Chapter 59

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Cal messages Jackson and Ethan as he, Scott, Liam and the injured Surgeon pull up to the animal clinic "Jax and Eth are meeting us here, Lou is looking after Pyrrhus for us." he tells his Alpha as they climb out the car. "Good we're going to need as many of us as possible." Scott nods as they pull the Surgeon out of the car and into the animal clinic where they find Stiles and Cora talking to Deaton. "He's still alive!" Scott exclaims. "Get him on the table." Deaton tells them making them do so. "Can you keep him alive?" the alpha asks. "I'm not sure he technically is alive." Deaton responds. Liam scoffs "Screw keeping him alive! How do we get him to talk?" he asks. "Personally, I don't think we utilize torture nearly enough..." Jackson says walking in with Ethan. Deaton gives him a look as Stiles nods in agreement, Cal walks over and stands between them both needing to feel close to them after the fight with the Dread Doctors earlier. Just then a loud whispering is heard "Come..." Liam frowns and looks at the others "Did you hear that?" he asks. "Come to me... To me..." the whispering says. The Surgeon suddenly sits upright and creates a loud noise making everyone cover their ears with their hands. As he does he gets up and goes to leave making Liam growl and lunge at him "Liam, wait!" Scott exclaims. The Surgeon turns and creates a blast making Liam fly backwards into the wall. As the Surgeon walks out the door all the metal furniture flies across to the door and block the exit, Liam goes to touch it with Scott making Deaton stop them "Stop. It's electrified." he tells them. Cal puts his hand out slightly and feels the electricity coming from the metal "Nah, already be electrocuted twice. Not happening again." he shakes his head making everyone give him a look.

The wolves all listen to what is happening outside "Marcel... if this is what immortality looks like, I think you might have been misled." Sebastien says. "For you... All for you..." the Surgeon responds. "What did you do with it, Marcel? Where's the pike?" Sebastien asks. "The Argents..." Marcel tells him. Cal's eyes widen "The Argents... The cane!" he realises. "But they took it. They took the cane." Liam says. They all gather round the table and go through Mason's medical file "Maybe there's something in here? Something about how he was a genetic chimera. Mason had a vanishing twin..." Scott trails off. "Now we've got a vanishing Mason." Stiles comments making Cal hit the back of his head. "What does that have to do with him turning into a 250-year-old French guy? How does that even happen?" Liam asks. "Hold on... Scott might have something. Mason's twin wasn't entirely gone, that's what made him a genetic chimera. The DNA was still there. Metaphorically speaking, the DNA of Mason could still be inside Sebastien as well." Deaton explains. "How?" Ethan asks. "Life is energy. Energy doesn't just disappear. The Dread Doctors may have found a way to break the rules of the supernatural world, but there are some rules that simply won't break." Deaton responds. "So, Mason just can't be gone?" Liam asks hopefully. "Somewhere in Sebastien, he has to still exist in some form. A spark of energy, a flicker of memory..." Deaton nods. "Hang on... Mason said something right before he turned." Cal remembers. 0He said... That's not my name." Liam nods. "He finally remembered his name." Cora realises. "Damnatio memoriae." Stiles adds. "That's what they wanted. They wanted Sebastien to remember his name." Scott tells them. "Scott, you know the myth of what happens when you call a werewolf by its given name?" Deaton asks. "It turns back to human..." Scott trails off. "What does that mean? Someone can just walk up to the Beast, yell Mason's name, and turn him back?" Liam asks. "Not someone..." Jackson shakes his head. "Lydia." Stiles says.

Cal sits in the hospital corridor with Liam, Jackson and Ethan waiting for news on how Lydia is after being attacked by Sebastien at the Sheriffs station "Is she okay?" Liam asks as Scott walks out Lydia's room. "She's gonna be fine, but... she can't really talk." Scott explains. "Then its over, isn't it? There's nothing we can do to save him." Liam says sadly. Scott's phone buzzes making him pull it out "Give me a second." he tells them walking to the side. Cal frowns ands runs his hands through his hair "We'll figure something out." he tells Liam. Scott walks back over with a determined smile "Get up." he tells everyone. "Why?" Liam asks confused. "Because I've got an idea... And because this isn't over." Scott tells him making Cal smile. They all stand up and walk into Lydia's room with Melissa, finding Jackson, Stiles and Cora already in there with her. Melissa pulls out the discretely hidden syringe and sighs "Lydia, this is gonna have to be just between us, since I can get fired for it." she explains making Lydia nod but seem confused. "It's a cortisone shot. It's gonna bring the inflammation down." Scott explains making her nod and hold out her arm. "Not there." Melissa tells her before reaching up and gently peeling the bandage on her neck back. "Uh, yeah, okay, I'm gonna need to leave." Stiles tells everyone going to the door. "You're not going anywhere. Hold her other hand." Cal says making his brother sigh. "Okay, fine. I'm not leaving... But I still might faint." Stiles responds. "Okay, here we go." Melissa says but before she can do anything Liam collapses. Scott goes to check on him while Melissa rolls her eyes "Okay, Lydia, this is gonna hurt like a bitch..." she warns. The needle is pushed into Lydia's neck making her gasp and whimper slightly as Melissa injects the cortisone.

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