Something More: Part 62

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Life with 5 children is chaotic.

That was Natasha's first thought after lunch when James and Sarah got into the flour she had set on the counter to make cookies. Wanda was in the living room having a tea party with Grace and Henry had a blow out that Natasha was trying to clean up.

"Wanda, did you hear anything in the kitchen?" Natasha asked as she stands at the bottom of the stairs with Henry sleeping in her arms.

"No, why?" Wanda stood up for her place at the mini table and walked towards her mother. "Oh shi-."

"Stop." Natasha holds her hand up to stop the teen from cussing in front of all the little ears. James was staring at the ground with his bottom lip jutting out as the waterworks started. Sarah was still playing in the white powder on the floor, smiling and having a great time. Natasha walked over to the bassinet in the living room and laid Henry down before kissing Grace's head, "Will you tell Mama if Henry wakes up?"

Grace nodded her head and turned to look at her little brother. She was having the hardest time adjusting to the newest arrival, but took her responsibility of big sister seriously.

"Okay. James, come here." Natasha crouches down as the toddler shuffles over to her. "James, you're a big boy. You know you're not supposed to make big messes like this. What do you think would happen if you do this at school?" Natasha speaks softly to him. They have begun preparing him for kindergarten which would be starting soon.

"I would get a time out?" James's tear filled eyes look up at his mother as she nods slowly.

"Yeah, I think your teacher will give you a time out. You're going to help Mama clean this up and then everyone is having quiet time." Natasha raises one eyebrow at him and he nods quickly.

Wanda takes James's hand and they head over to start cleaning.

"Sarah?" Natasha calls her wild child who just smiles up at her mother, smacking her hand in the flour. "No way ma'am." Natasha picks her up off the floor, getting flour all over herself. "We don't make big messes, sweetheart. Mama was going to use that to make cookies but now I can't because you and your brother put it all on the floor."

Sarah holds her hand out and opens it palm up to show the flour she has.

"Yup. Yucky." Natasha turns to Wanda, "Do you want to start baths or clean this up?"

"I'll help James clean this up and then bring him to you for a bath." Wanda looks up at her mother guiltily.

"Hey, it's not your fault. They're a lot." Natasha gives her a warm smile. "We're blaming Steve." Wanda chuckles.

Natasha takes Sarah to have a bath since she is completely covered in the white powder.

"Mama mad?" Sarah tilts her head as her mother puts her in the tub.

"Mama is not mad at you. But Mama isn't happy about the mess little miss." Natasha gives her a pointed look before tickling under her chin causing Sarah to giggle.

Once Sarah was clean and in warm pyjamas, James walked into the bathroom looking sorry for himself.

"Come here, buddy." Natasha reached for him, striping him down and setting him in the tub.

"I sorry, Mama." James little face turned up to look at his mother as she washed him.

"I know you are, baby. You're forgiven." Natasha kissed her sensitive child's forehead and got him washed quickly. As soon as he was dressed in warm pyjamas, Natasha went on the hunt for Grace.

"Quiet time in your fort with books." Natasha got James and Sarah inside, hoping they wouldn't fall asleep.

"Gracie?" Natasha calls as she walks down the stairs.

"Mama!" Grace runs as fast as she can to her mother with her arms stretched up.

"There's my girl." Natasha smiles and kisses Grace's forehead.

"Tasha?" Steve walks through the front door carrying his workout bag and a grocery bag.

"Hey, babe." Natasha meets Steve in the kitchen and gives him a kiss.

"Hey, baby. Where are the kids?" Steve looks around the kitchen and living room.

"Your spawn are having quiet time after they played with an entire bag of flour." Natasha smirks at Steve before blanking her face as Steve pulls flour out of the grocery bag.

"Wanda called me." He gives her a soft smile.

"Mhmm." Natasha smiles at her husband she she checks out what else he grabbed from the store.

"Mama? Henry pooped again." Wanda walked into the room holding her youngest sibling with a frown on her face.

Natasha sighs and turns to her husband, "No more spicy nachos." She pouts and Steve chuckles because he knows how much she loves spicy food.

"I'll change him." Steve walks over to Wanda to take his son, "Got an upset belly, little man?"

Once Steve is upstairs, Natasha steps closer to her eldest daughter. "Have you heard from Mathew?"

Wanda sighs, looking sad. "He's sent out all his applications but hasn't heard anything back yet."

"It'll be okay, baby. I know how to fly a plane." Natasha kisses her head, giving her a one armed hug. Grace joins in, wrapping her arms around her sisters neck.

"Thanks Mama. Thanks Gracie." Wanda kisses Grace's cheek before heading up to her room.

"It's just you and me sweet pea." Natasha carries Grace up to have a bath as well even though she didn't get into the flour, she loves them. When she's in the tub, Natasha takes a picture of her smiling and peeking over the edge. She smiles at her cutie and sends the picture to the group chat between Maria, Aurora and herself. Aurora instantly loves the photo and sends one back of their baby in the tub with a wash cloth covering her.

"What's got you smiling?" Steve walks into the bathroom holding Henry.

"Look at this picture of Alice." Natasha turns the phone to see the newborn who is smiling.

"That's gas right? No way is she smiling before our baby." Steve smiles at the photo before turning to Henry and then making a funny face a Grace making her giggle.

"Definitely gas." Natasha smirks at her competitive husband, "Let me go get started on dinner, can you finish up here?"

"I ordered pizza." Steve smiles at his wife, knowing she had a stressful day.

"Thank god. I don't know if I had the energy to cook and then clean up." She laughs and leans her head against her husband.

"You're doing a fantastic job, babe." Steve kisses her but is interrupted when they both get splashed with water and Grace erupts in giggles.

To be continued...

Not going to lie I had to reread my book because it's been so long 😬

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