Something More: Part 15

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Natasha refused to go to medical after her mission. Despite protests from the whole team. She had a concussion. That much she was sure of, but it wasn't her first. Her shoulder was killing her and she was positive there would be a large bruise. She had a laceration on her forearm which she had stitched on the plane with her one good hand and her teeth. She was quite proud of herself. Nothing was getting in the way of her getting to Steve right now. She checked her phone as she was walking off the jet.

I miss you..
When will you be home?
Also, I'm thinking pizza?

I miss you too
We just landed and pizza sounds great
I'll grab a shower and see you soon
Love you

He would probably be pissed if she didn't tell him about the concussion, so she made a mental note to tell him as soon as she gets back. She had really jumped in the deep end with the honesty thing. Steve and Natasha had many conversations about how even if it's going to make the other upset at first, they needed to not keep things from each other. Especially with all the secrets in their line of work. At first it was difficult to tell Steve what she was feeling and all her secrets but now she knew she could trust that even if they fought they would come together in the end. After all, she was the hot headed one and Steve always thought through his words before speaking. Natasha was the one would have to bite her tongue sometimes to not say something she would regret out of anger.

The drive felt like it took forever. Natasha just wanted to relax and traffic was horrible. She tried to distract herself and ended up thinking about Steve. She was smiling like an idiot to herself when she saw a child in the car beside her staring at her. She scowled at first but then smiled and waved. What the hell was Steve doing to her? She only likes the Barton children and kids were always a little standoff-ish with her. She was after all a cold-blooded assassin. When she finally got to the tower she noticed Steve's car was still gone so she figured he must be getting the pizza. She went to his room and sat at his desk. She was too tired and knew if she sat in the bed she would fall asleep. She needed to stay up for her concussion as well but the main reason was she needed to see Steve and kiss his face. It was the only thing getting her through the day at this point. She turned on his tv and was searching for a movie on Netflix when her phone went off again.

Where are you? Your car is here and I just checked your room

...your room wearing nothing but a smile

She was too busy smirking to herself. When Steve busted into the room with the pizza and a surprised look on his face that changed to a grin while he was shaking his head, Natasha burst out laughing.

"You know what Romanoff?" Steve grabbed her hand and bought her up to kiss him.

When they parted after a loving kiss, Natasha pecked his lips again and raised and eyebrow, "Are you going to tell me or should I guess?" As she gave him a cheeky smile.

"You know, I looked in your eyes and got lost and I forgot already."

"Oh my god. I can't believe you just said that." Natasha covered her face with both hands as Steve peppered kisses all over them.

"You're so embarrassing Steve!" She was laughing so hard, she had to push him away gently but left her hand on his chest, "Let's eat, I'm starving."

They turned the movie on and were eating with just some light conversation mainly about the movie because Steve was lost, when Natasha turned to look at Steve.

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