!" Stiles begs his brother as he feels Cal's breathing getting shallower. "Come on, show us your eyes baby. Please show us." Jackson pleads.

The car comes to a stop as they reach the back of the hospital. The three teens jump out the car, Jackson getting Cal out the car and carrying him to the doors. Scott meets them with Melissa, Kira, Aiden and Lydia just through the doors. Melissa takes one look at the boy in Jackson's arms before looking at her son "I can't help him alone, I need Deaton here. Now!" she tells him. Scott nods and gets his phone out to call the veterinarian. Melissa leads them to an empty room "Get him on the bed and his shirt off." she orders. Jackson lies Cal on the bed before ripping his shirt off so Melissa can get to his chest. Melissa grabs an oxygen mask and puts it over the teen's face as Scott walks in "Deaton's nearly here." he tells the group. Melissa frowns as she checks Cal over, she looks at Scott before looking at Ethan, Jackson and Stiles. Scott gets the message and looks at them "Ethan you need to move the car so no one asks about it, take Jackson and get Louise. As well as Cal some clean clothes as well. Stiles you need to let your dad know what's happened." he tells his three friends. They go to argue but Lydia realises what Scott's doing "Go we'll call if anything happens." she assures them. Hesitating they nod and leave the room.

The remaining four teens look at Melissa. "Why did you need them gone?" Kira asks. "Because the state he's in... it's not looking good." the female McCall explains. "What can we do?" Aiden asks. "I need to get him stable. I need to stop the bleeding but I can't see where it's coming from." Melissa says before grabbing an ECG machine and connecting it to Cal. As she does that Cal starts struggling to breathe and start seizing "Mum, tell us what to do." Scott says. "Get him on his side, he's choking." Melissa tells him as she rushes over to a cabinet. Scott and Aiden roll Cal on his side to try and help him breathe, just then Theo runs in "I saw Ethan and Jackson. They said what happened, I want to help." he explains. "Help my mum find what she's looking for." Scott tells him as he and Aiden struggle to hold Cal. "What are you looking for?" Theo asks. "Lorazepam, I need to stop the seizure before anything." Melissa explains. "Mum, what's happening?" Scott asks. "His body is going into shock, did Deaton say how long he'd be?" Melissa asks. "No, he just said he'd be here." Scott responds. Theo hands Melissa a bottle and she takes it and injects the contents into Cal's arm. Slowly Cal stops shaking making Scott and Aiden let him go.

After a couple minutes Cal start groaning as the machine beeps next to him "Mum? What's wrong?" Scott asks, worried about the boy he sees as a baby brother. "His body is starting to shut down." Melissa explains. Just the Deaton enters the room "What happened?" he asks the True Alpha. "He got stabbed by one of the Dread Doctors." Scott responds. Nodding Deaton starts helping Melissa with Cal as the teens stand there helplessly. "Scott in my bag there's a bottle labelled Chervil and Ivy, get it out and give it to me." Deaton says. Nodding Scott does so and hands the open bottle to him. Taking it Deaton pours some int9 his hands and presses it against Cal's stab wound. Cal cries out in pain before slowly calming and relaxing onto the bed. As Deaton moves back Lydia goes forward and starts brushing Cal's hair back, away from his eyes. "He just needs to be stitched up and rest. He'll be alright though." Deaton explains.

The group in the room hear fast footsteps in the corridor before the door swings open to reveal Jackson, Ethan, Stiles, Louise and Noah. "Is he okay?" Stiles immediately asks. "He'll be just fine, he just needs some time to rest and heal." Melissa assures. The five new arrivals all give sighs of relief before Melissa and Deaton go out to the corridor to talk to the Sheriff. Cal groans slightly before opening his eyes slightly, shutting them quickly straight after "Too bright." he mumbles. Scott smiles and dims the light for him. Jackson and Ethan immediately hug him gently "We thought we lost you." Jackson whispers, nuzzling Cal's neck slightly. "'M right her." Cal responds with his eyes shut. Stiles moves forward and sits at the end of his brother's bed "Never do that again." he tells him. "What get stabbed or nearly die?" Cal smirks. Stiles glares as Louise hits the younger teen's leg "Both." she tells him giving him a look. "Uh oh, Mamma Bear is on the loose." Cal jokes making the others chuckle. "We'll leave you guys to it. I'm glad you're okay." Scott says patting Cal's shoulder before he, Theo, Aiden, Lydia and Kira leave the room. Noah walks in and over to his youngest son "Thank God you're okay." he says hugging him. "I'm all good." Cal smiles weakly. "Yeah and I'm Emma Watson." Louise glares making Cal chuckle before wincing. "Get so sleep baby, we're not going anywhere. Nodding Cal closes his eyes and falls asleep in his mates' arms.

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