Something More: Part: 17

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When Natasha woke up, she was slightly panicked to find an empty bed. She headed downstairs and found Steve laying on the living room floor playing with Nathaniel. She instantly felt butterflies in her stomach and her heart sped up. It wasn't until Steve looked at her with a smile and tilt of his head that she realized she was grinning like an idiot.

"I'm so happy you two seem to be getting along." She beamed at Nathaniel when he started crawling slowly towards her and chuckled when he reached her feet trying to pull himself up and climb her like a monkey. She picked him up and he gave her an open mouthed, slobbery baby kiss on her cheek which made her grin wider and blow raspberries on his chubby cheeks. The giggles that erupted from him made her heart melt and she couldn't help but yearn for the unconditional connection she could never have. Turning to Steve, she couldn't read his face, "What?"

"Nothing. Just- nothing. I'll go start breakfast if you want to wake Lila and Cooper?"

"Sure." As Steve walked by, he paused and put a hand on Natasha's waist, kissing her head. When he made a move to leave, she grabbed his wrist, turning him to face her and pecked his lips, "I love you." Steve pecked her lips again eliciting more giggles from Nathaniel.

After breakfast and games with the kids, they started preparing lunch which they ate outside under the big tree in the backyard. Lila was so excited to have a picnic, to which she brought all her teddy's as guests. After lunch Natasha laid down with Nathaniel for a nap. He went down on his own, but she was tired and Steve said he would handle the kids and keep them outside so she could rest. Steve was still very concerned about how Natasha was acting since her concussion. He wanted a second opinion and decided that even if Natasha got mad at him, he was still going to talk to her about it.

That night after the kids went to bed, Steve was staring at Natasha while she washed dishes. "If you take a picture it will last longer." Nat smirked over her shoulder at Steve.

"I can't help it. I just love you to much it physically hurts me to look away from you." Steve had a huge dopey smile on his face.

"Боже мой" (oh my god)



"Are you sure you're okay? After the concussion and everything? You just seem very tired and I'm definitely not complaining but you're even more cuddly than normal?" Truth be told, she was down right clingy. Every chance she got she was in Steve's arms or was reaching for his hand. Steve was afraid to piss her off too because she was always quick to anger, but if possible, her fuse was even shorter.

"You don't want to cuddle with me Rogers?" Natasha raised an eyebrow and gave a warning look as she turned around drying her hands.

Steve stood up and wrapped his arms around her slowly, "No. That is definitely NOT what I'm saying. I'm just worried because you never actually got checked by the doctors. Maybe we could stop on the way home? It would be far enough away from HQ and the compound so I can go in with you. What do you say?"

After some silence, Natasha was still looking in Steve's eyes. She could see the worry and it wasn't fair that she was the reason for it. She sighed knowing he was right. "Fine. I will go to the hospital tomorrow on the way home but not a word of this to Clint you hear me?"

Steve pecked her lips as he smiled and agreed. He started trailing kisses across her jaw and down her neck. He felt her inhale sharply before gently pushing him away, "Steve." It ended up coming out as a breathy moan as he reconnected his lips with her neck, "We can't. We'll wake the kids."

"I can be very quiet." Steve mumbled against her skin.

"That's good for you but given our history, we both know I can't." Steve chuckled, but he agreed.

"Fine, but as soon as we get home tomorrow-"

"I'm all yours. I promise." Natasha interrupted with a smile and a loving kiss. She grabbed his hand and they headed to bed.

Surprisingly, when Steve and Natasha were leaving, Lila wasn't the only one in tears this time. Nathaniel started crying as soon as the hugs began and he realized they were leaving. Natasha's tears started as soon as they started down the driveway. Steve put his hand on her thigh to calm her knowing it was best not to acknowledge the tears.

At the hospital Natasha had every test done, everything was normal but the doctor wanted to talk to her about her bloodwork. To say Natasha was shocked was an understatement.

"You're an idiot."

"Natasha! I'm sorry she didn't mean it, did you baby?"

"He is an idiot! I'm telling you, it's not possible. I want a second opinion."

"Ma'am, you're pregnant. The bloodwork doesn't lie. I can do an ultrasound to confirm."

"Sure. Do an ultrasound and when you can't find anything I'll be calling you and idiot again."

After setting up the machine and lifting her shirt, the doctor used the gel and probe to look for the baby. Steve grabbed Natasha's hand watching her face intently. Natasha never took her eyes off the screen.

"This right here. This is your baby ma'am. I'd say you're about 8-9 weeks. Congratulations."

Natasha finally turned to face Steve. He was trying to contain his excitement. He knew that she would have to take her time to absorb this. To except that she was becoming a mother. They had briefly discussed adoption. How it was something they both wanted to do but Natasha had also stated she still wasn't ready for that just last month.

"Well Nat?" He looked at her hopeful as he kissed her cheek. She closed her eyes and leaned back on the exam table.

"Боже мой" (oh my god)

To be continued...

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