Something More: Part 35

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Natasha groaned as she brought her hand to her face. The sun was so bright and she was not ready to be awake. She tried to roll and was confused momentarily when something was holding her in place. She finally opened her eyes and looked down to see her super soldier's arm wrapped around her bare waist. She smiled as she closed her eyes again only to open them quickly. James. She didn't know what time it was but he should be up soon. Interlacing her fingers with his hand spread across her stomach, she started trying to wake Steve up gently.

"Baby?" She whispered over her shoulder. The only response she received was him dragging her body closer in his sleep as he nuzzled her neck. Natasha snickered as she realized at least part of him was up. Smirking as she hatched her plan. She pushed herself back into him slowly grinding her hips. His arm tightened around her as he groaned softly. Natasha brought her hand up and tugged the hair on the back of his head gently. Now fully awake Steve started leaving hot kisses on the back of Natasha's neck and shoulder.

"Baby, we have to get up. We have to.." Natasha trailed off as she felt Steve's large hands start roaming her body. She forgot what she was going to say as he lifted her thigh, still laying behind her.

"What was that, love?" Natasha didn't answer, she just turned her head and kissed Steve over her shoulder. Her fiancé.


Natasha and Steve walked into the Barton's kitchen a little after 8. Clint was drinking a coffee and eating cereal.

"Ahhh the star crossed lovers returned! I hope the barn is still standing." Clint made a big show of looking out the window to see if the barn was indeed still intact.

"Ha ha. That bed got out to good use. You know we have to take things easy with a bun in the oven." Natasha smiled sweetly at her brother figure. Clint dropped his spoon as his face went red.

"Well that backfired." He grumbled into his coffee.

Steve poured himself a coffee and let Natasha have a sip before he made her a tea. She was allowed one cup a day but she tried to be good by only stealing sips of his. He kissed her forehead as Laura walked in the room with a grumpy James on her hip. He started pouting and reaching for his mother as soon as he saw her.

"Mama." James slightly whined.

"Hi baby!" Natasha smiled widely as she took him in her arms, "Did you have fun with Auntie Laura and Uncle Clint?" She rocked him as he buried his face in her neck nodding slightly. Natasha looked at Laura with a soft smile.

"He was really good. Went down easy and slept all night. He was just a little put off by his Mama not waking him up this morning." Laura smiled as she poured a cup of coffee. Laura faced Natasha, watching the mother and son when she placed her cup down and quickly made her way to Natasha, grabbing her left hand. "Oh my god! Did you propose?!" She turned to Steve who was smiling from ear to ear.

"Yes I did." Steve nodded as Clint go up to shake his hand.

"Congratulations! Oh my god I'm so happy for you guys. That ring is gorgeous!"

Natasha blushed and smiled at Steve. She kissed James head and handed him to his father. "I'm going to shower and pack." She hugged Laura and Clint before heading upstairs.

"Treat her right. I know I said it already." Clint pointed at Steve and made a stern face which James giggled at. Steve nodded again as he grabbed a banana and a yogurt for James and fed him some breakfast.

Laura smacked Clint's arm, "You knew?!"


"Do you have to go Auntie Nat? I want you to stay forever!" Lila whined as a tear rolled down her cheek. She really wanted her to stay and she felt like she didn't spend anytime with her.

"I'm sorry, baby. I'll come back as soon as I can okay? And maybe you can come have a sleepover with me and Uncle Steve?" Natasha asked with excitement in her voice.


"I promise." Natasha put out her pinky and pinky swore with Lila before giving her a hug. She kissed her head as she stood up and waved getting in the car. Steve honked as they pulled out the driveway and grabbed Natasha's hand.

"That was really hard." Natasha sighed as she looked in the backseat, smiling at a babbling James.

"I'm sorry, love. You're just too loveable. No one wants to give you up." Steve smiled as he brought her hand to his lips for a kiss.

"It's the god damn hormones fault. I'm so emotional. Well, I promised they could come to the house for a sleepover soon. Hopefully before I'm as big as a house." Natasha smiled at Steve. She never saw this as her life, but she desperately wanted the house full of kids. The Barton kids were loud and energetic. Natasha couldn't wait to have that organized chaos and little feet in their house.

"I love you."

"I love you, too, baby."


Natasha was so excited. This is it. Their 20 week doctors appointment. They hadn't told anyone else about the baby. Natasha was showing but with her still working mostly from home and the colder weather, no one had noticed. They decided that when Tony threw his party this weekend, they would announce the pregnancy, gender reveal and their engagement.

"Are we horrible friends?" Steve asked as he helps Natasha on the bed already in her hospital gown.

"Tony is only throwing this party so everyone can catch up. We have all been so busy lately and this is just an excuse. We might as well use it to our advantage." Natasha shrugged her shoulders. "Plus it's not like I'm going to throw another damn party back to back. And! It's going to be damn near impossible to explain why I'm not drinking and have this big old belly." Natasha rubbed her hand on her bump as Steve raised an eyebrow. It looks like she just ate a lot but she insisted she has gained more weight with this pregnancy.

"You're right about everything except your bump. You can hardly tell." Steve furrowed his brows at his fiancée.

Natasha raised an eyebrow as she motioned to her belly. Steve shook his head and chuckled as Dr. Cho walked in.

"Hello guys! How are we feeling today Natasha?" Cho started setting everything up glancing over to Natasha with a smile.

"Really good. I think I'm bigger with this pregnancy but I feel perfect. Even better than with James."

"You're body knows what is happening this time. Your pregnancies will likely get easier the more you have. Are we finding out the gender today?" Both nodded.

"Natasha promised the second one could be a surprised but I don't think I can wait. I know for sure this one is a girl." Steve said very confidently. Natasha rolled her eyes at the super soldier.

"Natasha? What are your thoughts?" Cho smiled.

"I also think it's a girl." Natasha stated just as sure.

"Well let's find out." Cho looked at the screen as she put the wand on Natasha's stomach. "There. Can you see that?"

"I can see it! What am I looking at?" Natasha rolled her eyes at Steve again. She knows he didn't see shit. Ultrasounds are hard to read. She had couldn't tell what they were looking at.


To be continued...

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