Chapter 60

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Three months later

Cal creeps out of Pyrrhus' room after settling him down for the night before walking downstairs to where Ethan, Jackson, Aiden and Lydia are all sat "He asleep?" Jackson asks

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Cal creeps out of Pyrrhus' room after settling him down for the night before walking downstairs to where Ethan, Jackson, Aiden and Lydia are all sat "He asleep?" Jackson asks. "Yeah, I had to read him five stories first. He wouldn't settle down, first it was because he needed a drink, then he was hungry." Cal sighs, sitting down between his mates. "So he just didn't want to go to sleep then?" Ethan asks. "Yep, basically." Cal nods. "What time were Louise and Isaac getting back from their date?" Lydia asks. "After the movie so about half hour." Cal says checking his phone for the time and seeing multiple messages from Stiles. Shaking his head he puts his phone away "Stiles?" Ethan asks. "Yep, wanting me to go out with him and Scott. There was also a message from dad, apparently Stiles and Scott saved canisters of helium... from the man who was driving the van." Cal explains, everyone laughing at the last part. Just then Lydia's phone starts ringing making he pick it up "Yes Stiles?... Why?... Can we go tomorrow instead?... Fine we'll be there." she sighs hanging up "A couple have been taken leaving there son alone. Apparently there might be something supernatural about it so Stiles wants us to go investigate the car in the compound." she explains. Cal groans but stands up "No point us all going, I'll drive us Lyds. If there's anything we'll call you." he tells the others. Lydia kisses Aiden as Cal kisses Jackson and Ethan "Call if you need us. No being a hero." Ethan tells him. "I will." Cal assures them.

Cal leans against a car next to Cora as they look at the couple's car "Stiles better be right about this, he interrupted our double date." Cal pouts. Cora nods "We were meant to be dropping Scott of before our date when he spotted the van with the helium." she responds. Just then they hear a coyote howl followed by Malia in her Coyote form arriving and transforming back. Cal, Stiles and Scott look away while she gets dressed "I don't think they're dead." Lydia says once Malia is changed. "They're dead. Probably torn apart. The only thing I don't get is why there's no blood." Malia responds with a skeptic look. "They're not dead. If they were dead, I'd sense it." Lydia denies. "If they were alive, I'd smell it." Malia points out. "Yeah, I'm not getting anything either." Scott cuts in. "Scott, what are you talkin' about? You were in his head for four minutes! I timed it." Stiles tells him. Scott shrugs tiredly .Well, it's not an exact science... And he's a kid. Maybe he's too freaked out to remember?" he suggests. "Why does it matter if they're dead?" Malia frowns in confusion. "Dead is dead, okay? If it's just a robbery, we can't help them. And, if it's something supernatural, my dad can't help them." Stiles says. "It sounds like you want it to be supernatural..." Cora frowns. "It's been, like, three months since anything's happened..." Stiles defends. "Yeah, and once a week, you drag me out of bed like I'm some sort of supernatural metal detector!" Lydia exclaims. Stiles looks at her offended "Okay, it is way more often than that. You can't tell me that you think this is just some series of impossible coincidences?" he questions. "What she's saying is maybe that wouldn't be so bad." Cal tells his brother. Stiles sighs and heads off to the car, Cal looks at Lydia "Go get in the car, I'll meet you there. Scott and I will talk to him." he tells her. Lydia nods and takes the keys from him before going to get in the car with Malia while Cal and Scott walk over to Stiles who is sat in the car that belonged to the couple "You're staring at a broken windshield." Cal tells him. "There's something wrong with it." Stiles responds. "It's broken. And it wasn't a magic bullet. It was a regular bullet... that blew out a regular windshield. Just like that one... And that one... And that one..." Scott trails off as the three of them realise that something is off. Stiles leans forward and plucks a a shard of glass from the windshield "Magic bullet..." he whispers.

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