Chapter 56

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Scott picks up one of the guard's radios and presses the button on the side and pretends to be a guard "Does anyone have eyes on the Closed Unit? I need a status report." he asks. "It's a war-zone down here." a guard responds making the teens look at each other. "Uh, 10-4. And what about the patients? Lydia Martin?" Scott asks. "Who is this?" the guard asks suspiciously. "It's... Unit 9." Scott tells him. There's a long pause making Cal bite his lip "There is no Unit 9. Who is this? How did you get--" the guard starts only to be cut off as Scott crushes the radio in his hand. "All right, we need to figure out another way to get into this closed unit." Aiden comments. "How do we get through the mountain ash?" Liam asks. "Don't know yet... But there's somebody else here that might be able to help us." Cal responds. Scott, Liam and Aiden look at him in surprise "Who?" Scott asks him. "Meredith" Cal tells the three of them.

The four of them slip inside Meredith's room and shut the sliding door behind them, turning they see Meredith sitting in a chair with her back to them "Meredith? Meredith? It's Scott. Scott McCall." Scott tries. Meredith doesn't respond making the four boys look at each other, Scott walks over and spins her chair to evenly they she is drugged up and in a catatonic state. Scott kneels down and places his hand on hers "Hey, Meredith, can you hear me? We need your help. We're trying to find Lydia. We're trying to get her out of here." Scott explains. Liam looks out to the corridor nervously "Scott? I think we-we better go..." he stammers. "Meredith, listen... there has to be another way to get to Lydia. We can't get past the mountain ash. How do we find her?" Scott asks. "Scott..." Liam tries again. Sighing Scott sighs in defeat and stands up, turning to leave he stops when Meredith grabs his hand and slowly puts it to the back of her neck. Scott frowns "I could hurt you..." he tells her. Meredith nods slowly "Okay." Scott decides flicking his claws out. He digs his claws into the back of her neck, closing his eyes as he enters her mind.

Liam looks outside the room and closes the door quickly as he spots a group guards heading towards them, turning the three friends look at Scott who is still in Meredith's head. A guard opens the door making Cal kick him making him fly across the hallway and hit the wall, Liam and Aiden follow him before shutting the door and breaking the lock so the guards can't get in. Cal slams a guards head against the wall to knock him out as Aiden tackles another one to the floor and Liam flips one over his shoulder. Looking at each other they smile in satisfaction til they hear a buzzing behind them; turning they see a huge guard storming over to them making their smiles drop. They start fighting him before the guard manages to open the door to Meredith's cell, Cal hits him from behind effectively knocking him out "Is he out?" Liam asks Scott, panting slightly. Scott looks at the guard before nodding "Yeah..." he tells them. Cal sighs and leans against the wall in relief, Liam puts a thumb up "Okay." he smiles before falling to the side, passed out. Cal chuckles slightly as Aiden pulls Liam up "What now?" he asks Scott. "We need to find Parrish." Scott responds. "How?" Liam asks. "Follow the burning smell?" Cal suggests with a shrug.

They find Parrish unconscious in the stairwell "Parrish? Parrish! Parrish!" Scott shakes him. Parrish wakes up and looks at the four teens in surprise "Parrish, hey! Can you hear me?" Scott asks. "How did I get here?" Parrish asks. Cal hesitates "We don't know. We just followed the burning smell." he explains. "Parrish, listen... Eichen's in lockdown. There's no way for us to get out unless Plan B works." Aiden says changing the topic. "Plan B? What's Plan B?" Parrish asks. "Don't worry about it. Right now, we need you to find Lydia." Cal tells him. "Me?" the Deputy asks. "Actually, not completely you... We kind of need the other you." Liam says. "The Hellhound." Aiden clarifies. Parrish's eyes widen slightly as Cal pulls out a lighter from his pocket, the other teens look at him in surprise "Pyrrhus' is the son of Hades. He likes fire." Cal shrugs. Aiden chuckles as Liam grabs an aerosol from the janitor's closet "Do it!" Parrish tells them. Cal nods and flicks the lighter making Liam use the aerosol as a makeshift flame thrower, Parrish growls as his eyes glow orange. The four teens follow Parrish as he heads towards the closed unit "How's he gonna get through the mountain ash?" Liam asks. Parrish walks through the doorway, his flames going bluish-purple "He's burning the mountain ash out of the walls." Cal realises as they follow Parrish through the doorway.

