Chapter 47

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The next morning Cal sits on the bed talking to Jackson and Ethan "I'm fine, just let me go to school." Cal tells them. "We know why you weren't healing." Jackson starts. "So stop with the 'I'm fine' bullshit." Ethan finishes. "Come on, we're going to be late if you don't let me get dressed." Cal groans flopping back on their bed. Jackson and Ethan look at each other having a silent conversation "Fine but were finishing this later." Ethan says. Rolling his eyes Cal stands up and goes to get changed for school.

Cal stands with Scott and Theo as they talk about the Chimeras  "So, basically, we're looking for abnormal behavior?" Theo asks

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Cal stands with Scott and Theo as they talk about the Chimeras  "So, basically, we're looking for abnormal behavior?" Theo asks. "Anyone acting a little off or a little weird." Scott responds. "Isn't everyone a little weird in high school?" Cal points out. "Yeah, good point." Scott says. "You remember Tracy went on a killing spree after reading that?" Theo says motioning to the book in Scott's hand. "You think it's a bad idea?" Scott asks. "I think Malia almost getting run down by a car could've been bad." Cal comments. "Well, that's why you guys haven't finished it, right?" Theo asks. "We're going to." Scott responds. "Scott, I came here hoping to find a pack. I wasn't planning on watching one fall apart." Theo tells the alpha. "The book's all we've got." Scott tells him. "Then I'll read it too." Theo decides. Just then the bell goes "Come on, if Jackson and Ethan don't see me in the next five minutes they're going to freak and drive me home." Cal says. Theo chuckles "I'm not joking. It took me almost half hour to convince them to let me come in today." Cal explains making Scott chuckle aswell. Shaking his head Cal lead his alpha and friend to their next class.

Cal stands between Jackson and Ethan as the pack gathers to read the book "My mom's book club usually has more wine." Lydia comments. "Well, they also probably didn't read books that cause violent hallucinations." Cal points out. "That's why Malia's here." Scott responds. "So none of us go running into traffic?" Isaac asks from next to Louise. "Or worse." Scott tells his beta. "Like what happened to Judy. Chapter 14." Malia says being the only one who has read the whole thing. "Maybe I should have my mother read it. She might remember a girl with a tail leaping off the ceiling and attacking everyone." Lydia says picking up a copy of the book. "Yeah, if it works." Stiles tells her. "It has to." Lydia says. "What's that mean?" Aiden asks her holding her hand. "I think I saw them during my surgery. When I look at the cover of the book... It's almost like..." Lydia trails off. "A memory trying to surface." Theo finishes. "Yeah." Lydia nods. "Isn't that what Valack wanted when he wrote it?" Cal asks. "If they did something to me, I want to know what it is." Lydia decides walking to a chair with Aiden and sitting with him. Sighing Cal picks up one of the copies and sits on the sofa leaning against Ethan with his legs across Jackson's lap. After a while everyone starts shifting as sighing. "Anyone feel anything yet?" Scott asks. "Tired." Kira responds. "Hungry." Lydia adds. "Hungry and Tired." Cal comments. "I think he meant the book." Theo smiles making Cal stick his tongue out at him. "I'm going toilet." Cal says standing up and walking upstairs. Opening the bathroom door Cal jumps when he sees someone behind him in the mirror "Cal? Cal?" he hears someone call him. Turning he finds no one there making him frown in confusion before listening again "Cal?" he hears again. This time he recognises the voice as Zac's "Zac?" he asks confused. Just then he hears a bang from downstairs, knocking him out of his confusion.

The next morning the pack walks through the school together "What if we need some kind of trigger? Wasn't Malia driving when she remembered the crash?" Aiden asks

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The next morning the pack walks through the school together "What if we need some kind of trigger? Wasn't Malia driving when she remembered the crash?" Aiden asks. "Yeah, but how are we supposed to trigger a memory that we don't remember?" Jackson adds. "Maybe it's a delayed thing. Maybe you have to wait a couple of hours to see what happens." Stiles suggests. The lights start flickering making everyone look at Kira "That wasn't me. I swear." she promises. "We keep an eye on each other today, okay?" Scott says. "Yes, and keep an eye out for eight other potentially homicidal Chimeras." Stiles adds. "And keep an eye out for the Dread Doctors." Cal also adds. "Starting to see the appeal of a third eye." Stiles grumbles as everyone splits off for class.

Later Cal sits on the bleachers with Brett and Mason as they watch people practise. "I don't know, dude. Everyone at Devenford's pretty abnormal to me." Brett tells Mason. "All right. What else is there to look for?" Mason asks. "There's heightened strength, smell, hearing, speed... Uh, able to see in the dark." Cal starts listing. "Glowing eyes. Eyes that reflect the light." Brett continues. "Visible scorpion stingers protruding out of limbs?" Mason adds half joking. "Yeah. Or three foot lizard tails." Brett finishes making the thee teens laugh. They watch and Liam and Hayden start showing off on the field til Liam accidentally uses to much force, making the goalie fall backwards. "Sorry." Liam apologises going and helping him out. "What's up with those two?" Brett asks. "Sixth grade. That's not the best year for Liam's anger management issues." Cal starts explaining. "There was a... This fight in the hallways. Liam and this other guy. Hayden sort of accidentally walked into it. And this is her yearbook photo." Mason continues getting a picture up on his phone. "Ah, damn. Ow. What did she do to him?" Brett asks making Mason go to Liam's picture. The three of them laugh as A guy runs onto the field "Does anyone here have asthma? Anyone got an inhaler?" he asks shouting. "Scott." Cal says at the same time as Liam. Cal runs down the bleachers and over to Scott "He's got an inhaler in his locker." he tells his friend. Together they both run off and get Scott's inhaler before going to the biology room to find Scott. "I've got it... I've got the inhaler." Liam shouts making people move out the way. "Scott. Scott, come on." Cal tells their Alpha. Getting no response Liam glows his eyes "Scott." he growls. Scott comes out his trances and breathes in the inhaler "Thanks." he pants looking at his Betas.

Later Cal sits in the garden looking at the night sky when he hears his name being called again by Zac's voice, he quickly turns only to find no one there. Sighing he moves and sits by the pool, only to fall in and get thrown into a memory.
"Cal we shouldn't be out on the lake in weather like this." Zac tells him. "Come on Zac, it's not that bad." Cal smiles at his friend. "Fine but if the storm gets worse we're going back to shore." Zac concedes. "Yes, come one." Cal smiles running to the boat but slipping and falling into the water. "CAL!" Zac shouts running over and tripping to pull Cal out the water, but struggling with the weight of Cal's soaking clothes. "Dammit, come on Cal. You gotta help me here." Zac says only to find Cal unconscious. Zac pulls again, this time getting Cal out the water.
"CAL!" Jackson shouts seeing his mate at the bottom of the pool, Ethan comes running out as Jackson dives in after their mate. Running over Ethan helps Jackson pull Cal out the water and lie him on the floor. Jackson feels for a pulse as he listens to Cal's chest "He's got a pulse but isn't breathing." he tells Ethan. Immediately Ethan starts mouth to mouth trying to get Cal to breathe on his own. After a few blows Cal coughs up water making Jackson and Ethan help him onto his side. "What happened?" Jackson asks as Cal sits up. "I fell in and had a memory of Zac and I at the lake. It was when it was stormy but I still wanted to go on the lake. I almost drowned by Zac managed to get me out the water in time." Cal explains, his voice hoarse from the coughing. Ethan kisses his head and wraps his arms round his middle "Let's get you inside and dry." he says picking him up.

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