Something More: Part 47

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The Rogers family all piled into the booth at the old diner in Brooklyn. Natasha was holding Sarah on her lap and Steve was holding Grace. James sat between Natasha and Wanda so he couldn't escape. Yes, Natasha figured it out very quickly with a little help from James who was more than happy to tell his mother about his adventures.

"This is where Mama and Daddy had their first date James." Natasha looked down at her son. He didn't really understand what that meant, but it was pretty significant for the couple.

"And he was conceived on the way home." Steve whispered for only his wife to hear, but it still earned him an elbow to the ribs. Natasha turned to glare at her husband before facing James and Wanda again.

"What do you recommend? I've never really had American Diner food?" Wanda moved her mouth side to side as she studied the menu. Natasha was thankful she didn't hear Steve and she instantly started naming some things that she thought were really good. The waitress came over and took their orders. Her eyes lingering on Steve a little too long for Natasha's liking. She couldn't blame her, with him sitting there with a tight t shirt. All his muscles on display and holding a baby. It really wasn't fair to the rest of the men in the world.

Sarah woke up and Natasha sat her on her lap facing out. Sarah had recently gotten decent control of her head and was using this to her advantage. She was people watching, and checking out everything going on in the restaurant. Anytime someone would walk by and make eye contact, she would smile and act shy. So many people were smiling and waving at her.

Natasha was a little uncomfortable with all the attention on her family. As a spy, her job was to blend in and not be noticed. That's a little hard with a smiley, red headed baby who Natasha couldn't help but agree, is the cutest.

An old couple was walking by when they stopped to coo at Sarah. She smiled and turned to bury her face in Natasha's chest.

"She looks just like her Mommy." The old lady turned to a sleeping Grace and her smile widened, "Twins? And this one looks like her daddy." Natasha and Steve thanked them and the couple left. Wanda turned to Natasha who just smiled.

"People see what they want to see. Grace does have blonde hair like Steve, but her brown eyes and features are her own. She looks like Chloe." Natasha says quietly to the teen.

"Are you going to tell her about her birth mother?"

"Yes. When she is older. I'll tell her anything she wants to know." Wanda was satisfied with Natasha's answer and went back to colouring with James.

"Here you are. Anything else I can do for you?" The waitress was eyeing Steve again. Natasha rolled her eyes as the waitress Becca only looked at her husband.

"No. We are actually great. And my dad doesn't want in your pants, so you can leave now." Natasha's eyes went wide as she looked to the pissed off brunette beside her.

Becca scurried away after a quick apology. Steve's face was instantly red as the couple turned to their new daughter.

"What? I can read minds, remember? That was the most disgusting thing I've seen." She shivered as she started eating and hummed her approval. James dug into his fries as Natasha looked to Steve. Steve started eating before his eyes snapped back to Wanda.

"Wait! You called me dad?!" Steve had a big smile on his face and Wanda's cheeks reddened.

"Well... you guys adopted me right? Am I not allowed to call you that?" Wanda sank into her seat a bit uncomfortable, thinking she did something wrong. Natasha grabbed her hand and gave it a squeeze.

"You can call us whatever you like, дорогой." (Sweetheart)

"Thanks, мама." Wanda whispered. Natasha had to get her emotions in check. She smiled at Wanda through the tears that were forming in her eyes.

The family finished their meal and then decided to grab ice cream before heading home. Natasha was getting tired of carrying kids around, now that James was tired and missed his nap. He only wanted his Mama, so that left Steve and Wanda with the girls. James was rubbing his eyes with his fist as he laid his head on Natasha's chest. She was walking slightly behind Steve and Wanda, hoping that the slow steps and slight sway would help James fall asleep. Natasha rubbed James' back and kissed his head as she drifted off, even with the traffic noise around them.

"Is he finally asleep?" Steve asked as Natasha caught up to the duo.

"Yes. He was just too tired." Natasha smiled at her son before they started walking again.

"Do you want me to take him, baby?" Steve asked as he placed a hand on Natasha's lower back.

"No, he's fine. I don't want to wake him. I'll sit in the ice cream shop." Steve nodded beside her as they stopped to wait for the traffic light to change. Steve's hand slide down to to glass giving it a good squeeze. Natasha smirked before putting on a straight face and turning to Steve.

"You're still in the dog house."

Steve looked down at his red headed beauty with a confused look on his face. Then realization hit of the losing James incident and his face turned to one of fear.

"I love you. I'm so sorry."

"I know. I love you too, baby. But you have a lot of making up to do." Natasha winked at Steve before crossing the street. They got their ice cream and sat at a booth, all holding a sleeping baby while they ate.

"Let's get these guys home." Steve said as he stood with Sarah.

"I wish someone would carry me." Wanda mumbled as she stood with Grace.

Natasha just chuckled as they headed back to the cars. Today was a fantastic day. Other than her husband almost losing their son.

The family decided to have a family movie night and have lasagna. James loved it and it was easy. James and Wanda both fell asleep on the couch and were carried up to bed. Grace and Sarah were already sleeping in their crib as Natasha and Steve walked into their room.

"Now. It's time for you to start making it up to me." Natasha smirked up at Steve as he gulped. A smile slowly crossed his face as he wrapped his arms around her waist.

"Yes ma'am."

To be continued...

Something MoreOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora