Chapter 49

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Cal winces and Ethan puts his arm back into its natural position "There, good as new." Ethan tells him with a quick kiss. "We should get you to the hospital. You took in a lot of smoke." Theo tells Stiles making Cal nod in agreement. "I'm fine." Stiles responds. "Suspect in one-eight-seven is in custody and en route to station. Suspect's name is Yukimura, Kira." dispatch say over the radio in the jeep. "What's a one-eight-seven?" Jackson asks. "Homicide." Cal responds. "Come on we'll call someone to get the jeep on the way to Scott's." Ethan says. "Why Scott's?" Cal asks. "Liam and Hayden have been taken by the Dread Doctors." Jackson tells him. Cal growls and punches the wall, making his hand bleed. "Easy baby, we'll get them back." Ethan assures him, kissing his forehead. Cal nods and climbs in the back of the Porsche, Theo climbing in after him.

Sitting in Scott's living room, Cal hears Scott enter the house. "Hey, is Kira okay?" Stiles asks. "Scott?" Theo asks as Scott walks past and up his bedroom where Corey is sat with Lydia, Aiden and Mason. Cal, Ethan and Jackson follow after him with Theo and Stiles in tow "Sorry, I'm only on chapter two. I'm kind of a slow reader." Corey apologises, looking up from the book. "Oh, that's okay, Corey." Mason tells him. "He's right. We don't have time for that, anyway." Scott says going forward. "No, Scott! Don't!" both Lydia and Cal exclaims, realising what he's doing. Scott ignores them and plunges his claws into the back of Corey's neck. Theo steps forward slightly making Aiden stop him "Don't get too close!" he warns. "What is he doing?" Theo asks. "Tapping into Corey's memories. It's usually something only Alphas do." Ethan explains. "Is it as dangerous as it looks?" Theo questions. "Probably more." Cal and Stiles say at the same time. "Does anyone know if it's working?" Mason asks. Just as he says that both Scott and Corey come out their trance "Is he okay?" Scott asks. "What the hell did you do to me?" Corey asks. "You'll be all right." Scott tells him. "There's blood..." Corey trails off. "You'll heal." Scott responds. "Scott-" Lydia starts only to be cut of by Scott. "He'll be fine!" he exclaims. "Listen, I think it worked. I saw something. There were tunnels, pipes along the walls... There were these huge blue pipes at the entrance, two on both sides." Scott explains, talking about Corey's memories. "Wait a second... I know this. I've seen this before. That's one of the tunnels I used to skateboard in. Remember? My dad caught me one time and told me to never go back?" Stiles tells him. "It's the water treatment plant." Lydia tells them. "That's where they are. That's where we'll find Liam and Hayden." Scott says before heading downstairs.

Cal sighs and follows "Scott... Scott, slow down. Just think for a second, okay? Mason shouldn't be going." Stiles says. "Liam's my best friend. I'm going." Mason retorts. "Oh, did you suddenly get super-wolf powers? I wasn't aware of that development." Stiles says sarcastically. "Well, if you're not going, I could use the help." Scott responds. "No, I'm coming as soon as I talk to my dad. They're moving the body, and he wants to make sure that this time, no one steals it." Stiles explains. "How's he gonna do that?" Malia asks. "I don't know... But whoever took the last one was strong enough to flip my Jeep." Stiles tells them. "We can bring Theo." Malia suggests. "Maybe I better stay here... You know, in case the Doctors decide to make a house call for Corey." Theo suggests. "I'll stay aswell, Ethan and Jax are going hospital with Stiles and Aiden is heading home to help Louise and Isaac with the triplets." Cal says. "Scott, Stiles is right. We need to slow down and think." Lydia tells the Alpha. "I am thinking... about how Liam and Hayden could already be dead." Scott responds. "You could've hurt him, Scott. Really hurt him." Lydia says. "I have to find Liam." Scott tells her. "Hey, text me. For anything." Stiles tells them. "I got it." Malia nods. "Anything at all, okay?" Stiles says. "Sti, they get it." Cal says with an eye roll.