They follow Parrish into the underground tunnels where they find Stiles and Lydia, Parrish throws Stiles back making Cal catch him before he hits the wall. Lydia goes to scream but Parrish grabs her and engulfs them both in flames, as the flames die down Parrish walks out the smoke carrying a barely conscious Lydia "Where to?" Parrish asks. "This way." Scott turns and leads them down the tunnel. Aiden goes over and takes Lydia from Parrish, kissing her head as her carries her "I got you Lyds." he tells her as she whimpers slightly. "There's a gate up ahead." Liam tells them. "What about Mason?" Cal asks. "He's on it! Trust me." Liam responds. "What's... happening...?" Lydia asks. "Plan B." Aiden tells her. "Liam, slow down!" Scott calls as his Beta runs ahead. "Liam, wait!" Stiles adds as Liam grabs the chain link fence "I told you!" Liam smiles opening it. They follow him, Stiles and Scott sharing a quick impressed look between themselves.

Reaching the front Eichen House Cal runs over to Ethan and Jackson "Are you alright?" Jackson asks looking over his mate. "I'm alright, Lydia..." Cal trails off.  "Can you stand?" Aiden asks Lydia as Malia and Kira climb out the jeep. "Is she okay?" Malia asks. "No. We need to go. Give me the keys. We gotta get her to the clinic." Stiles responds. As he says that Parrish falls to the ground, several gashes down his back, looking round they see Tracy with Lydia in a head hold "Sorry, she's coming with me." she states. "Okay, Tracy, just wait. You don't know what's about to happen--" Scott starts. "I'm taking her. That's what's happening. And none of you are going to do a thing--" Tracy cuts him off. Not being able to finish her sentence she falls to the ground, revealing Natalie Martin behind her holding a taser. Lydia falls forward, Aiden catching her before she hits the floor "Could somebody please get my daughter out of this hellhole?" she asks.

Cal climbs out Jackson's car and runs over to hold open the door for Aiden as he carries her out the jeep and into the clinic "Get her on the table!" Deaton tells him. Aiden lies her on the table as Deaton opens a metal container and starts mixing something inside it. Lydia starts to cry out slightly in pain making Cal grab her hand and start taking her pain "Hold her!" Deaton tells the others. Lydia lets out a mini scream making the walls rattle "Doc, I think you gotta do something..." Stiles says panicking. Deaton draws the contents into a syringe "I will! But right now, I need you to keep her still." he responds before walking over. "What the hell is that?" Stiles asks. "Mistletoe." Deaton responds calmly. "Mistletoe? She's got a fricking hole in her head!" Aiden exclaims. Lydia groans in pain and tries to sit up, but Scott pushes her back down as Cal continues to take her pain with black blood dripping from his nose. "Steady..." Deaton tells the boys. As finishes filling the hole in her head, Lydia bolts up and screams making all the windows shatter "Lydia? Lydia? Lydia. Lydia, come on. No, no, no, no. Come on, Lydia. Wake up. Come on, wake up! Can you hear me? Lydia. Lydia, open your eyes! Come on, come on!" Aiden begs brushing Lydia's hair out her face as he cradles her head in his hands. Cal steps back with tears in his eyes "Come on! Listen to me, Lydia. Hey, show me your eyes, okay? Lydia, you have to open your eyes." Aiden pleads, tears in his eyes.

Suddenly Lydia gasps making everyone sigh in relief that she's okay "Oh my-- Are you okay?" Aiden asks. Lydia smiles weakly and nods "You're okay. Want to try to sit up?" Aiden asks her. Nodding again Lydia sits up with Aiden helping her. Natalie walks in with Jackson and Ethan behind her "Mom?" Lydia asks. Natalie rushes forward and hugs her daughter tightly "Oh, honey..." she sighs. "They saved my life, Mom. Stiles saved me." Lydia smiles. Aiden smiles at Stiles and mouths 'thank you' to him making him nod before turning to look at Deaton "I'm not paying for the windows." he tells him. Cal chuckles and wipes the blood from his nose as Ethan and Jackson go over to him, Ethan kisses his head as Jackson takes his hand "Let's head home. Pyrrhus will be wanting to see us." Jackson says. Cal nods "Lydia, we're heading home, tomorrow we have someone for you to meet." he tells his best friend. "No one tell her who." Ethan adds looking at the others.

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