Something More: Part 60

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It has been a few months of quiet in the Rogers household. Natasha was getting closer to her due date and was more content with this pregnancy than either of her first two. She attributes it to her children and getting to spend time with them is keeping her busier than ever as Christmas approaches.

"Are you excited for your final semester?" Natasha asks her eldest daughter as they role out shortbread cookie dough. Wanda has just finished for winter break with her final semester of high school starting soon.

"I'm excited to be done, but-." Wanda's eyebrows furrow as she concentrates on the task at hand.

"But what?" Natasha asks softly knowing her daughter needs to come out with it on her own time.

After a few moments, Wanda continues, "Mathew is applying for schools all across the west coast." A single tear rolls down her cheek and she quickly brushes it away.

"Oh honey." Natasha wipes her hands off on a tea towel before taking Wanda into her arms. The teen hugs her mother tight as best she can with her baby belly.

"I really like him. And I think he likes me too. He wants me to apply to the same schools but I can't move that far." Wanda sniffles with her head on Natasha's shoulder.

"You can go anywhere, be anything and accomplish anything you set your mind to." Natasha kissed her cheek, taking her face in both her hands to look her daughter in the eye.

Wanda nods and gives her mother a watery smile. "I can't move that far away from you and Dad." Wanda leans back in for another hug as her father walks into the kitchen.

"What's wrong?" His brows furrow as he takes in his wife and daughter.

"Nothing, Papa. I'm just talking to Mama about school. I'm applying to Columbia and NYU." Wanda wipes her face, washes her hands and continues to roll the dough. Natasha rubs her swollen belly, watching her daughter. Her gaze swings to her husband, who's already looking at her. Steve walks over, stepping behind his wife and gently lifting her belly, relieving the heavy weight she's carrying.

Natasha bites back a groan, not wanting any of her family to know just how much it's bothering her. This pregnancy was different than both of her other ones. They had agreed to not find out the gender this time and if she's being honest; she has no idea. She knew with both James and Sarah, what she was having.

Natasha leans back into Steve and he kisses her neck. "If you're tired, go lay down babe."

"No, I'm helping Wanda." She smiles up at him over her shoulder before stepping away and wishing he was still holding her belly. Natasha and Wanda used cookie cutters shaped like Christmas trees and we're just popping them in the oven when the front door opens. James rushes in with his sisters trailing behind, barreling for his mother. Steve grabs his arm before he can collide with Natasha's legs and crouches down in front of him. The little girls come to a halt behind their brother causing Grace to whine as she looks around her father for her mother.

"What did we talk about? We have to be gentle with Mama, right? No more running like that, okay?" With nods from all three kids, Steve stands and let's them hug their mom. Natasha strokes each of their head and hugs them to the best of her ability. Steve picks up each one, allowing them to get kisses. Sarah chases after James as he heads towards the living room and Clint walks in with all their backpacks.

"Your children have too much energy." Clint yawns. He picked them up first thing this morning so Natasha could wrap presents and spend time with Wanda. Knowing her kid that made her a mom was going away to school soon was starting to get to her and she was trying to get as many moments alone as she can.

"They get that from their father." She smirks, feeling little hands on her hip. Grace is trying desperately to get Natasha to pick her up. As soon as Natasha bends down, Steve is picking Grace up for her.

Grace whines, reaching for Natasha, "Mama."

"I can take her Steve." Natasha lifts an eyebrow at her husband when she reaches for her daughter and he takes a step back.

"Okay but you have to sit down." Steve challenges back. He knows how tired she is even if she tries to hide it from everyone.

Natasha's fists clench as she tries not to fight in front of the kids, "Steve. I'm not an invalid. I can hold my kids." She speaks calmly, even though she wants to scream. She is being increasingly more emotional as she gets to the end of her pregnancy.

Steve recognizes the look in her eye and hands over Grace, who's now sobbing into her mothers neck. Natasha comforts her and makes her way to the living room. She definitely isn't sitting down because her husband told her to; she just wants too.

"I thought we were trying not to piss Mama off?" Wanda whispers to her father. Steve shoots her a look.


"Well... good luck with that, brother." Clint cackles. He gives Wanda a hug before followings after Natasha and kissing her cheek. "Laura wants to come to the compound for Christmas this year. She says it will be easier than you guys travelling with the kids and one on the way. Too close to your due date and blah blah blah." Clint smirks to Natasha as a smile twitches on her lips.

"How thoughtful of Laura." She raises an eyebrow, continuing to rub Grace's back.

"She didn't nap today." Clint whispers and points down at Grace. Her heavy eyelids were dropping with her head resting on Natasha belly.

"She's about to." Natasha chuckled, clearly disturbing the baby as they kicked out making Natasha wince. "Always my ribs. This kid, I swear." She grumbles.

"Still not telling me what you're having? I'm offended." Clint puts his hand over his chest and scoffs.

"I told you, we don't know. It's going to be a surprise." Natasha smiles and rubs her belly.

"Whatever." Clint grumbles. He kisses her cheek one more time before waving to the kids and heading out.

Deciding a nap was a great idea, Natasha lays down on the couch with Grace. As soon as her head rests in her mother's chest, she's out cold with Natasha following close behind.

To be continued...

Authors note:

What do you guys think they're having?

Team boy?

Team girl?

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