Cal watches Corey wipe the back of his neck "It healed, didn't it?" Corey asks. "Yeah... Completely." Cal says. "Okay, then. It's been fun. Especially the part where a Werewolf forced his way into my brain with his claws." Corey tells Cal, Lydia and Theo. "I don't think leaving is such a good idea, Corey..." Lydia starts. Cal looks at Theo motioning for him to play along "You know, Lydia's a Banshee." he starts. "It means she can tell when someone's close to death." Theo continues. "Lydia, what happens if he walks out that door?" Cal asks looking at her friend, "...It's bad...Very bad." Lydia tells the teen. "I'll take my chances." Corey scoffs. "Then give us a better chance at finding our friends. What else did you see?" Theo asks. "Come on, Corey, there had to be something else." Cal tells him. "There was the hospital, and... they took me outta my room..." Corey starts. "And then where?" Lydia asks. "The tunnels... Like I already told you. That's it." Corey says. "Yeah, nothing after that?" Cal asks. "No." Corey shakes his head. "Well, there has to be more. Think. Corey, for one minute, just... just think." Theo tells him. "...There was a basement." Corey realises. "Where? Like, in a building?" Lydia asks. "A house. It was old, covered in dust, and... There was a broken stone wall with a large hole in it, like a bomb went off." Corey explains. "Lydia, the Werewolf with the talons, the one who attacked Scott? Didn't Parrish say that he smashed through the wall of a basement? Wasn't it something like that?" Theo asks the banshee. "No... It was exactly like that." Lydia responds. "Come one, I know the address." Cal tells Theo making his friend nod.

"Here, this is the house." Cal says making Theo pull over his car. Cal opens the house door and walks on, followed by Theo "This way." Theo says pointing to a door leading down to the basement. "They're coming back." they hear Liam say. "Liam? Hayden?" Theo calls out. Cal, Theo, wait! Don't!" Liam cries out bad Theo and Cal touch the wire fence. They both fly back as they are electrocuted "Ahh, shit." Cal groans. "Cal? Theo? You all right?" Liam asks. "Yeah... Yeah, I'm fine." Theo responds. "I'm good, had worse." Cal adds. "You think you can get help?" Liam asks them. "We are the help." Cal responds. "Both at the same time? You take left, I take right?" Theo asks Cal. "Yeah." Cal nods. They walk over and each grab a side of the wire fence, using their strength to pull apart the fence. Cal shuts his eyes before they start glowing so Liam doesn't see them being blue. They manage to pull apart the fence, Cal falling to the floor panting slightly "Cal?" Theo asks rushing over to him. "I'm okay, give me a second." Cal pants making his friend nod at him.

Sitting in the passenger seat of Theo's car, Cal leans his head against the window "It still hurts?" Liam asks Hayden. "Everywhere. I'm not healing, not like it did before. That means I'm a failure, doesn't it?" Hayden asks. Liam leans forward and kisses her gently, taking her pain at the same time "It's gone... The pain's gone. How did you do that?" Hayden asks. "I don't know." Liam tells her confused. They continue to kiss as Theo drives, Cal looks across to him "We going back to Scott's?" he asks. "Yeah, easier than explaining to Liam's parents and Hayden's sister." Theo responds making him nod. They soon pull up at Scott's and climb out, Louise runs out and hugs Liam. "Lou, what are you doing here?" Cal asks. "The boys and Cora said they'd look after the triplets so I could come see if I could do anything." Louise explains making Cal nod at her.

Cal lies on the sofa with his head in Louise's lap slowly falling asleep when the door opens, opening his eyes he sees Scott walk in with Malia, Mason, Stiles, Ethan and Jackson following. Scott sees Liam asleep with Hayden, and hugs Theo in thanks. Cal sits up and stands, walking over to his mates "Can we go home now? I'm tired and sore." he asks. Jackson and Ethan chuckle "Yeah let's go." Ethan tells him.

His Little Brother حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن