Something More: Part 29

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Steve and Natasha had a great visit with Tony and Pepper. Steve  grabbed enough work to keep him busy for a while at home, as Pepper showed Natasha around the new wing they renovated for when the little family stays at the compound. 

"Baby, there is a lasagna in the fridge; can you put it in the oven while I give James a bath and get him ready for bed?" Natasha asked walking through the entry way in front of Steve. She turned and pecked his cheek before heading upstairs as her blue eyed solider headed to the kitchen. Getting the lasagna in the oven first, he decided to make a garden salad; mostly to satisfy Natasha, he would have been happy with just pasta. Not wanting to miss out on any of the fun with his little family, Steve jogged up the stairs two at a time walking into the nursery as Natasha was dressing James in his sleeper. 

"Couldn't stay away, baby?" Natasha smirked looking over her shoulder at Steve. His blue eyes were shining watching the two most important people in his life.

"Not even if I tried, love." Steve flashed her his best smile watching as her smirk turned into a grin. 

"Okay, this little man is ready for bed. I know you never miss reading to him so do you want to do it while I nurse or after?"

"Well, I think he had a big day today with our outing so I guess we should get him to sleep." Steve replied as he grabbed Good Night Moon from beside the crib. Natasha nodded as she walked James over to the rocking chair and getting him situated on her lap. Steve pulled the stool over to sit beside his little family and Natasha couldn't help the grin and a small chuckle as she watched her super soldier try to fit on the tiny foot stool. "Don't laugh, its not nice." Steve playfully pouted at his girlfriend trying to make her pity him. His attempts proved futile when she just laughed again, this time placing her hand on his cheek.

"It's okay, baby. I love you. Even when you look ridiculous." Steve's jaw dropped. 

"That's a backhanded compliment." He furrowed his brows looking at his son, who was blissfully unaware that his mother was being rude to his father.

"Are you going to read to your son? He is going to be passed out with a full belly soon." Natasha successfully snapped Steve out of his self pity. As promised, before Steve could finish the book, James was asleep and being placed in his crib. Natasha and Steve kissed their sleeping baby and grabbed the monitor leaving hand in hand to go to the kitchen.

"I'm so hungry."

"You're always hungry, baby." Natasha smiled at Steve's pout as she grabbed a water from the fridge, "I'm hungry, too. Do you want to eat in the living room? We can put on a movie you missed out on." Natasha asked while taking the lasagna out of the oven. She started plating their dinner and got the salad dressing out before grabbing Steve a beer.  She always said that she wasn't made for this life, that she couldn't cook or be domestic and yet here she was making dinner wearing Steve's sweater. Hair in a messy bun after bathing their son and putting him to bed. Steve still thought she was the most beautiful woman he had even seen. He was hopelessly in love with her and he couldn't see his life without her in it. She was his endgame. 

"Thanks, love." Steve grabbed their plates and headed to the living room, setting them on the coffee table before heading back to the kitchen to help with anything else.  After settling on Underworld, they started the film and dug into their dinner.

"So.. she's a vampire? And he's a werewolf?"

"Not exactly... right now he is just a human." Natasha tried to explain as she finished her salad. "Just watch the movie, it will all make sense soon babe."

Steve furrowed his brows trying to pay attention. He always ate really fast and was finished his dinner already. Natasha was just starting her lasagna, and from past experience; he knew she was trying to torture him. She had been making comments all day about how they were going to be doing the horizontal mambo tonight. Not to mention all the times she walked by and brushed against him or ran her finger tips down his chest making him shiver. And don't even get him started on all the times she grabbed his ass. She was letting the anticipation slowly kill him and she does it so well. If he had to choose a way to go, he thought this wasn't the worst. Just as the guy was jumping out a window on the tv, it was like a light bulb went off in Steve's head. He turned to see Natasha engrossed in the movie, slowly chewing her meal. Steve thought two could play at this game and he could surely out-wait her. Bringing his beer to his lips, he purposely spilled some down the front of his t-shirt. Letting out a huff of fake annoyance as he set his beer on the coffee table, he quickly removed his shirt and threw it across the room. He didn't miss how Natasha's eyes were lingering on his now bare chest, abs and biceps. As clever as Steve thought he was; he wasn't a good liar or actor. Natasha saw right through his act and was not happy to admit; it was working. Why was he so hot? Now she was getting pissed. Natasha wasn't paying attention to the movie anymore. She was debating in her head whether letting him win was worth it or not when she caught a glimpse of him flexing. 

Deciding that she couldn't deal with a smug Steve for the next couple days, Natasha hatched a plan in her head. "I'm headed up to bed. Love you." Natasha stood up and leaned over to Steve pecking his lips before turning to head to bed. Steve frowned as he watched her ascend the stairs. He was clearly confused on what happened. Turning the movie off and cleaning up the living room, he loaded the dishwasher and tidied up the food before double checking the house was locked up tight. Steve headed upstairs and quickly checked on James making sure he was still asleep and breathing. Steve was still a nervous father and he would always rather be safe than sorry even if his incessant checking on James did drive Natasha nuts sometimes.  Steve wasn't prepared for what waited for him in the master bedroom. As he rounded the corner, he was met with Natasha standing in front of the bed in red lingerie. 

"Hey, baby."

"H-hi." Steve managed to stutter as Natasha slowly stocked towards him. 

"Are you done playing your little game?" Steve could only nod. He always thought red was her colour, and he was proved right once again. "Good. Because I would really like you to kiss me know." Natasha whispered across his lips. Steve didn't need to be told twice as he leaned down to capture her lips. He swiped his tongue across her bottom lip wanting access which she denied. Steve took her by surprise when he pulled her up by the back of her knees to carry her to the bed causing Natasha to gasp which Steve took to his advantage pushing his tongue into her mouth.

As Steve placed Natasha on the bed he broke the kiss as he hovered above her, "I love you Nat."

"I love you too, Steve." Natasha smiled up at his as she lightly caressed his cheek. Steve returned her smile as he bought her back into a slow kiss.

To be continued...

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