Chapter 12

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Cal and Ethan arrive at Derek's loft and see Scott and Stiles explaining everything to Derek. They all hide behind one of the walls when they hear Jennifer. The steel door slides back with a clang and Jennifer rushes in. "Derek? Derek, where are you?" she calls out panicking. "Right here." he says. She spins around and sees Derek step out of the shadows as if he'd been waiting in the darkness for her. "Thank God." she rushes over, and wraps her arms around him. "Something happened at the recital. At the school. I need to tell you before you hear it--before you hear any of it from them." she tells him. "From who?" Derek asks. "Scott, Cal, Ethan, Stiles--they're going to tell you things. Things you can't believe. You have to trust me, okay? You trust me." Jennifer tells him. "What is it?" Derek asks her "Promise you'll listen to me." she says. "I promise." he tells her. She kisses him, pressing her lips desperately to his but there's a hesitancy in him. She pulls back to look him in the eyes, noticing a lack of reaction and a visible unease. "They're already here, aren't they?" The boys walk out from where they were hiding, Cal growls slightly which makes Jennifer back away nervously. Ethan puts a hand on Cal's shoulder calming him instantly."So they told you it was me? That I'm the one taking people?" Jennifer asks. "We told him you're the one killing people." Scott corrects. "Oh, that's right. Committing human sacrifices. Cutting their throats? I probably do it during my lunch hour. That way I can get back to teaching high school English the rest of the day. That makes perfect sense." she lies. "Where's our Dad?" Stiles asks. "How would I know? Derek, tell me you don't believe this." she says. "Do you know what happened to Stiles and Cal's father?" Derek asks. "No. I have no idea." Jennifer tells him.

"Ask her why she almost killed Lydia and stabbed Cal." Scott says "Lydia Martin? I don't know anything about that and if I stabbed Cal then how come he's here fine?" Jennifer asks. "I'll tell you how I'm fine. Ethan turned me, if he didn't I would be dead right now." Cal says with a slight growl and his eyes flashing to his beta gold. "What do you know?" Derek asks her. "I know these boys, for whatever misguided reason, are filling your head with an absurd story. One they can't prove, by the way." Jennifer points out looking smugly at the teens. "What if we could?" Ethan smirks. Jennifer notices an open vial held in his hands. Inside are the ground and crushed remains of green and brown leaves. "What is that?" she asks. "Mistletoe. My boss told me it's a poison and a cure. Which means you can use it, but it can also be used against you." Scott tells her nodding at Ethan. With a flick of his arm, the powder flies out of the vial, making a cloud of dust. Jennifer raises her hands, but the cloud makes her face change to the darach slashed and shrieking in anger. Derek flinches back as if he'd been hit. Dust settling around her, Jennifer looks up with a mixture of rage and fear. She starts to back away, moving for an escape. But Derek charges at her. "No, Derek wait--" she tries but his right hand wraps around her throat, left opening with his claws unsheathed. "Wait, just wait--you need me." Jennifer tries again. "What are you?" Derek asks. "The only person who can save your sister." she tells him, Derek blinks with a moment of hesitation. Scott and Stiles watch as Jennifer struggles to breathe, eyes locked on Derek's. "Call Peter. Call him." she tells the Alpha. Derek pulls out his phone and calls his Uncle.

"It's not good. She's been in and out of consciousness. And she's vomiting up black blood along with one other alarming substance." Peter tells him. "Mistletoe." Derek says. "How did you know that?" Peter asks confused. Derek slowly lowers the phone as his grip tightens around Jennifer's throat. "Derek? What are you doing?" Scott asks. Jennifer's mouth opens, trying to draw in air. "Her life--it's in my hands." Derek tells him. "Stop. Derek, stop." Stiles says firmly. Jennifer's feet lift off the floor "Stilinski--you'll never find him." she gasps. "Derek." Scott says. Anguish in his eyes, he finally releases his grip, letting Jennifer fall to the floor. She draws in a breath, hand to her throat and glares up at them in defiance. "That's right. You need me. All of you." she smirks. As they all head to their cars and Ethan's bike, Ethan looks at Cal smiling. "What?" Cal asks. "It's just you've got really great control already." Ethan tells him. Derek pushes Jennifer into the car and turns to them. "It's because you're mates. Ethan has control because he's obviously been a werewolf for a while now. Cal you're tapping into that level of control that he has." he explains. Cal smiles and holds Ethan's hand giving it a gentle squeeze, Derek looks at them "The only reason you didn't realise straight away is because I think you guys have another mate somewhere. Once this is over I'll help you find them." he tells the pair. "Thanks Der." Cal says smiling as Derek gets in his car.

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